spoils of war?

Mo Qiu looked toward the distance.

There is still fighting continued, incessant roar, but the presence of a few people, no one wants to get involved.

Just one was seriously injured and animals, let them struggling to cope with multi-person dead, blood Dragon Zhao Wuya himself, how should the powerful?

I go, afraid of nothing but killed it.

"Junior Brother, outer kill opponents, without seizing things turned sect." Shen Quan eyes flashing schematically channel:

"You first option."

in Towering Clouds Mountain Range, long before Grey Plume Sect was founded, divide spoils of war had been mature rules, assigned by the credit strength.

This time kill Zhao Long, undoubtedly the greatest of Mo Qiu suddenly soared credit, but ultimately, help other people.

Let him before the election, as it should be by rights.

Mo Qiu back to God, sweeping the field of ophthalmic composition.

The most prominent naturally shields, sticks these two Magical Artifact.

With his experience, would have guessed that these two Magical Artifact not general, when a middle grade Magical Artifact.

At first, like a huge Lu Mansion has only two middle grade Magical Artifact, naturally worth a lot of money, formidable power saw for himself what is just.

But ......

Mo Qiu beckoned with one hand, may just be gentle of Fire Fiend True Aura roll towards the ground, next to Zhao Long bones back from a bag.

dusty bag, much worst than a slap at, the bag tied with gold rope, heavy start, which when placed heavy loads.

try to open the bag, seemingly simple knot, but in any case can not be untied.

seeing, Mo Qiu face was lit up, the bag incorporated into the arms.

For his choice, the other two are not surprised, but rather a look of envy.

"! Storage bag"

Shen Quan softly Yi Tan:

"This is a good thing, ah, even if I were inner sect disciple, and only a handful have. "

storage bag Although there is no attack, defense can be, but it can accommodate a lot of things.

combined with easy refining, scarce, somewhat more expensive than middle grade Magical Artifact.

even more how, you never know what is in the storage bag, even if there are large sums of Spirit Stone is not unexpected.

Then he beckoned with one hand, taken from the ground not far from the shield in his hand a careful viewing.

eyes, and exposing the joy of color.

For a life insurance cultivator is on, this was a powerful defensive power, let Shen Quan extremely satisfied.

"Junior Brother Song, your turn."

He patted his forehead, said:

"forgot to introduce, Mo Qiu Junior Brother Mo, which bit is the view of Song Grey Plume Peak as Junior Brother Song. "

" Junior Brother Song young and promising, Jingshan wood-way street law, heard soon become the inner sect disciple. "

". Senior Brother overrated" Song view as in about twenty five or six gentle temperament, towards Mo Qiu hand:

"Moxiong extraordinary martial arts, exquisite skill Yanshi next admire!"

"kind." Mo Qiu shaking his head, hand signals: "! Brother Song please"

". en"

Song concept as cheeky pondered , looking to stay in the moment that sticks, then moved on Zhao Long bones.

via Mo Qiu Fire Fiend True Aura erosion, which should not be left with, at least the clothes no deposit.

But the scene there are a pair of soft boots, still intact.

can Yingkang Fire Fiend True Aura, will certainly not where the goods.

beckoned with one hand, soft boots fall into the hands of Song outlook as disregard for others eyes, boots replaced on the spot, the surface is a joy.


silhouette shaking, and instantly disappeared in place, appear where twenty meters away.

This velocity, people moving.

No wonder Zhao Long's movement method just so amazing, even Mo Qiu, have no time to dodge.

Think about it, the great majority of the power soft boots. ". Junior Brother Song good eye"

Shen Quan eyes with regret:

"With this thing, do not say other, at least on the occasion of distress chance to save your life a lot more. "

" haha ​​....... "Song outlook as Langxiao:

" Senior Brother heartbeat if we could for a change, this Song wish "

Shen Quan eyes fretting, then gently shook his head:

"! that's all"

"I view this matter, although wonderful, but it is limited by the speed of human messengers, body bone I can not, even put on, the speed can not be afraid to mention how much. "

" Senior Brother good eye. "

Song Zan concept such as light, while big sleeves Qinghui, holding an invisible impulsive field sticks and landed in front of Mo Qiu:

"Mo Xiong, if not without you, and so overwhelmed I mention the spoils of war, said the two were able to escape unharmed."

"this last thing, Angelica you all."

"this is ......" Mo Qiu cheeky hesitated, looked towards Shen Quan.

Shen Quan Quan nodded:

"I have no opinion, Junior Brother accept that."

Mo Qiu accept this.

As many Innate dao soldier in the field, despite heavy losses, but not in the income ranks.

some fighting, although surrounded by perils, fortunately gains a lot of money.

storage bag, sticks, are rare things, upon refining, Mo Qiu strength will certainly be able advanced by leaps and bounds.

'Unfortunately, the limited Divine Soul Power, unable to continue blood refinement Magical Artifact, unless erase Immortal Cloud Shield or Fire Dragon Pendant. '

these two distinct things, but equally important, are indispensable.

after all, lack of strength!

"ka-cha Cha ......"

idea of ​​rotation between the distance projections snaps as trees have sounded.

a few people back, to see a soaring blood light, meandering in the jungle in the line, toward this place.

blood light is off, the collapse of trees, dust everywhere.

"dragon blood!"

"Zhao Wuya!"


all complexion greatly changed, too late think, it is the facilities of movement method, looked toward the spread.

"Om ......"

void shocked, and a touch of dark blood light from the rear of the expansion of madness, had enveloped the surrounding blink of an eye.

all inside, while a lag stature.

"pu pass! Plop!"

Mo Qiu speak, his heartbeat accelerated, blood surging madness, as if to break out of the body in general.

Not good!

his mind a condensate, Sea of ​​Consciousness Buddha emerge.


"Motionless As Mountains Seal!"

cultivation technique operation body inner Qi blood is suppressed, return control again, others apparently did so on this capability.



a person screaming sound, blood spout from mouth, blood sky convergence, touch rearward blade light cast go.

"call ......"

Scarlet blade light Sheng, surge speed, such as blood Yao Long Johnson, cut a few moments dao soldier.

blade light through the blood dao soldier's body, actually is to give all Xuedao swallow suction cleaner, and instantly turned into a mummy.

blood light, but also a filled again.

"left me!"

Jiaochi voice sounded in the sky, thunder and lightning void, dozens of children arm thickness of the electro-optical fiercely fall.

"crackle ......"

H electrooptic on blood light, striking a large blood flower, also show a blurred appearance of ghosts.

Mu Qing's silhouette in the distance jump now, mouth shouted: "! Stop him"

Mo Qiu did not hesitate to accelerate the escape.

stopped a true inheritance?

What a joke!

and like him

Shen Quan choice, who Emmanuel flashing, speed up the run, the only concept such as Song hesitated.

However, they want to escape, behind the ghost was apparently unwilling to let the matter rest.


soon Guaixiao, ghost again ripped through a dao soldier, his eyes blood toward the most exuberant silhouette.

Mo Qiu!


"Give me blood!"

ghost flashing, twinkling ten zhang, speed and even many of the cultivator Flying Sword, fear can not keep up.

Several flash, it is not far behind fierce.


Mo Qiu looking sank, suddenly turned around, ready to go the Fire Dragon Pendant bloom rich fire.

Meanwhile Immortal Cloud Shield wrapped around the body, continue to fly back.


"gu gu!"

eagle puppet roar, a co-wings, sharp claw bounce, moved towards the top-down ghost lunged.

"Bang ..."

a huge fire sea born out of thin air, swept in front of ten zhang or so of land, rich flames wrapped four times.

more an eagle against the flames, mouth open, spit out one after another glaring crazy Emmanuel.

"hong long long ......"

whirling flame, ground roar.

Even so, the Mysterious Fire Dragon Soaring positive boom in the blood light, even still tenacious, although the body weeks blood light escapes, still Yingkang offensive, a little closer to the distance between the two.


"Give me blood!"

ghost seems to be no reason, only an bloodthirsty madness, madness want to get blood.

In this case, the rear drive over from behind.

"crackling ......"

a huge thunder from the sky falling, like the Spiritual God waving Weaponry, fiercely boom on blood light.

next moment, blood light a lag.


group of a red glow when the air burst.

flames dispersed, several inner sect disciple appear all around, rapidly scanned optical head floating spirit audience. "! Cheated"

a muffled opening:

"Although Xuedao, this man is not Zhao Wuya, I say just why look so weak."


rearward Mo Qiu face revealed a bitter smile.

effort to stimulate repercussions Fire Dragon Pendant, let him fameng mind, body tremble slightly.

"! Lured the tiger away from the mountain, Junior Brother Liu" Mu Qing face changed:


sound off, a few people has been rushed to the direction towards when, as for others in the field, regardless of whether it is.

In the eyes of these inner sect disciple, several outer sect and a little dao soldier, far less important goal.

to leave a few people watched, Mo Qiu speak was, weak, are not close their eyes, sigh loudly.

here, could be so dangerous?

His worship into fairy doors, seeking a cultivation of the road, may not want to put themselves into a dangerous situation such as this!


On "cough cough ......"

soft collapse.

Enchanting woman hands over a soft lip, softly Qing Ke, attitude arouses pity. ". Senior Sister"

Mu Qing stepped forward, soundtrack concerns:

"? How are you"

This woman, a shocking contemporary Grey Plume Sect Lostmoon Peak true inheritance, Wang Qiaoxi.

". Nothing" Wang Qiaoxi gently waved, faint voice:

"does not hurt origin, were lucky, a training about a year, should be able to recover."

"damn!" Mu Qing beautiful eyes with evil:

"unfortunately did not catch surnamed Zhao, and this time sneak attack Senior Sister, he just wanted to ruin your ways,. . "

" no "Wang Qiaoxi beautiful eyes flashing:

" I sneaked into the sect sneak attack, even off the ground, not easy to escape, so the risk is too big, Zhao Wuya no means this and other reckless generation. "

" What did he order? "

" I am also very curious. "

Wang Qiaoxi from the body to work out a things, on the front looked thin:

"but I guess it should be for this thing."

"What's this?"

" one can open somewhere close to the key, I just thought that people casually said, now it seems, is very likely to be true "Wang Qiaoxi beautiful eyes flashing:

". can Dao Foundation is expected to make a true inheritance at distress, have been, I was actually very curious about this secret hidden "

paused, she looked up and asked:

". ? how zhao Wuya case "

Mu Qing replied:" although he escaped, but was seriously injured, but lost with the movement method is Xuedao, every few years, but fear is a return to "

"you wrong." Wang Qiaoxi shook his head:.

"Zhao Wuya the repair method strange, as if Gu Genji, and then re-injury can quickly recover lost Xuedao however, enough for him to feel bad for a while, I did not lose "

" Yes.. "Mu Qing thought, said:

" This time kill Zhao Wuya, many dísciple body ? dead, some people established the power, how to arrange when "

" according to the case is the "Wang Qiaoxi casually asked:

" I have heard that there is quite a bit outside dísciple ? as overhangs "

" Yes. "Mu Qing nodded:

" The man named Mo Qiu, although mortal Martial Artist, but proficient in Yanshi creation, strength is not weak. "

"ah ......"

"He seemed frightened, begged me to give him a job change security points. "

" Well ...... "Wang Qiaoxi Minzui:

" Unfortunately, the road to war, if not without fear fearless heart to the road, even if some innate talent, sooner or later obliterate all. "

" Senior Sister said it. "

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