Mokuton Authority

Chapter 142 - Headache.

Why do I suddenly feel an extremely strong headache coming. What kind of garbage Ecchi anime plot is this. Must resist the urge to create very lethal black holes, must resist.

"*Sigh* Are you crazy or something woman?"(Aizen).

"No. Why?"(Allessa).

"I don't know much about your elves culture but, you don't simply approach someone that is borderline hostile to you saying you are his wife or something, it's strange. Besides the 'i already know anything about your stuff', it sounds too much like some kind of stalker yan-"(Aizen).

I grew a little bit pale, If she is a Yandere I am f.u.c.k.i.e.d. In your depraved kinky minds it must sound very s.e.xy or whatever your depravity tells you, but a yandere IRL is totally something you don't want in your life, believe in me for that one... Must resist the urge to throw black holes.

Well, the silence is getting awkward, I must continue talking:

"Well, if you had approached me a tad bit differently, my first impression of you would've been a lot better. You could've simply asked to sit on my table, asked for a milkshake or something. And started with some small talk, and maybe after we became acquaintances we could've slowly develop something out of it, even mark a date, starting with something innocent like me helping you move some heavy boxes or something and slowly building it. But the way you approached it was definitely very creepy"(Aizen)

"But why would I need help moving boxes, they are extremely light, and I can easily move a building alone"(Allessa).

I facepalmed a little, of course, she wouldn't understand that...

"Forgot that you're an elf, completely different culture, customs, and whatnot. Please tell me that there isn't some strange custom to sacrifice males or something."(Aizen).

"No fo course not. We chose one partner for life, and we stay with them until the end. Normally when one of the parts die we close ourselves, but suicides are more common."(Allessa).

My headache is growing by the minute, and I am not liking it.

"Please don't tell me you made something permanent and stupid"(Aizen).

"Of course not, a ceremony must be conducted to choose your other half and we both connect for the first time and boom! It just works. I am just following my mother's advice. She always said that being direct and decisive is the best course of action, she did it with father and worked splendidly with her, so I thought it would work too."(Allessa).

"I think on this occasion you are being too much direct, and too much decisive. But why me anyway, there must be a lot of better people out there."(Aizen).

I tried to reign in my inferiority complex but I appear to have failed again.*sigh*.

"I always liked you, so I thought it would be good"(Allessa).

"How come you always like me? This is like the third time I've seen you. Are you from the future or something?"(Aizen).

"No, time travel is a mess. No one wants to touch that thing. It has to something to do with my magic"(Allessa).

"Well, I already know a lot about you, so telling something about em is only fair"(Allessa).

"Sure go ahead, I have some theories but I am curious myself too."(Aizen).

"Me and my Twin sister Alleria, although we were born fairly equal in appearances, our talents couldn't be more different. She was an absolute beast with a bow, and I had the highest talent with magic recorded in history, don't think little of it thought all elves have at least a little bit of talent with magic, we can almost eat magic after all. But I was different, my talents were off the charts, things that took the most talented of mages months to grasp, I would in a day or two, magic came as easily as breathing for me."(Allessa).

"Wow, that's really impressive, I don't know much about magic on the Warcraft verse, just that it's very difficult to grasp, seeing as most renamed mages have some sort of white hair to boot."(Aizen).

"Yeah, you are indeed right. But not everything was happiness and poneys. My immense talent quickly drew a lot of attention, both good and bad. Thankfully I had two things to protect me, being from the fairly prestigious Windrunner family has its perks. But it wouldn't be enough if it wasn't for another special thing I have, one of my deepest secrets, and as I know yours it's only fair that I tell you mine"(Allessa).

"Besides being born with a peerless talent, I was also born with a skill, a magic if you will. It was something completely Otherworldly, it is the 4th true magic"(Allessa).

"Wait, true magic. How the heck this is possible"(Aizen).

"I really don't know, I was born this way."(Allessa).

"The 4th true magic takes the principle of 'everything is linked together one way or another', and it takes this principle and elevates it to the extreme"(Allessa).

"The domain of the Fourth Magic is Omniscience and Omnipotence of Atomic Structures. To put it simply, The Fourth Magic gives its user unimaginable processing capabilities so that they can fully understand and comprehend the precise location and momentum of every atom in the universe and their past and future values at any given moment. The Fourth Magic also allows for the manipulation of any given atom's (or atoms') location and momentum. An example of this would be knowing the trajectory and speed at which the pieces of a shattering glass window travel (the observation half of the Fourth Magic) and tinkering with said trajectories so that the pieces do not slice a bystander's throat, thereby preventing the bystander's death (the manipulation half of the Fourth Magic)."(Allessa).

"The 4th true magic also grants me the ability to use Vector Manipulation, And that's was the reason I was able to easily resist your Gravity Release"

"But even in possession of such magic, I had a peculiar talent in it. Karma. Ever since I can remember I was able to see Karmic virtue, Karmic connection, and principally Karmic lines."(Allessa).

"Wait, this means..."(Aizen).

"Yes, since I could remember I could see it, the karmic network that interwoven the Omniverse. So before people even had the chance to meet me I would already know their intentions if they would be good friends or if they would kill me. And this became my reality, at first I thought of it a very good thing, but soon I was shown the opposite."(Allessa).

"All my friendsh.i.p.s, everything felt so artificial, It made an invisible rift between me and my friends and family, they grew suspicious and thought less of me, and only my family supported me until the end. A sad truth I would learn in the future is that the 4th true magic depends on your strength, so..."(Allessa).

"You can't get everything correct yet, right?"(Aizen).

"Yes, that's why I was really surprised by your strength, You are stronger than I thought "(Allessa).

"Well I won't complain about the free info or anything. I don't want to be impolite or anything but this bring me a question. What it has to do with me?"(Aizen).

She seems a bit embarrassed talking about it and if what I know from karmic virtue from CCG I have a slightly bad feeling.

"Due to my 4th true magic, I was never able to feel love, I had my family and all, but seeing how much bad and greedy people came to me to take advantage of my magical talents, I grew distant from love and relationsh.i.p.s, at maximum, I would have some kind of distant friendship, only for it to be discarded later as I told you"(Allessa).

"So imagine my surprise when I was able to see a Karmic Tread as I have never seen before. It was thick and huge, and I mean huge, and the patterns and ways it was interwoven took my curiosity. I quickly went to research about it, and only found this kind of tread between true love, between soulmates. My parents had it, and some couples I found also had it, Even my twin Sister has found hers on her husband Turalion."(Allessa).

"Well, you could've got it wrong right? It happened before."(Aizen).

"No, this time I made sure of it. This was the most real karmic line between everything I had seen before. The most solid too."(Allessa).

"I quickly went to search for it, of course, sadly my search was quickly shown to be fruitless, as you were in another Universe entirely. But it wasn't a PurPoSe AnYmoRe iT WaS An ObSeSsioN, AnD I cOuLdn'T iN tHe RiGht MiNd Let aNoTHer BITCH GeT HeR HAnDs ON you"(Allessa).

Shit shit shit shit, yandere alert. Yandere alert. Must not create a black hole, Must not.

"So I went to research how to get to another world, and having the 4th true magic helped me a lot in this regard. I thought that tracing its origins must at least help me go to another world. It did"(Allessa).

"The Verse I ended up was the Nasuverse."(Allessa).

I couldn't help but let a loud "*ought*", my respect(fear) of the Nasuverse is well known by now at least. I can't even understand that shit when it was an anime, imagine IRL and that scary skills, the 4th true magic as an example, and if you think about it they have 6 of those, definitely not a place I wanted to stay.

"I was like a fish in the water in the Nasuverse, learning their magic was easy with my talents. And I was quickly able to reach Root and seeing as my research was focused on multiverse travel I gained access to another True magic, the 2nd to be exact. With its help, I was able to grasp a lot of info about you and the universe you were in"(Allessa).

"And then came the day I met you for the first time, it was love at first sight, and the karmic line just made it a confirmation..."(Allessa).

I took a deep breath and look her in the eyes, as I will say something important:

"Look here Allessa, you are certainly a very beautiful and strong woman. But like I said before relationsh.i.p.s aren't like that. It's more complicated sometimes, and we both know we have zero experience with it."(Aizen).

She nodded in affirmation, we both know we have zero experiences in a relationship, so going all-in doesn't sound like a good idea.

"And I don't want to enter something hastily and regret it after. I am very grateful for the gift you gave. Sending me to Atlas prison you gave me the best f.u.c.k.i.n.g body training place I know of. So I will give this at least a chance, seeing all the trouble you passed."(Aizen).

"But like I said we are both new to this, so it is better if we went slow, to know each other bit by bit, I don't want a relationship based on some Karmic line, I want something real"(Aizen).

"And you already know the issues I have, I am giving myself a chance with this too. It's like you said, I can't let my past dictate my future happiness."(Aizen).

"I am so happy! Mother was right all along, direct approach is the best"(Allessa).

She seems very happy, exuding enormous amounts of joy. But I barely registered what she said, the moment I decided to confront some of my past problems and open my heart to someone no matter how little was the passage. All that blocking feeling that was stopping me from reaching the liquid stated disappeared, I was until now trying to pass this bottleneck, and the answer was inside me all along, the sage was right after all. Old bastard. My mentality was what was holding me back all along, my past was literally crippling me from going forward, I must really thank the bubble of sunshine in front of me, if it wasn't for her I would probably be stuck there for a long long time.

But right now I can't do it, I am literally ascending right now. It felt magnificent, it was like my mind was inferior, rusty, brittle. But reaching the Liquid State or more know as [Six Paths Sage Mode] was an eye-opener, no it is more of a soul opener. It's an elevated state of conscience that just by being in it I can fly. But what surprised me the most was my new instincts, the same way a baby is born knowing how to cry, I know how to make a Godoudama right now. My mastery over elements skyrocketed, it's like I am part of them now. A part of the universe. Even my new Gravity Release has been boosted immensely, I can probably use all know elemental Kekkei Genkai right now too.

But if I had to say what changed to me the most, it would be the way i see things, the way i see the world, my eyes contain such calm and serenity now that would be able to make even a buddha jealous. And in that briefest moment during the ascension of my mental state, I was able to see the karmic lines that Allessa told me about, it was a beautiful visage, but also very alarming. Is like the tread that connect us is a pillar for her, a pillar of hope, and better days. Things must've been way harder than she let on, Shen to the dammed Fateverse after all. She is really a strong woman. Even if I am still a bit creeped out, I can at least give this a go, I just hope it works, because you have given too much too me without receiving anything. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't own the best training ground for my body, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been able to reach the liquid state so easily and smoothly.

You at least deserve a chance. And I am not afraid anymore to give it.

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