The silence lasted for a long time.

Zheng Chang suddenly said: "Wait, I seem to have dreamed of this scene!"

The three were speechless.

Lin Tian said helplessly: "This again? Can you say something nutritious?"

Zheng Chang thought for a while and said again: "What do you think if we can't go back?"

Zhou Huaijin held his head with both hands: "It's good not to go back! I can always live this carefree life embracing nature."

Li Yiren smiled and said: "Oh? I didn't expect our Master Zhou to have this kind of awareness!"

Lin Tian tilted his head and asked: "If you don't go back, what will happen to your father's property? What about your girlfriends?"

Zhou Huaijin thought about it and gave an answer: "Let my girlfriends inherit my father's property!"

Li Yiren:......

Zheng Chang:......

Lin Tian: "You are a genius!"

Zhou Huaijin smiled proudly and wiped his nose, then looked at the three people and asked: "What about you? Do you have any reason to go back?"

Zheng Chang said casually: "Of course, I haven't finished playing Genshin Impact and KanColle, and there are inflatables at home... My parents are waiting for me!"

Zheng Chang quickly changed his words when he realized that he had let the second half of his sentence slip.

Zhou Huaijin patted Zheng Chang on the shoulder kindly and said, "There is a meat daddy here. If you need it, just tell me. Don't buy the inflatable one."

Zheng Chang:......

In order to hide his embarrassment, Zheng Chang quickly turned the topic to Li Yiren: "What about you, brother Ren? Do you have any reason to go back?"

Li Yiren smiled and said, "Of course, my work was signed with great difficulty, and I have to go back to serialize it!"

After Li Yiren went to college, he has been contributing to newspapers and magazines, writing some essays and poems. It was not until last year that he finally signed a contract with "Jincheng Youth Literature".

Although not many people read Li Yiren's works, the income he can earn from this magazine is also very meager.

But Li Yiren really likes writing. Since last year, he has officially regarded writing as a real profession and treated it very seriously.

From Lin Tian's own aesthetic point of view, what Li Yiren writes is really good, with his unique style.

However, the current market for prose and poetry is sluggish, so it is understandable that Li Yiren does not get attention and income.

Hearing Li Yiren say that he wants to go back to serialize his works,

Zheng Chang sighed: "Oh! I really envy you! You know what you want to do and you can persist in doing it! In comparison, I have achieved nothing in the past three years!"

Lin Tian patted Zheng Chang's waist and comforted him: "Think about it from another angle. Didn't you also persist in failing in the matter of 'One Day of Abstinence' for three years?"

Zheng Chang:......

Zhou Huaijin laughed wildly, and then turned to look at Lin Tian and asked: "Lin Zi, what about you? What is your reason for going back?"

It was his turn to answer this question.

Lin Tian was a little stunned for a while.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is really no decent reason.

But he does want to go back.

I want to go back to my bed in the dormitory and check my phone. I want to go back to the toilet opposite the school cafeteria to eat a bowl of smelly snail noodles. I want to sit in front of the computer and play a thrilling and exciting game of Tailing 3!

He is a person who is content with the status quo and is very easy to satisfy.

For him, a peaceful life, a few close friends around him, and a drink occasionally, will make him very happy.

This point has not changed because of the mutation of the mobile phone.

He cherishes the hard-won peace in his daily life, and now, he also wants to return to that peace.

He didn't know how to express this complex emotion for a while, and he was afraid that it would appear too hypocritical after expressing it.


He quoted a very classic four-character idiom to answer Zhou Huaijin's question: "Well... look at the big horse."

The other three heard this and nodded and gave a thumbs up at the same time, casting a look of approval at Lin Tian.

"Come on, brothers, do one! Celebrate our successful first day of survival on the deserted island!"

Li Yiren raised the grilled mushroom in his hand.

Lin Tian and the other two also came up with the roasted mushrooms.

The bonfire made the four people's faces red, and also made their smiles particularly sincere.

Putting the roasted mushrooms to his mouth, Zheng Chang asked while eating: "Brother Tian, ​​are you sure this mushroom is edible?"

Lin Tian patted his chest confidently: "Don't worry, if there is poisoning, it's my fault!"


Thirty minutes later.



The four of them lined up in a row, vomiting on the beach with painful expressions.

While vomiting, Lin Tian explained: "Maybe I vomited when picking non-toxic mushrooms...I accidentally mixed a few poisonous ones in, but don't worry, we don't eat much, so it should be fine."

Strictly speaking,

Lin Tian did not have any knowledge about fungi, he just picked the fungi according to the prompts of the Baide Map.

If there are similar-looking toxic strains mixed with non-toxic strains, he actually can't tell them apart.

Li Yiren wiped the corner of his mouth and looked up at Lin Tian: "No, buddy, didn't you say that the poisoning is yours?"

Lin Tian barely straightened up, raised his hand and said proudly: "Brothers, this meal is my treat, don't grab it... Ugh! ! ! "

"Ugh! ! ! "

The four of them vomited violently.

After a while,

until they had almost vomited everything in their stomachs, the four of them felt better and lay on the ground in a crooked manner.

Seeing that the other three had closed their eyes in a daze,

Li Yiren stood up with a pale face: "We have to leave one sober person to take turns to stand guard, be alert to the surroundings and pay attention to the passing ships. I will stand at the first post, and Jin will take over in an hour and a half. After Jin, it will be Fatty, and Lin will stand at the last post."


The three of them responded weakly.


At the same time.

A small ship also set sail from Green Island Pier.

On the deck, two girls stood and sat.

The slightly taller girl had sword eyebrows and star eyes, and was handsome and heroic.

She had a clean and tidy high ponytail and a tight black dress.

She stood on the deck without any extra movements, exuding a sharp military temperament.

Height The slightly petite girl had a cute short haircut, a red striped long-sleeved jacket and a black vest.

There was a little star painted on her cheek with a watercolor pen, which looked a bit non-mainstream.

From her doll-like delicate Western features and pure black hair and brown eyes, it is not difficult to guess that this is a Sino-foreign joint venture project.

The mixed-race girl was sitting next to the tall girl, swinging her legs in white stockings and asked with a smile:

"Sister Hongying, you are about to meet your fiancé, are you nervous?"

The high ponytail girl Xu Hongying blushed rarely, pretending to be serious and said:

"Stop it, Ke'er, our main task this time is to save people, how can we think about anything else?"

Chu Ke'er laughed and said, "If you just want to save people, Uncle Xu sent someone a few hours ago, waiting for you to come back and send you, isn't it just to take this opportunity for you to meet your future fiancé! "

Hearing Chu Ke'er say this,

Xu Hongying turned her head away and pretended not to care: "Is that so? It's just a marriage, why make it so complicated?"

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