MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 426: Lead the snake out of the hole

When Li Yao came, he was fully prepared. If ordinary lakes and rivers want to go into the water, they only need to prepare breathing medicine, but if they want to go into the sea, they have to face great water pressure.

If there is no breathing potion, it can persist in the water for a while, but if the water pressure is high, the movement and sensitivity are lightly restricted, and the sea area that is too deep will be directly crushed to death.

When Li Yao came, he didn't expect to get two Zhenhaizhu, so he prepared breathing medicine and anti-stress scroll.

The pressure-resistant scroll is a special scroll that counteracts the pressure on the seabed. If there is no special props, it is indispensable to go to the sea.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, take these breathing potions and anti-stress scrolls, remember to use the CD for your own use." Li Yao traded over.

"Ah, what a beautiful underwater world, hum, fortunately I'm here." Hitomi was still a little emotional.

"Stop making trouble, output quickly, haven't you seen that you are still fighting monsters?" Sister Li said.

Tongtong stuck out her tongue at Li Yao and suddenly did not dare to entangle the original problem, and then began to release the chain of lightning.

Hitomi is very clever. He just released the Healing Totem, but the Flame Totem and the Flame Spell Face Burst did not use it.

"Uncle, can I summon the mounts to fight together, the mounts you sent me are amazing." Said the cute and adorable pupil.

"Yes, you can also drink a bottle of breathing potion for him to bless the pressure-resistant scroll." Li Yao said, that mutant caveman mount is still very good for current players.

If one learns the skills of an animal trainer, it is not impossible to evolve into a real collar even if it is able to grow young. But this is a waste of time, and few people are willing to try.

Generally, it is the most suitable to find a leader-level battle pet or mount directly, and then cultivate it to a higher quality.

Of course, this is the situation in the previous life. At this stage, only a small number of players can have a leader-level summon or pet.

As for those who can turn intermediate collars into pets, it is estimated that there will not be a few in the entire game, and you can have multiple intermediate collars at once. It is estimated that Li Yao is truly the only one.

Hitomi Hitomi is known as Totemsa, and the totem alone occupies nearly half of his combat power.

Shaman has three talent branches, the enhancement system uses claw gloves for melee, the healing system belongs to the magic healing system, and then the element system that releases various spells.

To subdivide talents, Hitomi belongs to the elemental system, but in addition to summoning the totems of the three elements, it can also summon some special totems.

For example, elemental Sa cannot summon healing totems, especially there is a totem that can release healing chains. Hitomi is equivalent to half a treatment.

With the addition of elemental totems, you can summon earth elemental and fire elemental totems. Unlike ordinary summoning, they are attached to the totem. The totem has only 100 health. If the totem disappears, the pet will disappear.

But correspondingly, as long as the totem is placed in a safe place, the summoned elemental pet is immortal.

The disadvantages and advantages are equally obvious.

This time even the fire element totem was summoned. Although the smoke has been evaporating the sea, the totem is intact and the flame totem cannot be removed.

Cooperating with the wind totem that will release the wind blade, even if it does not use its full strength, the combat effectiveness is also bursting.

The caveman is a goblin’s exclusive mount, or a special seat, and can be well fixed from being dropped.

The cute pupil pupil can output with peace of mind from the top, and the caveman is not weaker than their captain. Combat and the assistance of the healing totem, it is also more and more courageous.

"Damn 6 people, we have always had nothing to do with the world, why invade our territory." A leader wearing equipment and a lightning ball rushed over with some frogmen.

"Tongtong, your kind is here." Li Yao teased.

"What? I'm not a lazy toad." Dumb Tongtong released a lightning ball directly at Li Yao.

Li Yaoying turned and avoided, Tongtong smiled and said, "Big brother, you are only like now."

"Stop making trouble, please kill this group, or it won't be good for them to come." Sister Li said helplessly.

Li Yao nodded and started the emergency shooting. Soon these frogmen and poison dart frogs were cleaned up, and the three quickly picked up things, while Li Yao was quick to collect the poison sac of the poison dart frog.

The multi-headed snake looked fiercely hot. He knew that this was Li Yao preparing for his evolution, and he also knew that Li Yao wanted to evolve a poisonous snake this time.

"Damn it, you bastards, why invaded our territory?" The frogman shouted from a distance, but Li Yao and the others ignored him, and he immediately became angry.

His dignified patrol officer was actually ignored by these despicable and shameless creatures. In front of so many subordinates, it really made him lose face.

Li Yao slowly collected the last poison dart frog materials, and said: "We have received the prince's order to kill the traitors here."

The frogman patrol officer's eyes flashed with surprise, and said, "Prince, that prince?"

Li Yao smiled and said: "Don’t pretend to be confused, you scumbags ~ because you betray your prince for profit, you will not hesitate to chase and ban your prince, and also intercept your prince’s return. You said I was talking about that prince. ?"

"As a royal family, he has never cared about life and death, cruelty, and murderousness. How can such a person be worthy of our future king? We don't want him to bring disaster to our tide tribe. Don't be fooled by that guy. Now." The frogman patrol officer looked indignant.

Hitomi was puzzled: "Is that prince really so bad?"

The patrol officer quickly said: "Naturally, it is true. It is true that my sister was tortured to death by this beast, and I was only one of the victims. As a last resort, we raised the pole and ended his tyranny. Why not, You take me to find the prince, our general will definitely thank you very well. How, now that guy is running too hastily, what benefit can he give you?"

"Why do I feel that what he said is so false?" Dumb Tongtong said puzzledly.

"It was originally fake." Li Yao sneered, "Stop talking about those useless. I promise to kill all of you traitors. The prince will give me his transforming orb, do you have any?"

"Damn it, the Transformation Orb is the heritage treasure of my tide tribe. This waste can't even play half of its effect, and it's unreasonable to want to send it out." The tide patrol officer pointed to Li Yao and said, "I don't want to. Nonsense, take me to find the prince, you will benefit, if not, you can stay, don’t even want to run."

Li Yao saw another frogman stalker running in the direction of the tribe. Li Yao pretended not to see it. There was still some distance from the tribe, and it took a lot of time to go back and forth.

"I'm still interested in killing a traitor like you." Li Yao waved his hand: "The fight is on. The three of us can make an announcement last time."...


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