Mokuton Authority

Chapter 145 - Color.

The blue great ocean, one of the great natural forces that make up the planet. Big and relentless it can grind even the hardest of rocks with relentless attempts.

In the middle of the said relentless ocean, there is an island, said island is neither big nor small. It could easily fit a normal city. But sadly said island was inhospitable.

It certainly was, until a year ago as a strange rich individual purchased the said island. The previous surface filled with sharp rocks and dirt now shows a beautiful visage filled with trees and nature.

The one responsible for dare I say miracle restoration is of course or protagonist Aizen. Zooming in we can see someone sitting under a waterfall, this person is a fairly tall human with black hair. But this human shows some different characteristics, his eyes are shining feline grey eyes, sharp fangs and teeth fill his mouth and you can easily spot claws in his hands and feet.

The forest, no nature itself seems to be more alive around him, it is like he is part of it, the water seems more pristine, the ground more fertile, the vegetation more lush and green. And the peacefulness is almost otherwordly.

Suddenly everything stopped, the wind became still, the movement of the leaves stopped, even the waterfall that was fervently flowing down stopped. A wave, not a wave of water, but a wave of energy, powerful energy came from the body of Aizen.

Thankfully the energy isn't harmful, no, on the contrary, it's extremely beneficial to the surroundings making the already very rich and lush forest grow ticker, tougher, and healthier.

Aizen opens his eyes, but instead of the previous feline grey eyes, his eyes shine in a very vibrant green color. Aizen color is Green. You can even say that I have two emerald orbs right now.

Concentrating inside myself I finally let out a sigh of relief, I was finally able to find my color. And is my favorite too, green. How nice.

Now my whole chakra, that immense quantity of it that I am even unable to compare, became completely green, sadly I returned to the gas stage, so I need to condense its density again. I looked inside my mindscape and I was surprised to see that everything gained a tint of green, even the f.u.c.k.i.n.g library, and the cabin. The water became principally beautiful with the new green color, it looks like some fine green glass made into the water, truly beautiful and crystalline.

I can do everything now with more value? Yeah, that's the word. If density reduces the consumption of things and boosts up the density of my jutsu. My color makes everything I do have more value, a simple tree made with my color now can easily topple a bunch compared to before, it's like my chakra now has a superior value in the eyes of the world.

This made me wonder how achieving divinity must've feel like, it must be something truly... divine.{AN: no shit.}

Getting up and doing some stretching I decided to check some of my techniques. A lot of things changed thanks to me finding my color, so I bet a lot of my jutsu too.

Yeah, it definitely did. I spent some time more on my island getting used to my newfound strength, I even reentered Atlas prison to do some bodily exercises, thankfully I was able to easily grasp it, I spent a lot of time in the process after all.

But soon my training came to an end, so I decided to return to London to see if there is some new juicy info. A quick flash and I was there, in my apartment, it wasn't much but a family can certainly live comfortably here.

Upping my [Wooden Armor] and putting on some good clothes, a leather jacket, a green shirt, jeans, and some sneakers and I was good to go. Exiting the building I was walking on the street calmly, I now have a clear destination in mind. A club.

Well, this isn't a normal club, of course, I wouldn't waste time like that. It's an underground auction plus information selling business. This auction selling specialty is small magic items, so no giant floating sh.i.p.s here, I learned of that information with sadness. What interests me the most here is of course the information business.

Will I buy anything here? of course not. I am an Anbu black ops, of course, I will steal info. Duh. I have done it multiple times in the past and will definitely continue doing it in the future. Why do it personally instead of sending a clone? Hey, I just wanted to do something myself a bit, meditating on an island for a long time can become boring after all.

Entering the more shady parts of the club I slowly mixed myself in the crowd, blending in a smooth and practiced manner. I or my clone have done this so many times it's kind of laughable how easy it is.

I quickly went in, picked up the doc.u.ments and made a copy just because it sounds cooler, and exited with everything in order. Why make a copy? simply because I can have a lot of folders as you see in that CIA movies, maybe I can even topple some dictator regime in the future? Nah I already have too much trouble.

With my objective already in hands, I thought I should at least enjoy a drink, it's been some time since I've drunk anything alcoholic. And it's also an excellent way to fish for info. Exiting the club I made to a close bar, it's a bar frequented most by the magical community and its integrants, so I can fish a lot of info from there.

Sitting I ask the bartender for a Blue Bright, some kind of drink made with blueberry and some other beverage of blue color, don't know and don't care.

Sitting around chilling and drinking my blue drink, I started to listen to other people's talks. Some gossip about a celebrity, some random explosion on the apothecary, a new rising magic association.

Yeah, there is a magic association here, there is a bunch of them but I always paid more attention to the biggest 5: Fenix Drive specialized in fire and regeneration and the weakest of the five. Mahou Yuu a mercenary Japanese organization specialized in exorcisms and real state business is the second weakest of the five. Clock Tower, not that one, is located here in London and is specialized with obscure and different items, it's the third strongest.

The second strongest is High Mike, yes the creator was called mike and he was always high, there is were the name came from, its specialty is as you guessed, drugs, all kinds of drugs from normal to magical it is also the biggest of then all in terms of members.

The first one is well, a mystery. Everyone knows who the strongest association is, but none knows the details of it. The only thing they know is the name and the numbers of members. It is inarguably the lowest in terms of member population containing only twelve of them, it's called the 12 Temples. None knows the member's faces or identities, the only thing know is that the leader has black hair, but this info is basically crap as a lot of people have black hair. But none dare to call themselves the strongest with that association arround.

But they have been missing for years, it's like they suddenly disappeared from the face of the planet without any kind of clue whatsoever, but even if has been such a long time without anyone seeing even a clue of then, but the respect still stands strong.

While I was thinking about the mysterious association I heard something interesting. It appears that the magic school recruitment period is starting. I didn't think much of it, I doubt I would be invited to a school for children.

Talking about magic I concluded that this world is some kind of a mess when it comes to it. First, you have the Wizards which are born able to naturally control their mana and use magic, Besides the Wizard, we have Magus or Magician they are normal people who have mana are not wizards and studied a lot to do magic, they use a combination of magic circles and sciences to do magic, they are the most common inhabitant of the supernatural world, but also the weakest, few of then reach a high level within the world.

Besides the Wizard and the Magician, there are ki/chi practitioners they basically use their internal energy to reinforce and strengthen their bodies, they are normal people who practice martial arts to a very high level and ended up awakening it.

The third type of person is the ones who are Psionics. They normally have a high-level mind that permits them to affect the world around them, such as telekinesis, pyromancy, etc. Psionics are normally extremely religious people that due to their vehement dedication to a god were able to develop a high-level mind, sadly this made them extremely close-minded with a one-track mind as a side effect.

Once I encountered one of these psionics, the guy somehow had a True Vision ability and he was able to see all the energy contained inside my body, the guy simply became bat shit insane with just a glance, spewing shit like 'Infinity is something that should belong only to gods', 'Must kill the new demon king', 'Walking disaster, etc. I tried to reason with the guy but his one-track mind and frenzy were too much for him to see reason, I quickly lost my patience and beheaded him.

Still pissed for being attacked by a fanatic I tracked his cult, tossed his beheaded head in the middle of their base, and said 'Next time anyone from here tries to kill me, you're done'. This episode made me think I am becoming softer. Nah it's simply too troublesome to track down everyone and kill them.

But not every Psionic is a nut head, there are of course some people that are different, and example was some branch of Buddhism I found, the leader simply reached a high level by just meditating and contemplating life, the guy could literally kill people by thinking hard. I talked some with him and gained bits of inspiration from him, I asked why he helped me and he said 'You and Buddhism have a connection, why it is? I don't know. Life works in mysterious ways'. Yeah, no help at all with his cryptic way of talking.

Then there is the blessed, they are simply natural-born Psionics, rare as hell but still happen sometimes, religious factions fight for then with tooth and nail as they generally have more overpowered Psionics abilities from the get-go.

The final type of people are of course the Sages, yea they have sages here. Who the f.u.c.k you thought Sun Wukong is? sadly the sages here don't have chakra so they can't use Senjutsu per see, but they still can use a bunch of diverse and strange skills with natural energy. Anyone can become a Sage, but they generally need a lot of knowledge and experience of the world so it's quite difficult becoming a Sage here, most of them are millennium-old monsters who have a lot of time.

And with all these cool new things at my doorstep, you must be thinking I am swimming in new skills right?

Wrong. I can't use a single one. F.u.c.k. Only people born here can... I may or may not have raged a little about that, Magic I understand as I have no Mana, but Ki? Psionics? why I can't? It smells like bullshit. But I didn't 'care much' as I was more concerned with finding my color. And now that I found it and it's just a matter of time before I reached the liquid state again I have nothing to do, so I thought i could go on another date with Allessa maybe?

Yeah, our relationship improved a bit, we have gone on some more dates in the past year. My favorite one was the JOJO marathon, she was even able to recreate the effects of King Crimson with her magic, and even to this day, I don't understand it. Just thinking about that overpowered thing I shudder a little. I f.u.c.k.i.n.g hate time skills, principally when they are used against me.

While I was thinking I quickly reached my apartment, and there was certainly a surprise for me there.

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