Mobile Fortress Saratoga ~Silvery Sword Princess Became My Servant.

Lesson 110: The One Who Doesn't Exist Anywhere (Part II)

Hall on the second floor of Castel Saratoga.

Mio climbed up on the altar and looked around at the generals aligning there and thought, I've missed him a lot.

Shortly before he left for the capital, he allowed those who wished to leave Saratoga.

Fighting with the motorized castle fort Gergios and the motorized castle fort Rhoda also resulted in casualties, and now all the civilians who can be summoned as temporary soldiers are also housed in refugee camps.

In other words, about 200 people gathered here were all the forces that Saratoga can mobilize today.

Among the executives in line at the head of the soldiers, four can participate directly in the battle: Killier, Arge, Pennell and Nino. All you have to do is two magicians, Cephal, and a clerk, Kirchheim.

The soldiers, whose situation has not yet been grasped, are now or now waiting for Mio to open his mouth.

In fact, unlike Killier, who exchanged words directly, the majority of the soldiers have not noticed the disturbing atmosphere emitted by Mio, giving an easygoing look that it would simply be a return greeting.

"Thanks to all of us, the whore came back here alive. First, thank you."

And Mio's first voice also did not betray the soldiers' prior expectations.

But Mio fell over with his mouth there.

Many of the soldiers must have been impressed, looking at it with a smiling eye, but the executives in the front row, swallowed by Mio's unusual atmosphere, pulled their lips together hard.

"From the whore, all your lords have a favor to ask"

Mio looks up. Its mouth is shaking small. I'm lost telling you ahead of time from here. That's what I saw in the eyes of the executives.

"Instead of prostitutes being acquitted, the friends of prostitutes have been condemned and will be executed tomorrow.

His identity is low. Redeem the heavy life of your lord with the life of one lowlife. That's what they said. That's common sense. "

As soon as she realized that the friend Mio was talking about was her beloved sister, Kirie felt like it had gotten dark in front of her, and she sat there unexpectedly.

Arge rushes over, but it also feels kind of like a distant event.

My fingertips are slightly cold even though my heart is pulsating hard. Very cold. I feel nauseous. Eyes turn. Killier looked up at Mio so that he could hold his body by accident.

Mio stared at Kirier with a face that seemed to cry now, then raised his face again and began spinning (tweeting) words at the soldiers.

"But to the whore, it is intolerable.

I cannot bear the fact that the lives of my friends, who have supported whores, are consumed like money as redemption.

My friend, who has no sin whatsoever, is fallen, and dies of stigma, and it is intolerable.

And on top of the sacrifice of his friend, he tells me to live for it, and that's what I can't stand!

The hall is filled with painful silence and everyone stares breathlessly at Mio, who breathes on his shoulders.

"I won't say anything hypocritical like that for a friend. Nor does it say anything noble about being angry at the world's inequalities. I just can't stand whores.

I smell like a hungry ghost. Maybe I am. I don't mind if they say so, but whores don't stand for it.

I don't know where my friend is now. But tomorrow at noon, he will be executed in public. At that time, the prostitute boarded herself in prison and headed to rescue her friend. "

Kirchheim groaned with his usual unchallenged voice, "That's dog death," and the voice sounded louder than it actually sounded in the silence of coughing (wrinkling) one deafening.

"Prostitution is weak. Weaker than any of you. It has no power. So, please. I want help from whores.

This is not an order. I don't care if you can't obey. We can't let whores get into it in advance, so we can't let them get out of this Saratoga until just before they get in, but they're free to run away from it. "

And Mio drooled his head (like this) deep as he shook his body into small pieces.

"Please, help me"

Quiet back hall.

Killier thought.

Of course I follow Mio. But this is in the lord. Seriously, too selfish a story.

Die because you will not endure, and throw your life for your own friends.

If it's normal, it's just a blue-smelling bullshit (every time it's done) that doesn't even seem sane.

But by the time he got here, how many rounds Mio would have repeated. How much soul have I shattered to speak of this determination with this little body, he said.

Mio raising his fearful face. Eyes that are gradually opened wide.

What was in Mio's eyes, it was the figure of soldiers saluting with a serious face.

"We'll follow you everywhere. Dear Mio!"

Kneeling (kneeling first) and holding Killier's shoulder, Arge shouted so, and the executives nodded simultaneously.

The next moment, he made a fierce noise and the door in the front of the hall blew up.

"We're coming too!

For every sand tearer (sandspreader) screaming like that to the whole hall, it was Nanashi and Hertrude who penetrated.

The two ran through the middle of the fleeing soldiers and stopped in such a way that they drifted in front of the stage.

"You two are not originally Saratoga people. Don't you have anything to do with it?

"I don't know what to say..."

When Mio asks that from the top of the stage, Hertrude opens his mouth as he turns back to Mio. But Nanashi controls it with his hands and stares back at Mio with a serious face.

"Just as you want to save your friends, so do I."

Mio's cheeks unwittingly loosen to Nanashi's words.

But at that moment when I smiled all the time, Mio's movements stopped (...) perfectly (...) from (...) then (...).

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Ene opens her mouth, laughing with her nose at Miriam's regrettable gaze.

"You want to save Saratoga?

"Isn't that obvious"

Not knowing what Ene is trying to say, Miriam looks suspicious.

"Naturally...... Hmm, naturally."

"What the fuck! What are you trying to say?"

"If you hadn't been caught, Saratoga wouldn't have had to sink.

Yes, there was no reason why Mio would have to clash with the Empire if he hadn't been caught.

Now, admirably, a human being who is annoying people seems great and natural? What kind of education has Killier given him? "

"Your sister has nothing to do with it!

"If Saratoga had sunk and still survived, we'd all think this, housekeeper (maid)! It's your fault! And."


Like a cat with a catch, Ene follows Miriam. Without words to give back, Miriam groaned small.

Miriam bites her lips off with regret.

Then now Ene shows pity for Miriam in a playful manner that mocks her.

"Oh, housekeeper (maid). So trembling, how pathetic."

He's busy raising and lowering.

Miriam unwittingly wants to pound her tongue into the cat's voice as it pours from overhead.

"There you are, this angelic Ene, trying to reach out to Saratoga for salvation."

Unexpectedly, Miriam looks up to the word hand of salvation.

"Simply, if Mio doesn't think about saving you, Saratoga won't sink."

"… what does that mean"

Miriam's voice is weak. As he crouched his niggardly mouth, Ene crouched in and poked his face at Miriam.

"Ene can curse you one thing."


"That's the curse, the curse that cancels your memories from all the people who have touched you.

With this, no one will know you exist.

Even after you die, you will never be remembered by anyone.

There's no one here to help you. Of course, so is Mio.

You're just going to die without anyone looking at you.

As a nameless housekeeper (maid of honor), nobody follows orders without knowing what kind of crime you've committed, so why would this guy be sentenced to death? And with a twisted neck, the executioner will execute you. "

Paste the three moon-like straw on his mouth, Ene looked down at Miriam, and Miriam moaned with a pale face.

Forgotten from anyone?

My mouth is dry. I can't breathe. If they do forget, there will be no such thing as helping Miriam. That is, Saratoga will not be a rebel. But that's too......

"Come on, what do we do? Ene's not that concerned."

Ene stuffing me. Unexpectedly Miriam turns away. Tears float around his eyeballs, which are zero (spilled) and convey his cheeks. A drop of pottery on the ground, when it made a small stain, something broke in Miriam.

"No, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Oh, shit!

He cried like a child and slammed his restrained hands and feet.

Ene gave him a surprised look for a moment, then a small tongue-in-cheek with a disinterested face that even the featherworm could see.

And a few minutes later, when Ene sighed and groaned, "This guy couldn't either," and returned his heel (chibi) and tried to leave prison, Miriam exhaled in a rough breath, glaring at Ene with a dirty face in tears and saying away.

"Fine, demon. I'll ride your ruse."

Ene looks back with a slightly unexpected look on her face.

"Want a death that no one can see?

"Oh... please"

At that moment, Ene gives a prodigal look.

I trembled slightly as I uplifted my face and allowed myself to hold my body, feeling comfortable.

"Oh, good, good. Housekeeper (maid), now your soul is shining, Ene, Ene and the others, this is what I wanted to see."

Running so excitedly, Ene hoisted her right hand high and rang her fingers.


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"Ok, ok!

Mio on the stage did the trick of getting rid of Nanashi with his hands, smiling but annoying.

Nanashi strokes his chest down in a ho.

But Mio asks Nanashi, leaning his neck in surprise.

"By the way, who do you mean, friends of the Lord?

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