Mokuton Authority

Chapter 143 - Fries.

Reaching the liquid state is something magnificent. I am quite giddy to test a Godoudama, it was always that cool power that the top brass had in the naruto world, and it is versatile as hell, it can literally change shapes as I wish. Right now I can do simple shapes only, like sword shield, club, etc. But with time and experience, I should be able to make more complicated shapes, my end objective is to use the Godoudamas like a sublayer of skin, and a layer of protection to my bones, and finally, let then circulate together with my blood. I bet my defense will be monstrous if I can pull something like that.

My brain is working even faster now. But I am not smarter, I am stupid faster. Sadly most of my clones dissipated when I ascended to the Liquid state so I have to remade them. Now there must be a bunch of wooden statues all around, thankfully they don't show much of my features, just my stature.

I swiftly went over my skills and some new changes, but I finally stopped on my Gravity Release. To think that the Rinnegan would grant access to one of the fundamental forces of the universe baffles me to this day, The Eyes of God indeed. For your curiosity, the 4 fundamental forces of the universe are Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak Force, Strong Force. And for some reason, I was able to acquire it even before I reached the Liquid state or found my color, I know I probably didn't even scratch the surface of it, heck humans in my first life barely did it too.

And now that I have all elemental Kekkei Genkai's, I have access to Magnet Release, it isn't Electromagnetism yet, but maybe I can upgrade it in the future. But right now I think I should focus on Gravity Release and Wood Release first, maybe when I hit a roadblock then I can train the other. Heck, just the Magnet Release is very powerful on its own, just look at Magneto, the guy was a beast principally in the comics.

I summoned the Godoudamas to take a look at them, it's strange like a very cool hair gel but black. Thankfully the moment our talk started I put everyone in a hypnotic genjutsu to simply ignore us, It is more like of use chakra -> give the order -> done genjutsu than one I need to constantly supply chakra, they are just normal people after all.

"Ah, you finally advanced, I am happy for you"(Allessa).

"Nah, I should be saying thanks here, if it wasn't for you, I would probably be stuck in the bottleneck for a very long time. Thank you"(Aizen).

"I know it must be very strange for you... Just the fact of you not running away I see it as an absolute win."(Allessa).

"I will give 'this' a chance. So let us start over..."(Aizen).

"Hello, My name is Aizen Senju, my favorite color is green, the best food for me is grilled salmon, and I like training my Kekkei Genkai."(Aizen).

"Hello Aizen, my name is Allessa Zoey Windrunner, my favorite color is blue, the best food for me is cookies, and I love Magic even the more mundane of them I principally like to learn and create new ones."(Allessa).

"You like magic a lot huh, so have you learned or researched the magic of this world yet?"(Aizen).

Huh, old habits die hard, even trying to make a normal conversation my Anbu training slips in fishing for more info.*Sigh* its inevitable at this point.

"No, not yet, I was doing something very important before that requires a lot of my attention"(Allessa).

'I can't let him know that I was observing his, chiseled perfect muscled body... don't droll right now, it's your chance of not screwing up this time Allessa'(Allessa-Thinking).

"I heard that is pretty interesting, maybe they have some cool new magic, a new perspective is always good even when the magics do the same thing, the way they do it may vary a lot"(Allessa).

"I can agree with this, on my first world I would sometimes compare the way I do jutsu or fight with another ninja, it always helped to mastery things. But the better one was teaching, I taught things to a lot of my friends back there, it is pretty good to solidify your basics and learn new perspectives, you should try it too"(Aizen).

"It is a good idea, there are a bunch of magic schools and multiple magic associations here, I could try the teaching role once. Are you thinking of joining one of them?"(Allessa).

'Aaaa, maybe we can go to the same magic school and live the forbidden teacher and student romance, my nose is almost bleeding just thinking of it. Meeting ourselves on the corridor and then he suddenly pins me towards the locker, picking a lock of my hair in his hand and saying that I smell good, and then our lips slowly went towards each-'(Allessa-Thinking).

"I don't know... Learning a bit of magic can certainly be useful, most of my Jutsu are aimed at wanton destruction, few chakra based attacks are like Wood Release that has a lot of versatility. So learning a bit of magic just for the sheer utility of it would be worth it."(Aizen).

'Maybe watching all those romance movies and series wasn't such a good decision, they don't seem very realistic.'(Allessa-Thinking).{AN: you think?}

"Yeah definitely worth just for the versatility. Do you want some food, maybe something to drink?"(Aizen).

"Sure I heard one of the customers saying that the fries of this place are absolutely delicious, and to drink I would like the same as you"(Allessa).

"This I can certainly confirm, the fries are absolutely divine, with cheddar even better..."(Aizen).

With this, I called the waiter and asked for extra large french fries with extra cheddar and bacon, and two Mint Milkshakes, it didn't take too much time for it to come to our table, we ate some fries and indeed as previously the fries are divine, a perfect balance of crunchiness and softness.

"So what kind of movie you like the most?"(Aizen).

"Well, I like to watch romance movies and series, they are my favorites. But I didn't consume too much human media in my life, I was more focused on my magic"(Allessa).

"Hmmm, You should watch some anime, in my opinion, is one of the best types of media because it allows the creator a lot of creativity, this is the same for mangas, games and light novels, a good part is that they give you a lot of inspiration for your own powers and skills"(Aizen).

"Interesting will definitely check it out. What you do recommend?"(Allessa).

"JOJO Bizzare Adventures, it is an absolute masterpiece and a must-watch for any kind of anime enthusiast"(Aizen).

"You should also search for works portraying your own universe, like Warcraft and World of Warcraft, the Fate series. You could also watch Naruto and Naruto Shippuden"(Aizen).

"I know a bit about Naruto since I researched that verse a bit, didn't it have the third part, it was Called Boruto I think?"(Allessa).

"NO! don't do this to yourself, Boruto anime doesn't exist and I refuse to acknowledge it, the only thing that exists is the manga. Just the manga!"(Aizen){AN: Seriously, Boruto manga isn't that bad, the only problem is the huge nerf on him and Sasuke}

"Is that bad?"(Allessa)

"You wouldn't want to know"(Aizen).

We continued talking for a bit, some more small things. We slowly grew to know a bit more personal things about each other, it was way more enjoyable than I thought. After some time the waiter gave us the bill.

"Aizen I wanted to tell you something. A warning about this world if you will..."(Allessa).

"Sure, any kind of info is welcomed"(Aizen).

"Don't underestimate the Gods, that trap you made for Atlas, is almost worthless, he will be able to easily get out of it, he hasn't endured his prison for so many years for nothing. Few instances would be like you did with Athena."(Allessa).

"I was expecting for then to be strong, but are they really this strong? I spent a lot of time in that trap"(Aizen).

"Yes, I am sure of it, you were only able to kill Athena easily because you took her off guard, and she was wounded"(Allessa).

"Wounded? When I investigated her body I didn't see anything of the type"(Aizen).

"Well it wasn't a physical wound, but a mental one. Athena is considered the strategist of the Greek pantheon, and during a conflict a year back someone focused purposely on attacking her mind and that being almost crippled her"(Allessa).

"If she is so important why would they sent her to greet outsider tho?"(Aizen).

"Simply because of her wisdom, the slave contract is real and they are heavily recruiting, it is like they are preparing for some kind of massive war. And sending Athena is a pretty smart move seeing as she doesn't have that warrior aura or something like that, most people lower their guard seeing her scholar aura and appearance"(Allessa).

"Well, it's indeed smart. So don't underestimate the Gods, and prepare for war"(Aizen).

"Why prepare for war?"(Allessa)

"Well, I am almost certain that I would be involved in this war willing or not, so better be prepared"(Aizen).

So I started to search my clothes for a specific seal when Allessa asked:

"Wait, I don't remember you trading any kind of money, how will you pay?"(Allessa).

"I was thinking of using a gold bar of course."(Aizen).

"No problem them-"(Allessa).

At this moment we both felt some two presences teleporting outside of the pub, but I was surprised. They are extremely vile presences, i wanted to puke by just feeling them, they basically smell like sin and evil.

With a weak disguise that would only fool normal humans, both entering the pub. They have bluish like skin, are fairly tall, with two pairs of horns on their heads, their rotten breath appears to freeze the air itself.

My [Future Vision] immediately went off showing me that they would both cause an explosion of concussion and cold energy aiming at me and Allesa, we could easily come out unscattered, but most people close to here would die instantly.

Using my newly acquired Magnet Release I extract two nails from the table, a pulse of Wood Release chakra making the unstable furniture the most durable object for miles stopping it from falling.

Using a bit of Scorch Release I melted the nails, and with my gravity release, I shaped then into needles and using Ice Release I solidified the molten needles.

With clever use of my Magnet Release and Gravity Release, I made an improvised Railgun. Passing the needles thought my 'Railgun' I fired then at the two individuals that are close to committing mass murder.

The needles traveled at an impressive speed, swiftly passing through the two evil individuals. They died so fast they barely knew what happened. A swift and clean kill.

Using my Magnet Release I took the needles back and repeated the same process transforming them into nails again and putting them in their previous place. The normal population totally oblivious to this due to the clever use of genjutsu.

"I did say we would be in involved no matter what."(Aizen).

"I should probably stop relying on my magic to see the future, its ever-changing characteristic are really annoying"(Allessa).

"Well, I have a skill that let me see a few seconds in the future too, but it isn't a magic or something like that, it's more related to spirit and whatnot. The limit is 3 seconds by now, I wouldn't want it to be more than ten if it's stretched to mutch its stars to becoming unreliable"(Aizen).

"You are right. And I need to use more of the other magics I got from my home"(Allessa).

"A good choice, predicting the future is a great thing, principally to fish for more info, but you shouldn't become reliant on it"(Aizen).

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