Mokuton Authority

Chapter 146 - University Again.

Entering my apartment I see that everything is normal, but there is definitely something in the air something different, to be more precise there are traces of magic here. I get my guard up immediately with my [Observation Haki] triggered at maximum, but after scanning things for a while I haven't found anything different and the traces of magic are almost gone at this point.

But I didn't let my guard down, I wouldn't put past this world to have some strange people that can somehow avoid my detection, something that should be impossible as I am a Sage with [Observation Haki], but being paranoid is part of myself.

I quickly found where the magic is coming from, a letter on the floor. I summon a wooden clone and send him to open it. Thankfully there is nothing harmful in the letter. Absorbing the wooden clone I proceed to read the content of the strange letter.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr/Ms. [Goldheart],

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely...










{AN: jk}

Reading the letter appears, someone detected my potential and thought I would be a good student at the Arcane University, I almost laughed when they thought I was a normal human, they must have some kind of artifact to detect potential, and for some reason, it has chosen me.

Well, why not? it sounds like a good opportunity as any to learn a little bit more about magic, and I bet that any magical classes would be 10 times more interesting than normal classes, sadly 10 multiplied by 0 is still zero.

Ok let me reply here, 'I Joseph Goldheart hereby agree to the terms stated on the letter, and I take full responsibility for it', well done. The letter is immersed in a blue light, a magic circle appeared under it and then it suddenly vanished.

Who is Joseph you ask? is of course a fake name, as much as I would like Aizen Senju is too much of a strange name even for the magical community, but it by itself wouldn't warrant me the use of a fake one. The reason is tarted using a Fake name is simply because I learned of a very scary existence thanks to Allessa, Name magic exists. Yeah, you can literally curse/kill people just by knowing their names, having blood help. F.u.c.k.i.n.g rituals I barely know then and I already dislike it. The first thing I did was start using the fake name of Joseph Goldheart.

It served me well, it even saved me from some curses I am sure, as much as I would like to say the fanatics that tried to kill me would lay low I doubt it, thankfully I hadn't encountered any gods, I am just waiting for me to reach my green liquid state, and then I will start the real offensive. I have some very devious things planned, heheheh.

Now I need school supplies, thankfully the currency is just like that in RGS 100 Bronze= 1 Silver and 100 Silver = 1 Gold. And yeah anyone can make the currency as long as they have the ability and it follows the official format, so I literally made my money. Try to just make a cover of silver or gold will result in severe penalties.

But right now I want to sleep in my bed a little bit, even if I am not physically tired I can still become mentally tired.

Waking up the next day I am fairly refreshed,[Sage Body] is really something convenient, I don't even need to pee and poop anymore, the [Sage Body] literally takes care of the harmful substances completely digesting everything. It's pure efficiency. Principally now that I gained a color it uprated once more.

A quick breakfast of bacon, bread cheese, and some eggs a cup of orange juice, and I was good to go.

Now I must go to Diagon Alley. Of course, it isn't the same Diagon Alley you are thinking about, this one is a real alley that is the entrance to the magical community shopping district here.

Coming closer to the alley I waited. Of course, I have to wait, I have no Mana so I can't enter it by myself, well... I could with a few explosions but why do it? Thankfully a family of four quickly came and entered the place, I quickly followed them without then noticing my presence, stealth training for the win.

Entering Danny McMass street I can see all the stores and other buildings, it is so... Magical{AN: no shit}

First place is the bookstore, Everything is pretty impressive as I haven't seen this place before as I was too busy to do it. Books floating and dancing making different formation and piles. I quickly went to the counter and asked:

"I want the books for the first year of the Arcane University"(Aizen).

"Sure no problem. Anything else?"(Worker).

"I would want anything you have on mental arts too, it's an area I am fairly curious about"(Aizen).

"Ho want to become a Psionic sir? I would also recommend the book on Pantheons and Factions by Ben Dover, it is one of the best you can find out there"(Worker).

"Sure why not?"(Aizen).

"The total is 58 silver, with the Arcane University discount too"(Worker).

"Sure here"(Aizen).

The rest was fairly easy, uniform was slower because I am simply too f.u.c.k.i.n.g tall for the normal one so it had to be custom made, thankfully magic made it faster and more convenient. And I would like to say that I let my normal appearance out as in the magic community you have way different people, finding elves dwarves and halfling isn't much difficult.

Ingredients for potions were my favorite, if there is something I want to learn to make is potions and elixirs, they don't need mana to make, and being able to use Mokuton will probably make me king of herbology.

My last stop was on the wand store, it was the most normal and organized of then all, in the counter there is a middle-aged man.

"We have all kinds of foci, from wands to staff, even jewels if that is your thing"(Staff).

"I would like a wand please"(Aizen).

"Sure, there are some here, oak, mahogany, Ipe, and everything."(Staff).

I picked the first Wand Oak, and with a swish, some sparks of natural energy flew around, it was compatible. As were all others, I have literally the best compatibility to any wood here, I am a sage so I doubt I would be refused by a wand so easily.

The clerk sure looks stunned by my easy compatibility with wands, I bought the oak tree one, sadly it would be fairly useless as I have no mana to work with.

With everything in order, I was ready for the Arcane University.

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