Chapter 15

“This is our best villa. The surrounding scenery is beautiful, with mountains behind and lake in front.”

A sales lady in professional attire made an introduction.

Su Yang came out in the morning and brought Guo Xianliang and Wang Pu to buy a house.

With a billion in cash in hand, it is naturally impossible to buy an apartment, it must be a villa, and it is a free-standing one.

“We are the largest real estate development company in Jiangcheng, and the villas we have built have the best reputation.”

The sales lady is tall and looks like an internet celebrity.

Those who sell villas must look worthy of the price.

“Is that real estate also yours?”

On the opposite side of the lake, a group of villas, the sky is densely cloudy.

The sales lady’s eyes flickered, as if she was hiding something.

“That…I don’t know.”

Su Yang smiled: “Find your person in charge and say that I can get rid of the evil spirits there.”

The sales lady was surprised, and she could tell from a glance that there was evil over there, she must be an expert.

“Please wait.”

The sales lady immediately called the boss.

Wang Pu and Guo Xianliang look forward to it. They have never seen such a good house.

After a while, the sales lady said: “Our general manager invites you to come.”

From the villa to the sales department.

A Onee-san beauty appeared, dressed in professional attire, ponytails, and low-heeled shoes.

“Hello, I am Wei Shuang, the person in charge of this project.”

The daughter of Wei Wuji, the largest real estate developer in Jiangcheng?

“Well, my name is Su Yang.”

Wei Shuang was taken aback and looked at Su Yang again.

“You are Su Yang.”

In the past, real estate developers had the highest status in society.

Now the demon hunter has the highest status.

In the two live broadcasts, Su Yang became the newest demon hunter, how could Wei Shuang not know.


“Master Su, please here.”

Wei Shuang personally led the way to open the door and invited Su Yang into the VIP lounge.

The beauty under her hurriedly poured tea.

“Chief Su sees that there is a problem with the real estate opposite me, do you have a solution?”

Wei Shuang didn’t say much, and went straight to the subject.

“It’s a tricky monster.”

Su Yang pulled out a flower, Wei Shuang quickly took out a lighter to help light the fire.

“Let’s talk about it.”

Su Yang took a cigarette.

Wei Shuang sighed and talked about the real estate situation.

That real estate was the first real estate that Wei Shuang was in charge of, and it was considered that his father Wei Wuji tested her ability.

The design and marketing of the real estate were perfect, but when the market opened, when the middle garden was built, a weird coffin was dug out.

Since then things have changed drastically.

“It was one night, and the sky was raining heavily. I ordered overnight construction in order to catch up with the construction period. At 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, the workers dug up a coffin. At that time, everyone was not surprised. You know, Jiangcheng is the old capital of Chu, even if it is dug out. Thousand-year-old corpses are also very common. In order to grab time, the contractor ordered the workers to dig up the coffin. He had a selfish intention at the time, thinking that there could be any treasure in the coffin. When they dug with all their strength, the coffin blew out of blood and was frightened. They climbed up. The next morning, when the contractor came to the scene again, he found that eight workers were kneeling in the eight positions of the coffin last night, all dead. The contractor had a high fever when he returned and died in the ICU in the afternoon. The doctor No problems were found.”

When Wei Shuang spoke, his whole body was shaking, holding the hot water cup tightly with both hands.

“Because of this matter, no worker dared to enter the field.”

Wei Shuang continued.

Su Yang said: “Everyone who enters the arena is dead.”

Wei Shuang was stunned: “I can’t hide anything from Dao Master Su. I think there must be a brave man under the great reward. I increased my wages by ten times, but all the workers who entered the field died. One is stranger than the other. They were stuffed with wire, some were hung up in women’s red wedding gowns, and some burned themselves alive. No one dared to go anymore, I had to stop work.”

“Have you ever asked a demon hunter?”

“Please, but… also dead.”

Wei Shuang shook his head and sighed, like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

Su Yang glanced at the haze in the sky through the window.

“I’ll help you solve it and reward you for it.”

Su Yang pinched out the cigarette butt and threw it into the ashtray.

“Okay, as long as Su Daochang can solve it, everything is easy to say.”

Wei Shuang was overjoyed.

Actually invited Su Yang to go out, I hope this time there is no problem.


Su Yang opened the door and walked across the lake.

Everyone watched Su Yang walking across the water in astonishment.

“Miss, he is so young, can he do it?”

Said the assistant.

“The looks and age of the monk can’t be seen, maybe he is a hundred years old.”

Wei Shuang regards Su Yang as an old fellow who has practiced for a hundred years.

Su Yang stepped on the water, every step he took, a layer of ice formed under his feet, and the moment he lifted his feet, the ice melted again.

This is water travel-the technique of frost.

Walking past the lake and going ashore, the group of villas greeted us.

This villa group is a ring with a large garden in the middle.

The living floor is on the third floor, with lakes, mountains and trees underneath.

The focus of Wei Shuang’s publicity is the garden-style villa, and the name of the building is Hanging Garden.

The cold wind blew out from the entrance of the villa, and the haze in the sky suddenly increased.

Walking to the entrance of the villa’s gate, eight bodies were kneeling on the ground.

“The treasured land of spiritual officials, do not come near to strangers!”

The eight corpses suddenly raised their heads, their white eyes opened, and their flesh was purple, exuding a rancid smell.

They also wore the clothes of migrant workers.

Su Yang shook his head and sighed: After all, life is suffering, and even if you die, you can’t live in peace.

Taking out the cinnabar pen from the ring, Su Yang drew 8 resurrection spells.

As soon as the spell came out, the demon sensed Su Yang’s intention.

“My puppet, how can you be saved.”

The 8 corpses flew up suddenly and rushed towards Su Yang.

“Qing Qing Lingling, Rengui Chaozhen. The three souls return to the body, the seven souls are peaceful. The stage light is lingering, and the child’s body is fastened. Anxious like a law!”

Eight spells flew out and stuck to the corpse, and a burst of light penetrated the corpse’s forehead.

“rest in peace!”

Sparks flew out at 8 o’clock, Su Yang burned the corpse with a radiant fire.

The ashes were scattered on the ground.

Jingle bell…

The corpse burned, and 8 small pottery pieces fell on the ground and shattered into powder.

Corpse control talisman?

There are not only demons here, but also evil repairs.

Ding! 8 super puppet corpses and 2000 demon energy points.

“You dare to burn my puppet, it’s unreasonable!”

A middle-aged man walked out of the corner with a mourning stick in his hand.


There are tens of thousands of Taoism, the evil law can be used righteously, and the righteous law can also be used evilly.

Yuguimen uses ghouls as weapons and controls them to fight. It is also a kind of Taoist practice, and there is no such thing as good or evil.

It depends on how the cultivator himself uses it.

Yuguishi walked out with a crying stick, his eyes dull, and his expression grim.

This goods was the demon hunter that Wei Shuang invited. He died and was controlled by the monsters here and became the puppet of the monsters.

Yuguishi became a puppet, what a satirical thing.

“You pay me a puppet!”

The ghost master flew out quickly, waving the mourning stick in his hand. .

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