The diamond-shaped object was lifted up, and the ground was lifted.

Lin Tian was startled when he saw this, raised his hand slightly, and tried to raise the diamond-shaped object with a thought.

The diamond-shaped object really rose a little bit as he wished!

He continued to try, moving the diamond-shaped object left and right, forward and backward.

The diamond-shaped object seemed to have become a part of his body, and began to obey his consciousness and swayed flexibly in the underground secret room!


The phone rang at this time.

Lin Tian looked down and a new prompt popped up.

[Congratulations, you have obtained a gold quality treasure! ]

[Obtained the extraordinary treasure "Meteor" (price: unknown)! 】

【Abilities of the Treasure】

【1. Meteor Control: After recognizing the master, the treasure can follow your will and move quickly】

【2. Meteor Flash: After training, you can split and copy a "meteor" into multiple ones】

【3. Meteor Transformation: After training, you can control and change the size of the "meteor"】

【The moving speed, number of splits, and upper limit of the volume of the meteor are determined by the proficiency of use and the user's mental strength】


After reading the prompt on the phone,

Lin Tian was completely convinced that the golden quality treasure he found was not an ordinary thing.

But... a treasure with extraordinary power!

"This thing should be very valuable, right?"

Carefully controlling with his mind, he moved the "meteor" to the palm of his hand,

Lin Tian stared at the little thing in front of him, his eyes flashing!

Very magical.

This sharp diamond-shaped object just cut Lin Tian's forehead, but now it falls on Lin Tian's palm without causing any stinging.

"It should have sucked my blood just now and recognized its master."

After playing with it for a few times, Lin Tian saw that the golden treasure was in his hand, turned around and returned to the ground along the earthen steps.

Leaving the underground secret room,

The strange light on the strange treasure meteor quickly dimmed.

It seems that this thing will only emit that silver light in the absence of light.

After coming to the ground,

Lin Tian waved his finger and tried to control the "meteor" to attack a tree next to him.



The "meteor" with a relatively low speed easily penetrated the tree trunk with its extremely high sharpness and special material!

The finger waved again, and the "meteor" penetrated a cross section of the tree trunk in succession!


A half-meter thick tree collapsed!

"Yes, it is very powerful as a weapon. If it can be faster, it can basically be used as a gun."

Lin Tian nodded and commented.

Looking at the "exotic treasure ability" introduction window on the phone that has not been closed,

Lin Tian touched his chin: "This thing can also split and grow bigger, right?"

He held the "meteor" in his palm, held his breath, and tried to stimulate his mind to split it.

The silver "meteor" trembled, and the two sides seemed to have a tendency to expand outward.

But until Lin Tian was sweating profusely, tired and relaxed, and gasped for breath, the "meteor" failed to split into two.

It seems that using the "meteor flash" ability to split the "meteor" into multiple parts is still quite difficult, and more practice is needed.

After a short rest,

Lin Tian tried to use the third ability of this exotic treasure, "meteor change", to change the size of the "meteor".

"Make it bigger!!!!"

He tried his best, widened his eyes, and used his consciousness to control the exotic treasure in his hand to grow bigger.

This time,

It actually worked!

The size of the "meteor" began to expand!

After a while, it changed from the size of a thumb to the size of a walnut!

"Get bigger! Get bigger! Get bigger!"

Lin Tian continued to exert his power with his mind, wanting to see where his current limit was.

The "meteor" on his palm continued to grow, and soon it became the size of a fist.

Just when he wanted to continue to persevere.

A voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Lin Zi, what are you doing?"

Li Yiren came behind Lin Tian without knowing when.

Seeing this, Lin Tian subconsciously wanted to hide the "meteor".

But at this time,

he was naked except for his swimming trunks.

Without time to think, he could only stuff the enlarged "shooting star" into his swimming trunks, turned around, scratched his head, pretended to be calm and asked: "Why are you here?"

Li Yiren looked at Lin Tian's somewhat nervous expression, and said with a little doubt: "I saw that you didn't come back for a long time and there was no movement, so I came to see."

"What were you doing just now? Why did I keep hearing you shouting about enlarging?"

Lin Tian smiled and said nonsense: "Just now a shooting star flew across the sky, and I was making a wish!"

Li Yiren was stunned when he heard this. He looked at the horizon, then looked down at the big bulge in the middle of Lin Tian's swimming trunks: "Is it really that effective?"

Lin Tian:......

Li Yiren quickly put his hands together and worshiped the sky, imitating Lin Tian and shouting loudly: "Grow hair! Grow hair! Grow hair!"

It has always been a problem for Li Yiren as a man that hair does not grow where it should.

For example, leg hair.

For example, beard.

Here, I won't give too many examples.

After making a wish,

Li Yiren immediately looked down, then lifted up his swimming trunks and looked at it, with a look of disappointment.

Lin Tian spread his hands: "Maybe it's because the meteor has passed."

Li Yiren also spread his hands and sighed: "What a pity... Let's go, it's time to go back."

Lin Tian nodded.

When the two returned to the gathering place on the beach, the two naked men were still holding a stick and stabbing fish in the sea.

Li Yiren waved from a distance and asked, "How was the harvest?"

Zhou Huaijin panted and straightened up: "I picked up a few shells and caught a crab, and put them all over the speedboat."

Lin Tian immediately went over to check.

There were indeed a few shells and a crab on the speedboat.

However, the shells were really just shells, with no meat inside.

The crab was only the size of a mineral water bottle cap, and it should be a hermit crab, and it was missing a few legs.

Lin Tian turned his head and looked: "Is this the result of your busy work for half a day?"

The naked duo blushed and felt a little embarrassed.

Zhou Huaijin grabbed Zheng Chang's neck and tried to save face and said: "Look! I also caught a sea pig! So much meat is enough for us to eat for a month!"

Zheng Chang's fat on his face trembled, and he reached out and grabbed Zhou Huaijin's yellow hair: "I also caught an Ezreal!"

The two naked men started playing on the beach.

Li Yiren began to arrange the branches and plants he had collected next to the speedboat, took out some gasoline from the speedboat and poured it on them, and then began to drill wood to make fire.

He had obviously learned this knowledge, and after only tinkering for less than a minute, the most critical step of making fire for survival in the wild was successfully completed.

Lin Tian took advantage of this moment to quietly make the "meteor" in his swimming trunks smaller and stuffed it into his waistband.

Seeing the fire rising, Zheng Chang and Zhou Huaijin immediately surrounded them,

After a long time of tossing, the sky began to darken.

Zheng Chang stayed by the fire to guard.

The other three entered the forest together and collected enough branches to ensure that the fire could burn all night.


the sky was completely dark.

Lin Tian glanced at his mobile phone, it was already 7:30 in the evening.

The four of them sat around the fire, holding sticks in their hands, roasting mushrooms, close to the warm flames.

Seemingly tired,

No one spoke for a while, and the only sounds in my ears were the crackling explosions of sparks and the crashing of waves behind me.

Although I was stranded on a deserted island,

the surrounding environment and the atmosphere at this time made me feel calm.

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