Mokuton Authority

Chapter 147 - Big castle.

The day quickly came, and I spent most of the time trying to reach my green vapor state, thankfully I advancing quite fast and I should be able to reach it more easily.

Going to school now seems so much more enjoyable than it has been in the past. I guess when you have the power to literally blow up the world some things lack importance. I can't wait to tell a teacher f.u.c.k himself for giving too much homework. Or never be stressed by a test ever again. I feel so liberated that I can say the school would be very enjoyable now.

And bullies? Hah, I can't f.u.c.k.i.n.g wait for someone to try, It would be f.u.c.k.i.n.g hilarious to see their pesky magic bouncing off my skin or I am simply unfazed by most of it. About physical things, hahaha even more of a joke.

Hah, I quickly took off the ground flying in the direction of the Arcane University.

Ahh, flying. Such a magnificent thing, and is so natural too, before I needed to use Onoki jutsu to fly, but now I can do it naturally, and is so smooth that looks like I've been doing this my whole life, it feels so natural like walking and talking. And it long since became something essential to me.

You see, I am heavy as hell I could easily crack the ground while walking normally, all my muscle is very dense and heavy, thankfully I had the Onoki jutsu to reduce my gravity enabling me to not damaging things too much. Gaining the Gravity Release helped me, but since I was able to naturally fly without spending anything, it became such a liberating feeling not having to be 100% with a jutsu active.

Look at the beautiful scenery passing under I couldn't help but admire it, forests and colines with some lush green plain from time to time. Truly a beautiful feeling, way better than the city, if I could have all the city convenience in the countryside I would certainly only live here, sadly even the internet is crap in the countryside. But the scenery, the calmness might as well be worth it.

It didn't take much for me to see a big castle, and I mean a very big castle on the horizon. It could easily fit 5 Hogwarts together easy peasy.

Summoning my 'luggage' I stopped close to the outer wall entrance, such a big f.u.c.k.i.n.g door. Even if I had lived in the ninja world people there were way more modest when it came to construction, here people are simple megalomaniac with anything construction-related, and it's a spectacle to the eyes.

Knocking on the giant gates, I heard a pop on my side, what I presume is a teacher or part of the staff greeted me.

"Ho a student this early, how peculiar."(?????).

"Sup, my name is Joseph. Nice to meet you"(Aizen).

"Hi, my name is Jeff I am the auxiliary potions teacher. Nice to meet you too"(Jeff).

"So... You said I was early, can I still enter or I have to wait here?"(Aizen)

"Well Joseph, you can of course enter. But the school is off-limits for now, I am afraid you will have to wait in the great hall but don't be discouraged there are plenty of comfortable chairs and couches there so time will pass fast"(Jeff).

"Sure, no problem with me"(Aizen).

"Follow me"(Jeff).

The huge gates opened showing the road to the castle, passing through the gates a change happens to everything in my vision, must be some kind of boundary or ward, but wow. The sky is purple here, and the clouds blue, and there is even a mural on the wall showing High Mike, apparently he was a student here huh.

"What would be your favorite subject Joseph?"(Jeff).

"Well, I like herbology and potion the most, but mind arts interest me a lot"(Aizen).

"Are you very religious?"(Jeff)

"Not much why?"(Aizen).

"Kinda strange for someone who isn't a zealot to be trying to learn the mind arts, just don't make a scene or cause problems and I am sure you will be fine"(Jeff).


I am not surprised discrimination exists here, seeing the way he is looking at my cat-like features, this guy is either a humongous cat-lover or a bigot to anything different from him. Should I hide it with [Wooden Armor]? why would I do that, it just means that more people would like to mess with me and I can't wait to break their legs. I am almost trembling from all the fun I could have.

We quickly reached the great hall, and there is indeed a bunch of comfy chairs and couches, I immediately sit in one while Jeff disappeared to god knows were. I simply entered a meditative state and waited, it didn't take much time and people started coming, these are the early comers like me.

And it didn't take much time for people to started to mess with the 'sleeping' guy. I had to hold my laugh as a group of four girls and two boys made a lot of idiotic faces and poses, sadly there wasn't a JOJO pose there, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

Quickly things started escalating and they started to use different objects, if I was really sleeping it would certainly be funny but when I can see them perfectly they just look like a bunch of idiots from my point of view. Then one of the girls took a cellphone and was preparing to take some 'humiliating' photos, sadly for her every time she would take a photo I would open my piercing shining emerald feline-like eyes and deadly stare at the camera.

She had to take a lot of photos to finally realize what was happening, and when she went to see her gallery of photos, she almost jumped in fright. I couldn't hold it anymore I started laughing, my laugh was raspy and grave, almost like the laugh of a Weretiger. It scared her even more, sadly the funny moment was ruined by one of the boys trying to be the 'macho'.

"Hey, you f.u.c.k.i.n.g creep. What the hell you think you're doing scaring a girl like that"(Random Mob1).

"Yeah, where are your manners you f.u.c.k.i.n.g savage, were you born in the jungle with the gorillas or something"( Random Mob2).

I just got up, and they immediately cowered, let's say someone as tall as 2,10 and well built is a very intimidating figure, even in the supernatural world, I simply stared at the two mob characters and said.

"No, but I am certain they would've been better company than any of you"(Aizen).

Saying my piece I just walked away from them, their stupid face probably means that they didn't expect me to retort, must be some kind of nobles or something, sadly for them, I had a lot of experience dealing with this kind of people, I just wished this happened in some isolated corridor, I could've easily broken their legs or something.

They were going to try some sort of revenge but it quickly died down when an announcement was made saying that we can enter the dining how to eat lunch and wait for more instructions.

When I was walking to the dining room a Shark Girl put a hand on my shoulder, yes you heard it right a SHARK GIRL. Well, this world of course has hybrids and beastman. But not in the same way your favorite isekai novel, beastman, and hybrids are basically when a human with a huge amount of magic has a kid with some kind of different species like dwarves or halflings, mermaids. Normally the kid will be born either human or the other species, but sometimes mutations happen, and when you mix the unpredictability of a mutation and the bullshit that is magic in general you get some pretty diverse things, like a shark girl for example.

"You shouldn't take what they said to heart. Besides antagonizing then is a bad idea, they have some pretty powerful backing"(Shark Girl).

"Oh no I don't mind. On the contrary, it makes this even better."(Aizen).

"Whatever you want champ, I just thought we hybrids should stick together you know. If you need some help you can ask me"(Shark Girl).

Well, at least she looks friendly. Hope this going to be as entertaining as I thought it should.

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