Mobile Fortress Saratoga ~Silvery Sword Princess Became My Servant.

Lesson 109: The One Who Doesn't Exist Anywhere (Part I)

A blunt (frightened) streamlined form of disease.

On the sand of darkness, watching the downtown lights on your right hand side, sand rippers (sand spreaders) are walking.

"Lord, more yah! Speed it up!

"Mr. Hertrude, please shut up for a moment!

When a hertrude with a hint of nanashi hips makes a scene in a desperate shape that is neither feminine nor feminine, the nashi also yells back at the irritating (needy) shivers.

They were in a hurry.

There's a reason, of course, for the two of us to be in a hurry so far.

A few minutes ago, Malane and Tricia came to the VIP room with a full grin. In response to a disturbing communication (call) from Uncle Pericles, they came to tell Nanashi about the outcome of the trial.

"Not guilty."

"Looks like Uncle Saratoga has been acquitted. They say."

Maraine purposefully posts (or bears) a piece of paper that says' Victory Lawsuit '.

But as he dared (ah) not to worry about it, Nanashi looked at Hertrude and his face, they both exhaled heavily.


"Wu, I'm not very worried about you. Well, it was good."

Nanashi unwittingly laughs at Hertrude, who honestly doesn't say it was good. But there was a continuation of the Maraine and the others.


"If the noise gets so loud, I won't convince the people without any blame, but this time they're going to have to execute a housekeeper (maid) instead of one Uncle Saratoga."


Nanashi who can't chase understanding and opens his mouth pompously. The housekeeper (maid) is definitely the missing Miriam. After a moment, the hertrude becomes fierce.

"You, the housekeeper (maid of honor), call it 'It looks like it's all you need'!

Hertrude rushes over and twists Tricia's chest. Tricia, however, looked at Hertrude in a muttering manner after giving him a surprised look.

"I don't know if it's in Hertrude's country, but it's wonderful that a housekeeper (maid) can take the place of a lord, because you recognize that a lord and a housekeeper (maid) are worth the same. I'm proud to be the same housekeeper.

"Proud to die? I don't want to be such an asshole!

When Hertrude abhorrently pushes Tricia, he turns to Nanasi with that momentum.

"Lord Han! I'm not gonna keep looking at you like this!


Nanashi and Hertrude nodded at each other, leaving Maraine and Tricia, who were taken aback, and Gordon, who was passing out in such a position as to just stick his butt up on the floor at the end of Hertrude's cage, jumped out of the VIP room.

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"Master Mio can't go back yet!

"Captain, please calm down. When the captain is standing, he can't show the soldiers."

Arge scowls at Killier in the mix.

I repeat the same interaction every few minutes from earlier, no matter how much Arge tells Killier that he is intoxicated by the boulder.

When Nanashi and the others flew out of Pericles, the manoeuvring castle fort. By then, in front of the gates of Saratoga Castle, Kirier was restlessly coming and going a few zars away.

About two minutes ago.

The Killiers realized that Mio won his acquittal in the trial when the royal soldiers who kept this manoeuvring castle fort Saratoga under surveillance suddenly began to withdraw.

There is still nothing formal to contact, but given the circumstances, there will be no mistake first. If Mio loses the trial, there is no way the royal soldiers will let the Killiers go free. The polite manner in which the royal soldiers left was nothing more than that Mio regained his authority as Uncle Saratoga.

As the last soldier leaves Saratoga to close the castle gate or no, the soldiers run out to Central Boulevard and cheer one after the other. The magician (boobs) who tried to unleash the magic of the fireball (Fiamma) instead of a cannon on the boulder was beaten by Arge, but Kirie did not blame the soldiers for their actions.

The reaction of these soldiers is natural.

Everyone was under the watchful eye of the royal soldiers and endured as they were about to be crushed by anxiety. Even Killier must have been making the same noise if he didn't have a position.

And after a bit of noise, Saratoga soldiers, beginning with Killier, are waiting in alignment to the left and right of Central Boulevard to greet Mio, who doesn't know when he'll be back.

Killier dreams of one as she looks out at the Spirit Stone lights she hasn't lit on Central Boulevard in days.

As long as Mio is acquitted, everything is back to normal. It's going to take a while to fix Saratoga, but the generals who left in the meantime will be back as well. The city under the castle, which is now quiet, will regain its former vitality as long as the inhabitants return from the refugee camps as well. There's a big separation around the corner, it's not bad to have a mansion under the castle and live with your beloved brother and sister. No, it's not bad. Isn't it great instead?

Slightly poke at the side of the delusional Kirier and Arge whispered in his ear.

"Captain, I think the carriage went into Saratoga because I thought I had Master Mio on board. It'll be visible in a while."

Tighten your loosely cut face, Killier tells the soldiers.

"All right, guys, line up! Master Mio will be back soon!

As soon as the soldiers hurriedly line up and align themselves, the executives left in Saratoga, who said Killier, Arge, Nino, Penel and Sefal, wait for Mio at the gate of Saratoga Castle.

"Mom! I'm here!

When Nino, who has a good eye, tells Arge so, the sound of a horseshoe echoes from downtown quiet deserted, across the street.

"Dear Mio! Banzai!

As the carriage passed, the soldiers raised their voices, and eventually the two-headed carriage slowly slowed down and stopped in front of the Killiers as they approached the gate of Saratoga Castle.

Killiers greeted with salute, when the carriage door opens in front of the executive, Kirchheim first descends and Mio shows himself from behind.

"" "" Dear Mio, Ahhhhhhh!

At that moment, the soldiers cheer and the sound of the applause woods the walls of Saratoga.

Looks like she lost a little weight.

The moment I thought about it, a glimmer of tears accidentally conveyed Killier's cheek.

"Dear Mio, well done. You're safe."

Kirier kneels down to Mio's feet and looks up at Mio as he sees him about to cry.

But as soon as he saw Mio's face as he stepped out of the carriage, Killier stiffened with a smile.

The emotions that are emerging in Mio's expression, in a nutshell, are distressing. There are no such shards as the joy of winning acquittal. It's just that only those eyes hold a ragged and demonic light.

"Mi, Dear Mio..."

Mio tells, taking control of Killier's words as he tries to spin out some sort of word.

"Kirier, gather the general who was the Lord in the hall. Not now."

"Mi, Mio, what the hell..."

Killier stares at Mio, even though he is about to be pressured by an atmosphere that is too disturbing. But without taking Killier's gaze from the front, Mio lowered his eyes and murmured in a rubbing (scratching) voice.


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Pippin ', pippin'...

Counting the sound of dripping droplets somewhere, Miriam endures a time when she won't try to pass me inside. The joy feels for a moment, the pain feels too long. Thanks to this, I almost illusion as if the majority of what is life occupies in pain.

Feeling the cold cobblestone feel on her cheeks, Miriam does not wander, but meditates (crushes) her eyes. Body restrained with hands, feet, and not free. Without the shackles of my mouth at least, I guess I can rest a little, but I've been gasping (ahhh) much smaller for too much breathlessness since earlier.

I wonder what time it is now.

The moment Miriam thought that, the starved air of a prison with no windows. It opens its eyes, remembering the feeling that it has increased its precipitation.

"Ha ha, that's a good one. Housekeeper (Meido)"

From over Miriam's head crawling on the cobblestone, a young girl's voice sounded.

"Ugh, uh-huh"

I try to speak out unintentionally, but it only makes me groan.

I manage to roll over on my back and look to the Lord of my voice. It was a red-haired toddler there. Is it sweet lolli-style, the white dress of a frilly glass of puff sleeve floats in the dark as usual?

This is unexpected. I thought you hated me. [M]

Miriam squeaks so in her chest.

"I hate you."

Ene says as if he had read Miriam's mind. But Miriam doesn't surprise me. At the time of Saratoga's recapture two years ago, Miriam already knew that this young girl was a man who had to be. Since then, I've been trying to stay as close as I can get.

Yeah, I was wondering what I'd do if they told me you were here to help.

As soon as Miriam responded that way in her heart, Ene rattles her fingers with her pussy.

Then, in Miriam's mouth, the shackles of her mouth collapsed in a worn and powdered form.

Amazing Miriam.

At the same time a large amount of air poured into the back of her throat and Miriam coughed hard.

"The shackles are for service. If you want to cry and ask for help, you can think about it some more."


Miriam coughs with tears in her eyes, but says so with a rubbed (rubbed) voice, shaking her head.

But Ene was satisfied with the response.

"Can you imagine the situation?

Miriam nods small as she stares at Ene.

"Master Mio was helpful, but I will be executed instead. That's probably the situation, isn't it?

"Yeah. So you can predict what's going on out here?

"Unfortunately...... right. Mio will try to reclaim me. No doubt it will turn the flag against the Empire."

Miriam wrinkles between her eyebrows as she says so. I was annoyed by the sound of my words.

"Yes, Saratoga, who became the enemy of the Empire, will now disappear from the earth."

When Ene whispers so pleasantly with a bounced voice, Miriam unwittingly distorts her face.

"You don't know that! If we do well, we may be able to escape if we turn the Empire against our enemies and run as far as we can towards the south."

Ene exhales. And I look at Miriam with eyes that said I was disappointed.

"Housekeeper (maid), don't say things you don't believe in."

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