Chapter 16

The master’s cultivation level was not low, and he was controlled by demons after his death, and he was even more fierce.

The mourning stick was wrapped with yellow paper, and the moment of contact, the paper suddenly turned into a phantom of a hand, grabbing Su Yang.

The ghosts are bound in the mourning stick, and if caught by these hands, they will be filled with resentment.


Su Yang burst into flames all over his body and burned his hands. The fire cloth on his wrist was wrapped around the crying stick, and the other fire cloth gold snake danced wildly, entwining the waist of the ghost master.

“Like the fire technique? Wushan Five Elements?”

The ghost master was still awake, and was shocked by Su Yang’s Taoism.

This is the legendary Taoism.

“Friends, let’s go on the road with peace of mind, I will deal with the monsters inside!”


Huo Huan’s might, the crying stick and Yuguishi were burned to ashes at the same time.


Kill the puppet corpse, kill the evil spirits, and gain 3000 points of demon energy.


A group of flies-like insects flew over the sky, and the sound of their wings vibrating was very harsh.

This is?

Gu worm?


The Gu worm suddenly accelerated and ejected like a bullet.

Su Yang turned around and avoided the Gu worm, the granite gatepost at the door was actually penetrated, and the Gu worm was unharmed.

What a terrible bug.

Missing a hit, the Gu worm crawled out of the stone and continued to hunt down.

Hundreds of Gu worms are shooting like Gatlin.

Being hit by Gu worms is not a problem of transparent holes. They will immediately enter the body, secrete toxins, control the brain, and become walking corpses.

“Five Thunders—Thunder Barriers!”

Su Yang turned around, and a lightning barrier stopped in front.

Gu worms were fast, hitting the thunder barrier with one head, making a crackling sound, and all electrocuted to death.

“Ma De, Wu Lei Tian Xin Jue was actually used to slap mosquitoes.”

Su Yang vomited.

Such bugs have to use thunder.

“It turns out to be an expert in the Heavenly Master’s Mansion.”

An old woman walked out with a cane, coughing.

It was actually Gu Po Miao Jiang.

“Heavenly Master’s Mansion? Um… also count it.”

Su Yang laughed.

Incorporating Zhang Daoling’s exercises, the Heavenly Master’s Mansion should be called Su Yang Patriarch, Patriarch.

“Let me just say, how could it be possible to cultivate for a few days to become a master-level master? Daoists have been in retreat in Longhu Mountain for a hundred years.”

There was a gourd hanging on her walking stick, and she wandered around.

Although she is old, she doesn’t watch any live broadcasts.

But Su Yang’s reputation is too great.

Going out to kill the tree demon, and then killing three pupils and a hundred ghosts and corpses, the level of the Secret Net has been raised to 8th.

The Secret Net is equivalent to the Langya List of the monastic world, and Su Yang’s ranking is hung at the highest level.

The others are the heads of the seven old eighty sects, but Su Yang, a little boy who is less than 20 years old, actually sits on an equal footing with them.

If Gu Po doesn’t know Su Yang’s name, then don’t mix in the cultivating world.

“You are not controlled by demons.”

Su Yang took out a huazi and tapped it.

If you are controlled by demons and confuse your mind, you shouldn’t speak so soberly.

“I’m not controlled by the demon. I’m here to get things. The contents in the coffin are terrible. My old lady has to watch and don’t let anyone snatch it.”

Gu Po smiled sadly.

“Want to use things to make Gu?”

Su Yang spit out a puff of smoke.

“Yes, you are the elder of the Heavenly Master’s Mansion, and the younger ones don’t always lie to you.”

Gu Po believes that Su Yang is a hundred years old, so she calls herself a junior.

Su Yang couldn’t laugh or cry.

If you tell them that they have only practiced for three days, will they explode on the spot?

“Senior Daoist is strong and you don’t need these things. I beg you to do it for your convenience, raise your hands high, and leave here.”

Gu Po slowly took off the gourd, secretly guarding.

There is her killer in the gourd.

Su Yang threw the cigarette butt on the ground, took out his mobile phone, opened the secret network, and searched for “Gu Po”.

Sure enough, the Secret Online, the court offered a reward for Gu Po’s head, rewarding 30 million.

Task introduction:

Gu Po, Miao Jiang Xie Xiu, used Gu worms to seize the body of the Demon Hunter and is wanted worldwide.

Degree of danger: Level 6.

Bounty: 30 million.

“Please leave me, then what do you count as you attacked me with Gu worms just now? Besides, I come from the countryside and have relatively tight hands. You are quite valuable.”

Su Yang smiled and turned the phone screen at Gu Po, letting her read the reward information.

Gu Po’s face was cold, she opened the gourd, a very cold breath rushed out, and a layer of frost was quickly frozen around her, even she herself was shivering.

“Even though the seniors are great, my old lady is not a dry food, it’s a big deal.”

A crystal clear ice silkworm crawled out of the gourd.

This is Kunlun Ice Silkworm.

It is said that the Kunlun ice silkworm will freeze in a radius of a hundred li.

Wei Shuang stood in the VIP room, looking at the villa through the window.

The lake suddenly froze, and the glass also formed a layer of ice crystals.


The breath exhaled from the nose turned white.

“so cold.”

Wei Shuang was trembling with cold.

Guo Xianliang and Wang Pu were still looking at the house in the villa, but the temperature suddenly dropped and the water tank in the yard froze and cracked.

“Fuck, what’s going on!”

Guo Xianliang and Wang Pu hugged each other to warm each other.

Su Yang closed his eyes, feeling the coldness of Kunlun Ice Silkworm approaching the soul.

What a powerful Gu worm.


Su Yang hurriedly took a photo to collect evidence, and waited for it to be posted to the secret website, and asked the government for money.

“Yes, this ice silkworm is not at level 6.”

Su Yang put the phone in his pocket.

Gu Po was shocked, and changed to someone else. Even if the heads of Wudang and Shushan came, under the cold poison of the ice silkworm, it was impossible to be so calm.

How many years has Su Yang practiced?

“Yes, level 6 Gu worm, in terms of cold poison, it is the number one.”

Gu poked her heart, if the ice silkworm couldn’t help Su Yang, she would have to plant it.

“Any last words?”

Su Yang said slowly.


Gu Po thought she had heard it wrong.

“Walking mountains and rivers-thousands of miles of ice!”

Starting from the foot of Su Yang, an icicle more than one meter high rose from the ground and slammed into Gu.

“How can you be both water and fire?”

Gu Po yelled in horror.

Just now Su Yang used Huanli Divine Fire to kill Yuguishi, she saw it.

Ice silkworms can suppress fire, so she dared to wave.

Unexpectedly, Su Yang could still use water to freeze.

Wei Shuang found everything that could keep out the cold in the VIP room. The glass was frozen and cracked, and all the surroundings turned white.

Suddenly, several huge icicles rushed out of the lake, piercing the sky, reaching a height of tens of meters.

“In the end what happened?”

In the villa group,

The icicle pierced Gu Po into the air, and the blood flowed down the icicle.

Kunlun Ice Silkworm felt the strength of the ice on Su Yang’s body, and slowly climbed onto Su Yang’s body, docile as if he recognized his master.

“My… ice silkworm… actually…”

Gu Po died and did not stare at her.

“Good baby.”

Su Yang collected the ice silkworm into the ring, and the gemstone on it was covered with a layer of frost.

Take out the phone and take pictures of Zhang Gu’s tragic death.

Go inside to the middle of the villa group, a big pit with a dark coffin inside.

When the summer was full, Su Yang was suddenly frozen, cold and hot air currents alternated, and heavy rain began to fall in the sky. .

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