Mokuton Authority

Chapter 148 - Announcement.

"Everyone, we have an announcement to make..."(Teacher body).

I kinda just zoned out there. I am definitely not interested in some half-assed warning and news, should I pay attention? Probably. Will I? no, of course not. It just sounds like a f.u.c.k.i.n.g huge waste of time.

Soon came what I was waiting for, a sort of test and sorting ceremony, sadly there wasn't a talking hat, this one left me quite disappointed. But I guess not everything will turn out to be better huh, well the sorting object is just some kind of lame transparent orb where people put their hands and have their affinity tested, thus sorting them on the respective house after.

Soon a middle-aged man with some grey hairs reached close to the orb, he had a floating list close to him. He was wearing some fusion of a suit and a magician robe that looked quite cool, to be honest, this teacher already has a better image in my mind.

"Hello I am the potions teacher Zechariah, and I will do the selecting this time around, please be civil"(Zechariah).

"Amanda Huggenkiss"(Zechariah).

"Axel Rose"(Zechariah).




"Betty Phuckzer"(Zechariah).







"Joseph Goldheart"(Zechariah).

I stood up and calmly walked towards the selecting orb. I just put my hand there and two-colors shined bright blue and brown, the brow was a little bit brighter. So I ended up in the Quake Tower, yeah the school is divided into 5 houses according to the five elements: Quake Tower, Tsunami Coast, Flame Act, Lightning Selector, High Wind( High Mike's house).

I sat on the table of my house and waited quietly for everything to finish, just one more student grabbed my attention, the Shark Girl that I now know as Elsa Whitefinn she, of course, ended up on Tsunami Coast.

The food was good and enjoyable, nothing extremely fancy but delicious nonetheless. I ate a lot like always, even improving in my ability to make photosynthesis, eating food is still a must sometimes, while I was eating I started to think about how could that orb check my affinities if I don't even have mana, maybe it uses the soul? or the body itself? a new mystery, how exciting. The orb must've decided earth because of my gravity release, liking it or not gravity has a lot of connection to the earth in a lot of works, no problem for me.

Dessert was pretty enjoyable, some kind of velvet cake that was absolutely delicious. Then an older student entered the dining hall, apparently, there were only first years on the introduction, but next time we will all be together. The quake tower senior called us, he will be our guide to the dormitory, he will also show us some of the classes and important places, like the library, the infirmary, etc.

The infirmary was a surprise, all beds are floating and you can even find storage places for ingredients in the ceiling, the nurse was treating a patient that has broken his leg.

I plead innocence Jury, it wasn't me, I didn't even move from my place I was with the group the whole time. On a more serious quote, yes it was me. The imbecile thought it was a good idea to use magic on me on a slightly more deserted corner when I lagged behind the touring group, with my speed I broke his legs without he even noticed I had moved from my place, on the eyes of any bystander the guy simply started to spontaneously wail in pain. He isn't dead just because the magic wasn't malicious or lethal, if it was no one would've even found his body.

The library was massive, and I mean really massive, I bet it even has some kind of expansion magic to make it even bigger inside, I can safely say that the library was the size of the Hogwarts castle easily. It has so many floors and corridors, a lot of tables and couches in between, even right now there is a bunch of students here. The guide even said there is a restricted section, but it's obviously not here, it's in the principal office, which makes a lot more sense. The library is open to anyone at any time, and everything is done by magic basically, so they don't need a librarian, the one they have here is just a guard to stop people from causing a ruckus inside.

Just looking at the mountain of knowledge I can already feel the clone inducing headache I will have, my perfectionist side won't let me not read everything here, thankfully I can just send a henged wooden clone to read while I do other stuff. My objective right now is to research how I can translate magic to jutsu, potions, and elixirs, herbology. Basically, this, hope it succeeds.

After the library was the magical sports section, they have a bunch of magical sports and other things here. You don't know how cool magical volleyball is, just looking at it from here I can feel the chuuni people screaming their special attacks, hey this isn't a sports anime you don't need to scream "phoenix flaming ball" out loud.

After touring some classrooms we were sent to our dormitories. thank god everyone has an individual room, it's pretty spartan with just a bed a table and a wardrobe. I don't mind, in my time on that Anbu, it was even worse than this.

We also received our schedule for tomorrow. I had close combat magic, and magic theory/practical. after that we were basically free the rest of the day, which isn't much but definitely a decent amount of time to do my things.

I picked up some books on the mental arts to read a little before sleeping, and there was a pretty interesting read, the first book was basically describing occulmancy with another name, and with its help, I removed some kinks and rough things of my mindscape. I didn't want to continue the whole night as I wanted to have my mind 100% tomorrow, so I went to sleep even if it was just a little bit.

There is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g trumpet to wake everyone up, I just know whatever had that idea is evil, very evil. I am certain it was High Mike no doubts there. Getting up I just put on the uniform of the Arcane University, some purple suit with grey details the one for girls is the same but they can choose between a grey or purple skirt. It's of course customizable as long as you follow the patterns you can change all the details. I of course changed it, bigger sleeves containing weapons of various kind and seals, a lot of seals. My ninja paranoia is still high, good.

Breakfast was normal, it had a little bit of everything, and I ate an especially delicious blueberry pie, and their cappuccino was certainly above the average. Soon it was time for magic combat classes and our first lecture was about violence.

"Hello, my name is Harry Osborn and I will be your magical combat teacher. The first lesson I will take about violence"(Harry).

Then he went on his rant about how violence is wrong and yadda yadda, this guy is a pacifist and I bet a vegan to boot. I am exactly the opposite of vegan. Why? if I have Mokuton? shouldn't I be the most vegan fo then all? Nope, it's actually the opposite, I am way closer to trees and plants so just the thought of eating then is like a human eating a monkey, it happens but it is kinda bad.

The teacher continued to his explanation, so seeing as that are so few people caring about his pacifist bullcrap, he picked one of us to ask questions, and who he took? me of course.

"You. What happens when violence is useless?"(Harry).

"It just means you aren't using enough of it of course"(Aizen).

"Wait what?"(Harry).

"Yeah, when violence isn't enough it just means you're using too little of it"(Aizen).

Of course, I know the concept of skill and subtlety, but I am saying this to annoy this guy, if he was saying the benefits of a pacifist take on I wouldn't mind, but he was literally preaching here.

"What an idiotic concept. So prove it to me"(Harry)

His arrogance still high, harry decided to put a set of children toys, there is the format of a square on a stone tablet, and a circular object presumably used to fit in the stone tablet.

"Go show me how can you resolve this with violence. Shoo shoo."(Harry).


He looks as smug as possible expecting for me to fail, it would have of course if I was a normal student. Sadly for him, I am not.

I picked the sphere and proceed to hit the square-shaped hole, weakly.

"See class, how useless it is"(Harry).

He didn't have time to say more as I used a lot more strength even using Gravity Release to increase it, the sphere fitted the destroyed square-shaped hole. With a poker face, I returned to my previous place and waited for a little. Harry's face is well... priceless, yeah that's the word for it.

"Wait how..."(Harry Osborn).

He didn't have much time to talk as the signal for lunch played as loud as hell. I used that moment to break Harry's legs, of course, very few people heard the wails of our pitifully magical combat teacher. He is even more pitiful, in a moment he was raging that I broke him out of his personal bullcrap, and in the next moment, he just felt pain. Poor Harry.

The lunch went fast, and now we had magical theory classes, and this is something I had to explain. Even if they divide people depending on their element there is still normal magic, or attributeless magic to learn, tomorrow that I had Earth elemental magic classes.

I was the first to enter class, I just choose a seat in the middle and had a look at the teacher. My surprise was tremendous, it's Allessa. And she looks so f.u.c.k.i.n.g hot in teacher's clothes. But when I was going to talk with her, she just sends me a mental voice saying we will talk later.

After that Elsa sits on my side, strange but I've seen stranger. I am looking at you Allessa. We are still talking in my mind, so she sent me a mental pout and finished the mental chat seeing as a bunch of other students are entering class.

"So... Joseph Right?"(Elsa).

"Yep, you are Elsa Withefinn I presume? what can I do for you?"

"I need help"(Elsa).

"What can I gain from it?"(Aizen).

"Not helping a Lady in need, how atrocious. It appears your name is false and your heart isn't made of gold Joseph"(Elsa).

"Neither is the fin on top of you head white. So what do you want? if it's entraining enough I may or may not help"(Aizen).

Well, she is breathing a little bit more laboriously, and I now can finally see that she has gills on her neck, and there is indeed a blue shark fin in the top of her head. She takes a deep breath and says to me.

"I want you on my team"(Elsa).

"What team?"(Aizen).

"Didn't your first-period teacher explain to you?"(Elsa).

"No, he suddenly broke his legs"(Aizen).

"Wait how does someone suddenly break his-"(Elsa).

Ignoring her question I focus on what is truly important.

"What is this team thing you are talking about?"(Aizen).

"Right... Well at the start of your stay at Arcane University you need to form a team under the first month, the team has four members, one captain, and four other normal students. And I am a captain searching for some members, I already have a girl from High Wind and a boy from Fire act, so we thought someone from Quake Tower would be good, the first that came to mind was you so... Do you accept?"

"Sure why not?"(Aizen).

"Please can you recon- Wait you accepted? Yahoo!!"(Elsa).

She is incredibly happy right now, quite a terrifying sight is the smile of a shark girl with so many sharp teeth. Well, I have no right's to say this as I have something similar, my smile is quite terrifying after all, with all the fangs, pointed teeth, and stuff.

"Now Bluefin, pipe down classes is gonna start"(Aizen).

"Thank you, Joseph, the meeting is just after class in the library"(Elsa).

Well, she practically ignored me for a moment there. No problem, the class is going to start.

"Hello, my Name is Zoey Windrunner and I am your teacher. Please call me Ms.Windrunner"(Allessa).

"Today we will work a little bit on magic theory, and after some time we will work on some practical things the Illumination spell will do"(Allessa).

"The illumination spell has a lot of variations seeing as it is one of the first spells, some wizards and mages got quite creative with it, first there is the simple [Lumos] a favorite of wizards and such, then there is [Magelight] and as it name implies it is a favorite of mages. Does anyone know any more way to illuminate the ambient? You miss Whitefinn your eagerness to answer was noted"(Allessa).

"There is a lot of variations like the maxima variation as an example of [Lumos maxima], or the solar variation more used as a spell to hunt creatures of the night the Solaris variation, an example would be [Lumos Solaries]. About mages, I don't know much."(Elsa).

"No problem Ms.Whitefinn your explanation was pretty good, I will be sure to give your extra points in the final scores. Excellent performance"(Allessa).

"As Ms. Whitefinn said there is indeed a lot of variations, the Solaris maxima too has variations on itself like the Helios or Agni variations, deities mingled a lot with mortals so they too influenced our magic so be sure to pay attention to you mythological studies, knowing the difference between some gods can and will save your life."(Alessa).

"Going more on the mages is a lit bit more difficult, as mages are the more rational of the bunch they will rarely mingle with a deity to power their spell, and they are wise to do so, trying to mess with a god is a very deadly business so be wary of anything of their powerful proportions"(Allessa).

"For [Magelight] we have the Follower, the Great, and the Radiant variants, they are pretty self-explanatory as the follower follows you around the opposite of just standing there, the great is bigger and better, and the Radiant is really just more radiant. Mages are generally more practical so their name sense is pretty direct and normally will clue you to what the spell does. Thankfully they are smart enough to not scream the name of their spell out loud, this is normally only done on the very high-level spell that you need to announce to the world of their casting, or as a crutch to learn low-level spells."(Allessa).

"Look this formula is for the [Magelight] spell and I would like the mages to experiment with it as much as they like, [Magelight] is one of the safest spells to experiment with, thus the high number of variants. But don't become complacent, the higher leveled spell will explode in your face while [Magelight] will at max shine brighter, but cautiousness can't hurt anyone remember that"(Allessa).

"Now I will vanish your seats and we will practice the illumination spells, be sure to not aim at the eyes of your colleagues, as much as our resident doctor can heal things easily it's better to just avoid bothering her"(Allessa).

She really did vanish our chairs, some people even look impressed at how easily she was able to do everything effortlessly. I already started thinking of how can I do the spell seeing as I can't do magic at all, and ideas come to mind. I have Storm Release(water+lightning), and when I use it in its laser form it shines like a [Magelight] or [Lumos], I just need to make it ball-shaped.

So using my Storm Release I summon forth a little ball of laser lightning that is extremely lethal, I expand it a little bit reining the wild jutsu the best I could, giving it directions is easy but maintaining it in the same shape for a long time not so much, but my vast mastery of water release helped me immensely, so I had the perfect round shaped Storm Release ball. Wich attracted the attention of a certain mischievous shark close to me.

"Wow, so pretty. It's way more solid and condensed than anyone else. I really have chosen wisely, you are very talented"(Elsa).

"Thanks, you did well too "(Aizen).

"Now let me touch it."(Elsa).


"Let me touch it"(Elsa).




"Pretty pretty please?"(Elsa).


"You are no fun. humpf"(Elsa).

Girl this thing can one-hit kill you easily, please stop trying to kill yourself, pretty please?

After this the class went pretty smoothly, Allessa said more theories and stuff and I certainly learned a lot, she even complimented on my skill, bet it was more on my ingenuity of using Storm Release to replicate the spell than anything. It was some real classes, totally different from the broken legs Harry. The guy had it coming.

Soon it ended with Alessa dismissing us, I of course stayed as she wanted to talk for a bit. She didn't wait much quickly tackling me with a hug. It was nice, and have I said she is very beautiful yet? probably but I am gonna say it again. She is beautiful.

"I missed you..."(Allessa).

"Me too Allessa"(Aizen).

"Ready for our date on Sunday"(Allessa).

"The action movie right?"(Aizen).

"No you silly, this time is my turn to choose and you know I like romance"(Allessa)

"I know I was just messing with you. Hahaha"(Aizen).


"But it's better if we talk more later, certainly mischievous shark is spying on us"(Aizen).



"Bye/See you later"(Aizen/Allessa).

Exiting the classroom the mischievous shark started to bombard me with questions:

"Is Ms.Windrunner your girlfriend Joseph"(Elsa)

No, not yet anyway. We are still dating to see where this got us, but I won't be giving out info about my personal dating life to someone I met shortly.

"Something like that"(Aizen).

"Wow. the forbidden teacher and student relationship... So romantic. You can rest assured that your secret is safe with me, my lips are sealed"(Elsa).

"But right now we must speed up, the meeting at the library awaits us"(Elsa).

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