
With a scream, Huang Min was pierced to the ground by an invisible giant strength fiercely, his bones were almost broken, and the screams continued.

Not far away, Harmonious Bond Sect true inheritance dísciple Yue Changge is holding a white bone bead in his hand, and is looking down.

"It is indeed the breath of my younger brother."

She lifts the head and looks at Huang Min. Beautiful eyes are full of murderous intention:

" Who is it that killed him?"

Yue Changge was taken away by innate talent by the passing Harmonious Bond Sect female cultivator when he was five or six years old.

Change your name and surname, and worship sect.

Afterwards, the cultivation base was successful, but I always missed the vague memory.

Finally, I worked hard to find blood relatives and brought my younger brother Xu Ming back to the clan.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she did not point out the relationship between Xu Ming and herself.

Just entrust Direct Disciple to take care of one or two.

But I don't want to.

This long journey has become a farewell!

Although Harmonious Bond Sect is taking the road of indulgence, it is pursuing the road to cut love.

The thoughts in my heart are related to the future path.

Xu Ming was killed by someone. For Yue Changge, it was not only a heartache, but also an enmity that hindered the way.

However, it was not the person in front of him who killed Xu Ming.

At a glance, this white bone bead has been refined by others and Huang Min only has a certain right to use it.

That person is the real murderer.

"Who is it?"

She stepped on barefoot, and the white gauze undulated, revealing a white, pink, and crystal-like calf underneath.

The white gauze is thin and light, apart from this, she has nothing else on her body, and the charming loving body is even more faintly discernible.

Even though they are both women, Huang Min's eyes fall on the other person, and his face can't help showing enthusiasm. An agitation from the heart quietly breeds.

Heartbeat speeds up, her face flushes, her desires fluctuate, and her slender legs tighten subconsciously.

In my mind, there is even more chaos, and various indescribable thoughts keep appearing.

"Who is it?"

The erratic voice seemed to evoke the desire in people's hearts, causing Huang Min to shudder a few suddenly.

The moment of consciousness was so intense that she also completely lost her senses, and she opened her mouth to say the answer.

Just then.

"Senior Sister."

A Harmonious Bond Sect dísciple approached quickly, lowered his head, afraid to see where Yue Changge was:

"We found one Formation."


Yue Changge's beautiful eyes are slightly raised, and his slender figure quietly rises into the sky, moving towards the other person.

Then he said:

"Smash it!"


With an order, the Harmonious Bond gathered nearby The Sect cultivator shot together, all kinds of auras went straight to Formation.

“Bang... ”

“hong long long ……”

For a time, the earthquake trembled, the void restless, and the multi-colored halo shined One side of the sky.


Five Elements Qi is inverted and reciprocated, turning endlessly, forcibly resisting the incoming offensive, showing the power that Formation calls the pinnacle of spell.

However, the Formation can't be considered here is too complicated, and it has its limits. Under the continuous strikes of everyone, it just showed no support for a moment.

And the person in the main line, but for some reason, has not taken any action, only relying on Formation to resist, and the Spirit Stone that drives the Formation is also rapidly consuming spiritual power.

"It should be scared." A Harmonious Bond Sect male repairer flew to Yue Changge and whispered with a smile:

"Long song, your younger brother’s hatred of Majesty I'm about to report it. If you promised me, is it time to fulfill your promise."

"Senior Brother." Yue Changge's beautiful eyes flashed, and the rich murderous intention on his face instantly turned into a smile :

"What are you rushing about, what Junior Sister promised, have you never done it? The same is true this time."

"Yes, yes."

The man was nodded again and again, and his face was full of excitement, seeming to be extremely looking forward to what will happen in the future.

He is very old. Although he is Senior Brother, he has lost hope for further progress. Now he only wants pleasure. If he can get the lovable body of true inheritance Junior Sister...

It's a pleasure on earth!

The two of them are while speaking, and the situation below has also changed.


The sound of fragmentation came from the field of Formation, and the information of Five Elements Qi inside Formation also showed confusion.

The next moment.


The violent breath swept the audience in an instant. Nearly a hundred towering trees rose directly from the ground, and the smoke and dust surged like a sea wave. Xu's land.

At the core, the ruins of the gully stand in great numbers are revealed on the spot.

In the middle of the ruins.

A person with a face hidden, a sword hanging from his waist, hair flying in the wind, clothes hunting, and standing proudly on the spot.

Mo Qiu raised his head and breathed lightly, his body was turbid, and the qi accumulated in his heart for many years drifted away with the wind.

Qi Refinement 11 layers!

Qi Refinement 11 layers, who is less than fifty years old, until now, age is no longer a string on his head, and the depression in his heart is also free.


He moved forward, sighing slightly:

"One leap of Celestial Grotto thirty-six, then the bones will become immortals. ."

"This Mo has worked hard for decades, never dare to neglect, and to this day, I have finally achieved a little bit. It is a blessing!"

His voice is indifferent, with There are endless emotions, calmly expressing the feelings in his heart, but it seems that he has forgotten the more than twenty evil cultivators glare like a tiger watching his prey around him.


High in the sky, Yue Changge frowned slightly:

"Who is this person?"

"Qi Refinement 11 layers, the cultivation base is still a bit unstable, but a nobody that's all." The man beside him disdainfully said:

"This kind of piety is just a pretending to die. Calmly that's all, what can't be considered is nothing more than a corpse."


He gently shook his head and said:

"The murderer who killed Changge's brother and leaving the carcass, didn't it make him cheaper?"

"en. "Yue Changge beautiful eyes flashed, slowly nodded:

"Let's do it!"

The breath of the person below is pure and flawless; the divine sense fluctuates, and it is like the vast sky; although his face is vicissitudes, his temperament is dusty, and he is still in danger She was silent, she had only seen her in her life.

But even the murderer who killed Xu Ming, no matter how outstanding he is, he will never escape death.

The sound fell, and the man waved his hand fiercely.

next moment.

More than ten Magical Artifacts move at the same time, with various auras running through the void, disorderly and powerful and terrifying.

This kind of offensive, although everyone is not strong, but together, even if it is true inheritance, they must temporarily avoid the edge.

Magical Artifact is here, and Mo Qiu finally has action.


The long sleeves flick lightly, and Yin Wind Shadowless Sword moves against the current.

The cold sword light resembles the expanding Netherworld Ghost Domain, quietly swallowing all the incoming aura, and casually retreating the attack.

Yin Slaughter Twelwe Swords!

At this moment, Mo Qiu's sword-repelling method is just like an indescribable principle and a great way.

The calm is full of chic and casual, but in the flowing water, there is an unstoppable power.

The resembles nature itself, the agility of Miao Zhihao, everything is filled with a sense of perfect coordination.

Everyone was shocked when the sword came out.

Even Yue Changge slowly converges on her charming expression on her face, and a grave expression emerges in her beautiful eyes.

The method of this person controlling the sword is almost the same!

With her cultivation base, there is no weak spot. She even thinks it is wonderful, but I don’t know where it is.

There was a sudden silence in the field.

"Good Sword Art!"

Yue Changge tapped his hands and looked towards Mo Qiu, and the sound made everyone wake up from the surprise:

"Yes You, killed my brother Xu Ming?"

"Xu Ming..." Mo Qiu raised his head with a dazed face, before shook his head slowly, saying:

"Sorry , There are too many people killed, I don’t remember, just treat that Xu Ming was killed by me!"


Yue Changge looked angry.

She has always said and listened to these words, but she did not expect to be treated like this one day.


"Very good!"

At the moment, she clenched her silver teeth, fiercely nodded, and suddenly waved her bare hand:

"Do it, kill him!"


Somewhere in the canyon.

Liang Xuejun looked pale and staggered back until he leaned against the rock and stopped the retreat.

A huge thrust erupted behind her, and the rocks more than ten meters high broke apart.

Amidst the dust, she walked out with a dry cough in her mouth.

"Princess Liang, you still cannot escape."

A red glow hovered in the air, and then a figure with red hair and beard appeared outside the hundred zhang.

"Not bad."

The colorful clouds in the sky rolled and fell lightly by one person.

This person has a pretty face, but has a Adam's apple, a flat chest, and a clear voice like a oriole, making it difficult to distinguish male from female.

"After a few days of hunting, it is time to end."

blood light straddles the void, when the void stagnates, revealing the figure of Zhao Wuya, the blood dragon son of Nine Demons Hall .

Of the three, this person has the weakest breath!


Liang Xuejun was trembling, but he did not show any weakness. He opened his mouth and spit out a blood stream, disdain for coldly snorted:

"Three hits one , You are really promising!"

"winner is the king, loser is the villain, the winner is the same, no one cares what means to win." The red haired man sounded like a muffled thunder, The expression remains unmoved:

"Princess Liang, are you obediently surrender yourself, or am I waiting to do it?"

"Obediently surrender, the beauty of thinking." Liang Xuejun raised the pipe in his hand, Breathing desperately:

"And, do you really think you have won?"

"Don’t forget, Li Yuanjing of Grey Plume Sect is in the vicinity. He attracted him, and I don’t know who can survive!"

"Li Yuanjing......"

hearing this, all three of them narrowed their eyes.

But they woke up in an instant, Zhao Wuya sneered even more:

"The surname Li is indeed good, but the origin of the cultivation technique does not seem to be the inheritance of Grey Plume Sect."

"Besides, he is mad and crazy. If you count on him to save you, then you have miscalculated."

"Yes." It is difficult to distinguish between men and women. Said softly:

Besides, even if Li Yuanjing is here, the three here are true inheritance, are you afraid that he will not succeed?"

Liang Xuejun's heart is chilling.

"Let’s do it!"

Zhao Wuya took out the blood knife and said:

"Take her down, and then go to Wang Qiaoxi to solve these two people , Secret Realm is the madman left, when the time comes is slowly ending him."





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