Mokuton Authority

Chapter 141 - Surprise! surprise!! surprise!!!

Looking at the person who surprised me I can see Athena? wtf? didn't I just kill her? I am not having a God Of War moment here, am I? Hope not.

"Athena?... Haven't I just killed you?"(Aizen).

"So rude, you were much more polite in our first meeting"(??Athena??).

Wait I didn't talk with the Athena I killed, so this must be the Fake one. I concentrated a bit more on all my seeing powers and thanks to my Gravity Release I found something very interesting. Her center of gravity doesn't add up with her visual size.

"You are using some skill to hide your appearance and expect me to be polite?"(Aizen).

She appears fairly surprised by my statement, probably didn't expect I would figure it out so fast.

"You surprise me again and again, I indeed made the right choice. But how did you figure it out?"(??Athena??).

With this, some lights started showing from her and her true form is slowly being revealed, a very tall elf woman measuring at least 2.18 meters tall appeared in my front, she is definitely very beautiful, an athletic figure that would put world athletes to shame, well-distributed and proportioned muscles, a blond hair that is closer to a precious material than gold. Long years typically that are seen on Warcraft elves, and Rainbow colored shining eyes.

She is that elf woman that appeared after my fight with the Salamander patriarch, but there I was able to use my [Future Vision] to probe her, so she let me as some form of test hmmm.

"I am good at reading clues"(Aizen).

Like I am dumb enough to tell her about my skill, do I look like an idiot to you?

"It's not like you need to tell me about your Gravity Release or the other things, I already know it."(Elf Woman).

My expression control must've slipped a bit because she was able to read it fairly well.

"How? you told me of course."(Elf Woman).

At this moment I grew I little bit pissed, and my control on the still new gravity release slipped a bit. thankfully my control isn't as horrible as I assumed and my Gravity Release focused on the Elf Woman, I huge pressure befell her, pressing her being on itself, and what would normally make even God flinch her response was... Blushing? Did she just got excited by my energy touching her? wtf?

"*huff*... Don't do this out in the open..."(Elf Woman).

Completely changing the subject as nothing happens:

"*Cough* Well, I must introduce myself, my name is Allessa Zoey Windrunner, and I am the twin sister of Alleria Windrunner."(Allessa).

Well, f.u.c.k. Someone from Warcraft, it isn't a surprise she is so strong them, With all the bullcrap you can find in that verse becoming a Divine being is not that complicated, and the real deal must have a lot more magical bullshittery than just that few that appear in the games.

Allessa must've felt my cautiousness increasing so she said something that almost blew my mind.

"You don't need to be so cautious you know. I know a lot about you, like your reincarnation, your time in the Narutoverse, your Insecurities..."(Allessa).

My world shattered, someone knows about my deepest secrets, and if she knows about this... I swore I wouldn't tell anyone about it, so the only way for her of knowing it would be if I told her myself. Other ways of her knowing it never crossed my mind, I made sure to secure all possible leaks of it, principally my mind. And what she said about insecurities... I am aware of then, it's difficult to let then go, it is not a physical problem that [Sage Body] can deal with, it is psychological.

I remember like it was yesterday, my whole past life I was under a Woman, My mother and Grandmother which held a lot of power over my actions, my teacher were 95% women, and even on the highest position of the director were women. This was the reason I never understood a feminist, they always preached that woman was inferior and need equality, but on my eyes, they always held power over me.

I didn't care though, but slowly I developed an inferiority complex. The only male figure in my life was my seldom present father who would overwork himself to give us better conditions, I don't blame him of course but... From a young age, I discovered that being a boy was bad, everyone said that man=bad. I would run a lot and play fighting games with other children and then be told that it was bad, that I should draw instead. And when I drew battles between pirates showing swords and guns, I would be reprimanded violent and called to the director office.

I slowly drew into myself, constantly being yelled that you're bad because the way you are born is a sure way to make a very problematic person. Sadly I am not gay, I didn't feel any kind of attraction for males, I am still straight, and like any kind of straight man, I tried to get a girlfriend.

It didn't end well, remember that is aid that most people who surrounded me are women, Let's just say that women won't have the best mouth to an ugly and fat kid. Children are crueler than you can imagine, and as I lived in a fairly small town, I was always told that man=bad, that I was ugly and fat, and that reputation glued with me for a long time.

I tried talking with my father in the few moments he available, and being someone of a time that if you aren't hurting and your belly is full, it means I have no problems. It was difficult, but have something to talk with my father was a good thing. It made us closer.

I was able to make some friends at school, with common hobbies like video games and interesting animes, I was that fat friend with glasses. I made some very good 'friends'.

Sadly school came to an end, and high school started. My parents thought it would be a good experience if I studied at a better school close to the capital of our state. And I am very glad that I did, at that time I was very close to a breaking point and I didn't know it, only in the future would recognize the symptoms.

The hight school was a completely new experience, new people, a new city, new teachers. Everything was new and it was somewhat a breath of fresh air, I liked it. Even if I had to wake up at 3:45 am every day to go to a school in another city, I was fairly happy. And for the first time, I decided to focus almost wholeheartedly on my studies, and bring up my sports and exercises in my life, maybe I could be just ugly and not fat?

I was wrong, apparently, I got the wrong side of genetics, I am like my father too much, so getting thinner was a pipe dream, and my five years going to the gym and others sports yield basically nothing, if I look at it it just made me fatter. That was the first time I had a close to what depression is like. But thanks to my parent's help I was able to get out of my funk, sadly it was close to my important exams, so I had to study in a depressed state, I didn't mind, as they say, your future is more important.

But studying in a depressed state was as useless as diving equipment for fish. My text results were bad, really bad. I finished high school, the few friends I had during all my life, were slowly fading with the concerns in their lives, I don't blame them, they had indeed more important things to do than entertain their fat friend, but it still hurt you know. My love life was a complete joke, 17 and no semblance of it, I was asked more than 3 times by family if I was gay. 17 and no semblance of a girl in your life, of course, they would become suspicious, I don't blame them, but it still hurt.

Then came college, I didn't enter some kind of Prestigious college or something, it was average like me. I didn't mind, I was pretty pumped up by the new experience. Let's say that my inferiority complex came back with a vengeance, everyone was literally better than me, I know I shouldn't compare myself with other people but I couldn't help it. But I didn't get discouraged, I continued studying trying to focus on my future above other things.

Now studying during the night I tried to find a job, but sadly the country was in an economical crisis, so no one was contracting new people, heck unemployment was at an all-time high. Thankfully my parents had very stable jobs.

The first semester went relatively fast, it being very close to what high school as like so I was able to adapt very quickly, it was more difficult nonetheless but I was able to pull through. I was never smart, but I always studied a lot for my education, so even if I was relatively lower I was always able to pull through. My grades were well, average. but I was already somehow used to it, I always studied a lot to get average grades that were nothing new. Sadly my inferiority complex was getting worse and worse, and seeing a guy literally two years older than me already engaged was a heavy blow, but I didn't mind.

The second semester was most of the same, it increased the difficulty obviously, but nothing that spending more time studying didn't solve. There were more parties, but I was never a party guy, always thought they were boring, so I basically spent most of my time on then eating seated on some corner, so I always avoided it, if there is something I couldn't handle was boredom without purpose.

Then came the third semester.

I had a relapse and my depression came back with a vengeance and adding my inferiority complex...This time it was much much worse, my world lost its colors, it was like everything dulled somehow, happiness was a rare commodity, even food something that always brought my mood up was becoming tasteless, my social skills that ere already poor went to the drain. I became quieter, my mother noticed but thought nothing of it. I didn't want to search for help, I didn't want to feel weak. I should have.

It went like this for three months, I needed three months to get to a level I could study again. I thought it would be like last time, I was wrong. My mother never let me skip a day of school, so even when I was on one of the lowest points in my life I continued going to college, even if everything the teacher said got over my head due to my depressive state.

Suddenly I had to catch up with three months of study and study for future tests. It wasn't easy, but I was able to pull through, the sheer time I spent studying baffle me to this day, I never forced me to study so much on daily bases like that, and I am counting the ninja world on this one.

I was able to pull through most, but I failed two subjects. I got fairly discouraged and cried for the first time in years, thoughts of killing myself were very frequent, it was the first time I failed on a subject so miserably, it hit me hard, very hard.

That depression that I thought had gone away, resurfaced, it was just there under the surface of my mind waiting for a moment of weakness to get a stronger hold over me. And this time it came back stronger than ever, suddenly I couldn't follow the class anymore, no matter how much I studied nothing seemed to stick in my head, I never had so many Zeros in my entire life, and this only went to worsening my depression, making my inferiority complex worse as well. thoughts of killing myself were an almost daily occurrence, but my cowardice stopped me from it, I was always a coward for pain previously. I thought of 2019 as the worse year of my life. Silly me.

Seeing as I wasn't able to follow classes and things were getting worse by the minute on college I decided to quit. In my head, I would quit college and try to find a job, where I could learn some different things and maybe get out of my depression, a new ambient has done well for me before after all.

2020 wasn't a good year for anyone, it wasn't even worse for a country that was just recently out of an economical crisis. That f.u.c.k.i.n.g pandemic f.u.c.k.i.e.d the whole world, I have a theory that it was all the fault of a Chinese young master.

If I thought 2019 was bad 2020 was way worse, suddenly the already low social contact I had become null, there were days that I said less than a phrase out loud. And everyone was going broke thanks to the f.u.c.k.i.n.g pandemic so finding work was just a pipe dream. My depression got worse by the day, the country was worsening by the day, together with my mental health.

Then it came, after a particularly bad day, I went to sleep and died. Yep me that was thinking of killing himself daily but never had the courage to it died sleeping. I don't know what killed me but it happens.

I never thanked something so much more than that line I had to wait how long on the underworld, if it wasn't for that time to organize my thoughts, I would probably have broken. After that, I was basically in heaven, I had a chance to start again, on a world with magical ninja's. I was in my own personal heaven, the color returned to the world, I suddenly had such huge energy and motivation that I never have seen before. I literally won the genetic lottery, a huge and prestigious clan, and now I had superpowers. Of course, it had bad moments, but in my eyes, it was nothing like before.

But even then, I wasn't able to love, to connect with someone. As much as I would've like to say that all my problems were over, I was very mistaken, that kind of thing is never over. My inability with women and inferiority complex still followed me, depression has probably too, thankfully It didn't get a hold of me yet. But seeing someone that knows a lot of my deepest secrets was-...

"You shouldn't let your past stop your future happiness you know"(Allessa)

"I always hated to see you cry..."(Allessa).


I put my hand in my face, and I am definitely crying, tears were going down my face, it isn't a downpour of it, just some lonely tears like myself-...

I should go, I don't want to be seen like this... when I was preparing to teleport away I felt a hand touch mine.

"Don't do this to yourself, you know it is bad for you..."(Allessa).

I did what everyone does when they are in an unexpected cornered situation, I became angry and lashed out. Pulling my hand out of her reach I said.

"And who are you to butt yourself in my life?"(Aizen).

"I am your wife of course."(Allessa).

"You are my- Wait. What?"(Aizen).

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