For mortals, Li Xu’s land will be exhausted, but in the eyes of the cultivator, it can be regarded as a normal battlefield.


The shield rushed and killed several dao soldiers before turning into a stream of light.

The tyrant Zhao Long!

Although this person is called a tyrant, his body is not burly, on the contrary, he is weak and weak like a scholar.

There is only one pair of eyes, cold and sharp, like an ominous beast, which makes people afraid to look directly.

He was injured!

The left arm was broken shoulder-to-shoulder, and the blood on the upper body was not dry, which made his imposing manner more and more aggressive.

"Senior Brother." Mo Qiu's lips are dry:

"What should I do now?"

"What else can I do?" Shen Quan's face is bitter :

"This is good, the one over there is even more ruthless!"

Mo Qiu turned his head to the side, and saw the flying Fairy Maiden Hua Li Yuzhi, slaughter all in the crowd sides.

It seems that before the inner sect disciple rushes back, I am afraid that no one can control it.


On the other side, the bully Zhao Long let out a low growl, dashed forward with his shield, followed him, and killed several people.

Count Mo Qiu, Shen Quan in front, two other Outer Sect Disciple, and more than ten Innate dao soldiers.

Although there are many people on your side, the faces of everyone are extremely ugly.

The person here is an expert of more than ten layers of Qi Refinement, similar to those characters of Lu Family ancestors.

Even, maybe even stronger!


One person roars, and at the same time pinches the trick:

"There is no dust, Thousands of locks and vines, go!"


With a shake of his hand, the dusty spirit vine seeds floated out of the sky, and crazily breeding in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, countless vines with small arms have already taken root in the ground and pounced on Zhao Long, the tyrant.

There are five elements in immortal art, among which the strength of wood element can give birth to all things, cure diseases and save people, but it is also the most tenacious, suitable for trapping and killing opponents.

Shen Quan took a deep breath, the aura flashed on his body, Vajra Talisman, body protection symbol, and wind symbol blessed in sequence.

More robes halo around to protect themselves.

These kinds of methods make Mo Qiu's eyes envious. He also has a vestment from a youngster from Dongan Mansion.

However, Divine Soul Power is limited and cannot be used for blood refinement. If you are in distress, you can only rely on the material of the clothes to resist.


During thinking, the vines tore in front, and a shield comparable to a wall rushed out.

Zhao Long followed closely from behind, with one hand lifted, a beam of black light moved towards Shen Quan fiercely and hit.


Shen Quan's eyes widened, he drank in a low mouth, gathered with magic power all over, and flew out with the orb.

The size of the orb quail egg, the water inside is vast, and with the traction of magic power, countless currents of baring fangs and brandishing claws fly out from it.

In an instant, it covers the land of several feet.

The water is weak, but once it bursts, it has the ability to destroy heaven extinguishing earth. Under the traction of Immortal Cultivator magic power, every drop of water can be used to kill people.


The black light touched one, the water exploded, the orb flew back quickly, and Shen Quan flushed.

Fortunately, he has cultivation several decades after all, his magic power is strong, and the water method is superb, but he barely stopped it.

The black light also showed True Form, but it was a black stick about one chi.

At this moment, the eyes of another Outer Sect Disciple flashed, and his figure suddenly flew, and the Flying Sword slayed towards Zhao Long.

In his opinion, although Zhao Long is strong, the two Magical Artifacts, the shield and the stick, are entangled, the vestment is also damaged, and he himself is seriously injured. This is the best time. .

sword light flashes, sharp eyebrows, and at the same time stretched out his big hand, five invisible ropes entangled.

Next moment, victory seems to be in sight, and the quota of inner sect disciple is also summoning to himself.


Someone suddenly exclaimed in the rear.

This person was taken aback, and before he came back to his senses, he saw Flying Sword passing by Zhao Long's silhouette.


There is no sensation of stabbing an entity.

Not good!

His heart was beating wildly, and he retreated subconsciously, but an increasingly bigger fist appeared in his eyes.

Above the fist front, the aura flashed, and a terrifying force burst out.



The screams stopped abruptly, and a headless corpse thumped to the ground.

Zhao Long's hands were stained with blood, his face was grinning, and his shield turned into a streamer to return.

Then he held a shield with one arm and rushed towards the dao soldier.

The shield can be large or small, and can be comparable to a city wall when it is large. It can be held with one hand when it is small, and there is infinite giant strength with a light hit, and no one can stop it.

There are even black clubs that roam around in the air, flickering from east to west, dao soldier simply is not an opponent.

"Fall apart, don't get together!"

Shen Quan yelled and pinched quickly at the same time:



The current surging, turning into a huge wave in a flash, the wave up to several feet rushes up, carrying infinite giant strength, shooting fiercely downwards.

The giant tree in front of him touched one of them, and instantly burst and collapse.

"Junior Brother Song!"

"I know."

Not far away, another Outer Sect Disciple body flashed, the imperial ebony sword blocked the stick , For Shen Quan guarantee and protect.


Under the huge wave, Zhao Long smiled coldly, and with a wave of his hand, the shield suddenly became bigger and pushed up.


On the shield, aura surging, like a layer of invisible repulsive force, pushing the tide back.

In the next instant, his face changed, and his figure disappeared instantly.


A thick aura fell from the sky, blasting at Zhao Long's original location, and the ground also appeared a huge hole.

"gu gu..."

The eagle puppet screamed in the sky, spreading its wings, avoiding an incoming spell.

"Junior Brother, good means!"

Shen Quan is overjoyed.

I heard that Junior Brother Mo was introduced by Yan Sect true inheritance. It seems that he is really proficient in Yanshi creation.

Such a puppet is comparable to Outer Sect Disciple.


Zhao Long was coldly snorted, his figure flickered ghostly, he stretched out one hand to hold the club, and waved fiercely forward.


A black Profound Light burst out, and the water and vines in front touched one another, instantly all split up and in pieces.

The shield follow closely from behind, rushing straight forward.


The Dao soldier who just rushed over was blasted out by the giant strength before he could do anything in the future.

He turned his gaze and looked towards Mo Qiu.

Mo Qiu's heart sank, Soul Absorbing Bell trembled rapidly at his waist, and two black smoke rushed towards Zhao Long.

However, there seems to be an invisible baleful aura on the opponent's body. The malicious ghost can't even get close. As soon as the distance is close, if he can kill the enemy in the future, his Yin Qi will be quickly consumed.

"fuck off!"

Zhao Long roared, the imperial shield sticks, rushed, and Shen Quan and Shen Quan had to retreat again and again.

After a few wrong steps, he rushed to Mo Qiu, clenched a fist with one hand, and the Profound Light flickered and blasted towards him.

The fist is condensed and contains terrifying giant strength. I am afraid that even a thousand-ton boulder can be smashed into pieces.

physical body and mortal flesh, even more unstoppable.

Just like the Outer Sect Disciple just now, his body was shattered by his punch, and he died on the spot.

"Junior Brother, be careful!"

Shen Quan's shout was only a reminder, but he was unable to help.


Mo Qiu narrowed his eyes, exhaled lightly in an instant, and his body suddenly turned into about one zhang height under the gaze of everyone.

A layer of flames of black smoke covered the whole body.

The power of terror violently raged.

Darkevil True Body!

Extreme increase!

Fire Fiend True Aura!

He stepped on the ground, his muscles and muscles shook in an orderly manner, and the countless strengths hidden in the fleshy body instantly rushed to the front of the fist and consolidated.

Fire Fiend True Aura envelops the fighter and strikes out brazenly.


Fists collided, the earth sank suddenly, and countless serpentine cracks moved towards all directions spread rapidly.

Mo Qiu took a step back, but Zhao Long looked surprised, his body leaned back slightly out of control.

It can be seen that even if Mo Qiu spare no effort, the real power is still slightly inferior to the other party.


If you fight close, you can't win with a lot of strength.


Mo Qiu slammed his feet, stepped on the ground, and rushed forward, his hands hovering like snakes, entangled his opponent, and then bent his elbows forward.

Bend your elbows!

Move the block!

Shuangfeng fills your ears!

Comic palm!

He is like a violent bear, but his movements are as agile as an ape.


In an instant, a series of offensives blasted Zhao Long, especially the heart, throat, and eyes.

Various hidden inner strengths, crazily flooded into the opponent's body, and then erupted by real strength.


Along with a loud noise, the two retreated violently, Mo Qiu staggered and pale.

Zhao Long's blood spout from mouth fell upside down, his body was sunken in his chest, and his fleshy body was distorted, as if he had suffered inhuman torture.

This unexpected result made everyone stunned.

However, the situation seems to be reversed in an instant!


Shen Quan's response was the fastest, his eyes lit up, he greeted him, and several magical charms inspired one after another.

Immediately afterwards, countless small but tenacious canes rushed out of the ground quickly, wrapping Zhao Lang tightly.

The sky is full of water, like a waterfall pouring down, crashing down.

More eagle puppets gu gu screamed, their wings shook, and thousands of arrows shot rapidly.

"hong long long..."

For a time, the earth roared, and countless rocks were turned into dust, flying all over the sky.

After a while.

"Is it dead?"

Someone spoke with lingering fears.

Mo Qiu's eyes flashed, five fingers stretched out, and the Fire Fiend True Aura flew out of his body, turning into a Fire Dragon, and rushed towards the broken fleshy body.


The aura is surging, it seems to be doing the last struggle, but after all, it lost to the corrosion of Fire Fiend True Aura.

In a flash, the fleshy body ablated.

"Really dead." One body trembled slightly:

"We actually killed a servant of Blood Dragon? A Peak inner sect disciple?"

"It's because he was injured and his strength is inadequate." The Junior Brother Song not far away also relaxed and looked towards Mo Qiu, his eyes were exclaimed:

"Of course, This time, it is up to Junior Brother Mo to show off his power."

Everyone was nodded.

In the situation just now, it seems that everyone is besieging Zhao Long, but it is actually being crushed and beaten.

Almost no one is the opponent.

If it wasn't for Mo Qiu's sudden violent and reversal of the situation, if not, there would be two people left here.

"It's not time to relax." Mo Qiu's complexion is not good, and the corners of his mouth are bloodshot, but he dared not relax. He moved towards Fairy Maiden Hua and Li Yuzhi not far away.

Everyone's expressions condensed, and they looked sideways at the same time.

There, Grey Plume Sect has only a few people left in a group, guarding against it, and working together to delay time.

Li Yuzhi's complexion was gloomy, but he stopped his movements and looked towards this side.

She glanced at the corpse of Zhao Long, the tyrant, and set her gaze on Mo Qiu, her beautiful eyes shrank, and she was coldly snorted.

Immediately, the body flashed and escaped into the jungle behind.

After a fight, she was seriously injured, and now the magic power is almost exhausted. She has never won the entire group that can kill the bully.


Shen Quan relaxed:

"It's finally safe."

He scanned the audience with his eyes Flashing:

"It's time to divide into spoils of war."

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