Between the mountains, the rocks and trees are criss-crossed.

Under a naturally curved stone bridge, more than a dozen Wei Dynasty cultivators are resting here.

Everyone's face is full of exhaustion.

Some of them are from Law Guarding Office, some are from Imperial Court civil and military officials, and some are loose cultivator.

In the past, even though they were both Wei Dynasty cultivators, they still had a lot of dirty in private.

Nowadays, it has all disappeared.

"Spirit spots appear on my body too." One person rolled up his sleeves and his face was complicated:

"If I don’t leave Secret Realm in two months, I will Secret Realm’s body will completely adapt to it."

"At that time..."

"I want to go back, but I can’t go back!"

Secret Realm and The difference between Heaven and Earth Rule in the outside world causes outsiders to stay in Secret Realm for a long time, and they will grow spiritual spots on their bodies.

In the past, there was a rotation every two or three years.

No matter how bad, there will be a secret medicine to wash away the spots on the body, so that you will not be trapped here in Secret Realm.


Formation is destroyed and cannot go out. The cultivator that came in a few years earlier has gradually produced mutations.

"Nine Formation stone pillars, two were destroyed by evil ways, Wang Qiaoxi and Princess Liang took away three, and four were left." A man with a majestic face said in a deep voice:

"We must find them, otherwise we will not escape."

"Difficult!" One person shook his head:

"A few days ago, the princess still had a message, but Now that they have lost contact, no one knows where they are."

"As for the others, as long as they hold the stone pillar, they are probably hiding, waiting for Formation to start."

"Who is willing to take the risk to reveal the trail, if the evil way finds it, then the real gain will not be worth the loss."

There was a silence in the field.

At this time, a female crown said:

"In fact, in addition to these, there is Formation stone pillar."

"en?" , One person is even more puzzled:

"Fairy Han is joking, a set of Formation, stone pillar clearly only has nine."

"A set of nine, but, There is more than one set here." Fairy Han stretched out his hand and moved towards the distance with a finger:

"There is also a set on the evil way, and as far as I know, this Formation should be interoperable."


"So what?" Someone shook his head:

"Only with us, is it possible that can still take the evil Formation?"

"Don't try Try, who knows." Fairy Han smiled and said:

"It is certain that there are guards in the evil way Formation, but there are a lot of expert It shouldn't be."

Someone questioned:

"However, we don't know where Formation is, or even the place. Everything is empty talk."

Fairy Han was silent.

"I know." A young cultivator in the field said:

"Formation is in the south."

"en!" The majestic man's voice was cold:

"How do you know?"

"Wu Sanhui is there!" Youngster said:

"Senior Brother Hong of Law Guarding Office said, this The most likely to be the one who led the evil way into the house is Wu Sanwei."

"It has been so long now, his position has not changed, and he has not died, I am afraid that is the case."

"He is where Formation is now!"

The court fell silent again.

Everyone is lost in thought.

"Give it a go!"

The majestic man suddenly raised his head, showing divine light:

"Rather than stay and wait for death, it is better to fight. Fight, even if the chance is slim, it’s better than waiting to die."

"Yes!" Someone echoed, and the voice mentioned:


"But even if we can start with the stone pillar, how can we ensure that the people who are in contact are ours." Some people also questioned it.

"I can do this." Fairy Han said:

"Although they are similar in general, there are always differences in subtleties, so you can use them with just a few adjustments."

"Okay!" The majestic man patted his hands:

"That's it. Let's dive near Formation, find a maneuver, start with the stone pillar, and leave immediately."


"Specific plans, talk while walking!"


Bottom of the swamp.

A hazy ball of light undulates with the movement of the earth veins and silt, and the three people inside sit still cross-legged.

In the middle of them, a stone pillar is suspended quietly, and the surface flashes with faint aura from time to time.


There was a steep roar above.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of roars, roars, and the aftermath of fighting with cultivator.

One of them looked up, struggling.

"Don't pay attention." One person said in a deep voice:

"We are not strong enough. Not only can we not save people, but we will be in danger."

"If you lose even the Formation stone pillar..."

He gently shook his head:

"In short, the gains outweigh the losses."

"Not bad." Finally No one opened his eyes until the end, and heard the sound indifferently said:

"There is a shadow, as long as we don’t show up, even the true inheritance of the evil way will never find out here."


"Don't do anything, don't care about anything, wait for Formation to turn on, and we will go out."

The person's eyes flickered before, and finally he sighed helplessly, closed his six senses, and held his breath.


"Where is it?"

"Where is it?"

Far away in the sky, Li Yuanjing binoculars Round stare, faint black light gleaming in the eyes, reflecting the scenery below.

The aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and there are already two true inheritances who died in his hands during this time.

The place where he is now has been designated as a forbidden zone by the evil way, and he is strictly ordered to fight with him without authorization.



A ray of light fell on the top of the mountain, showing the beautiful and charming figure of Yue Changge.

At this time, she has a cold face, killing intents all over her body, and a pair of beautiful eyes is faintly glowing.

"Don't let me find you, otherwise..."

"You will regret coming to this world!"



Dozens of formation flags flew out in order, plunged into the rocks, the earth, and even the currents.

Not long ago, Lesser Five Elements Reverse Formation took shape.

Mo Qiu stepped into it, adjusted it slightly, and showed satisfaction on his face.

Immediately looking back, looked towards Huang Min:

"I need to retreat for a period of time. During this period, you guard in the vicinity and look for other people's trails by the way."


"If you can find a clue to the Formation stone pillar, it would be better."

"Senior Brother, but I..." Huang Min looked worried:

" I'm afraid I can't do it well."

"You have to have confidence in yourself." Mo Qiu glanced at her, and then took out a few things from her body:

"These, you first Use it."


Huang Min hurriedly reached out and took it. The first thing he started with was a vestment of as thin as cicada wing.

"This vestment has a good ability to gather breath. Putting it on, it is not easy to be discovered."

Mo Qiu spoke, and then pointed to a dark thing. :

"This thing is a honeycomb, created by Yanshi, I made it in my spare time. There are 1,300 Spirit Peaks in it."

"I tell you to control the method, When you put them out, you can search for the movement within ten li or so around."

"They don’t have spiritual wisdom, they just don’t need to fly around, so don’t rely on it to fight the enemy."

"By the way, remember to let it go, don't take it back, or it may attract a cultivator."

"en!" Huang Min collected good things and was nodded.

One invisibility, one pursuit, with these two distinct things, she also has a little confidence in her safety.

"And this." Mo Qiu slightly hesitated, and took out one more thing, but it was a big bone bead.

"This white bone Relic has become a high grade Magical Artifact. You can let it go to kill the enemy in danger."

"White bone Relic." Huang Min's face twitched, and there was something in his eyes. Surprised and delighted.

The shock is the horror of this thing. If you are not careful, you may be swallowed by it.

Hi, I started with high grade Magical Artifact.

Be aware that Grey Plume Sect, a high grade Magical Artifact, is also known, and she is not in her turn.

"Be careful." Mo Qiu glanced at her and said:

"This thing is dangerous even if it is not used, especially without the suppression of the Harmonious Bond Sect method. Under the circumstances."

"Yes, yes." Huang Min cautiously took the white bone beads, and injected a magic power inward:

"many thanks Senior Brother."

"en. ”

Mo Qiu nodded, don’t say much now, step into the array core.

Firmly, he took out a storage bag and took out the inner core of the dragon carp beast from it.

As soon as he started, the rich essence made his inner Qi tremble.

Magic power has become a little more active because of this.

inner core!

Rare Item that can increase the cultivation base.


Mo Qiu collapsed with one hand, a ray of flame emerged out of thin air, quietly wrapped around the inner core.

The magic power in the body revolves rapidly in accordance with the Profound Fire Twelwe Palaces, and at a certain moment, it suddenly stabs outward.


On the inner core in front of you, flames penetrated into it.

A wisp of seemingly weak but in fact contains the breath of terrifying essence, flowing along the flames toward Mo Qiu's body.

It seems to have swallowed more than ten Parting Fire Returning Ruin Pills in one breath, and there was a feeling of abdomen in the body.

Mo Qiu calmly squeezes secret art.


A group of flames suddenly emerged from his body, and in an instant, it turned into a burning man.

In the five internal organs of the burning man's belly, a cloud of glow lingered and surging, and was quickly refining by the flame.

Powerful essence poured into Fleshy body, making his flesh and skin tight, even with a feeling of cracking.

Fortunately, Mo Qiu's fleshy body is extremely powerful. Under such impact, it is actually tenacious.

Only the magic power in the body, constantly refining the essence of the influx.

Time, slowly passing by.

The breath of Mo Qiu's body is getting stronger and stronger.

The magic power in the body is getting stronger and stronger, just like a river that opens a gate to release water, and the flow of the river suddenly widens.

Double, double, triple...

Taotao magic power runs in the body, and can also refining the inner core faster, forming a positive cycle.

The increase in magic power also feeds back the fleshy body.

Unconsciously, the Nether Law Body, which was originally restricted by the cultivation base, has gradually become a breakthrough limit.

Sit in the court obviously, but an illusory, untouchable feeling began to emerge from him.

Body week.

Thought Severing Blade and Heavenly Thunder Sword tremble from time to time, seeming to be inspired and excited by them.

The chant of the sword and sword, surging with the magic power in the body, faintly coincides with each other.

Qi Refinement 9-Layer Perfection, Qi Refinement ten layers, Qi Refinement ten layers Perfection......

Qi Refinement 11 layers!

This kind of rapidly skyrocketing cultivation base undoubtedly has serious repercussions, but he can no longer take care of it at this time.

The deficiency of the cultivation base has seriously affected Mo Qiu's strength, and it is now making up for this shortcoming.

At the same time.

The outside world has become less peaceful.


"How come?"

Huang Min hid in a cave, shiver coldly, holding the honeycomb in his hand and his face full of horror.

But in the hive's perception, there were ten li or so around, and a large number of evil cultivators came, and the spirit bees were discovered, killed, and lost their senses.

These evil cultivators seem to be searching for something.


Suddenly, a yelling sounded from not far away, and Huang Min's heart jumped and he rushed out.

At the same time flicks with the finger and took out Flying Sword.

next moment.


The weird roar, flying flying Sword instantly, also caused Huang Min to vomit blood and retreat frantically.

At the moment clenches the teeth, ignoring the others, shaking hands took out the bone Relic given to her by Mo Qiu.

In the distance.

Yue Changge, who closed his eyes and cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes:

"Found it!"

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