Mokuton Authority

Chapter 150 - Weekend date.

The week passed fairly fast, I even managed to learn some pretty good things and after talking to Allessa today I think we can start on translating some magic.

Before meeting with her I think I should bring a gift, well I think a compilation of all the books I read in mental arts till now should be something pretty good, I will even make a customized cover of it. It certainly not much but from what I know Allessa isn't the type that like jewels, she is way richer than me anyway so she could probably have better things. But maybe I can give something with a good meaning like a gift for our 10th date or something like that. I know for a fact that she hates earrings.

Maybe not the mental arts book, she probably has something better. I know! a notebook should be perfect, I can even make it myself customizing the cover and I can even engrave some seals. Learning about Runes and Wards is really improving my seals, I even started adding them to my matrixes, the improvement is clearly visible. So the notebook it is.

I even took upon myself to explore a bit of the Castle and with my [Observation Haki] it became fairly easy. But once when I was walking down the trophy room I was able to see a photo, first, I didn't see anything wrong it was just a simple photo of the best class of that years, nothing major.

But when I was checking the people in the picture someone stood out, he was a black-haired and red-eyed individual. First, I thought he was just a normal student, and then I read his name on the board just below, Kagane Uchiha.

I froze for a moment there, I definitely didn't expect to see an Uchiha here, but I guess multiverse is real, or maybe someone reincarnated as an Uchiha? I don't know and I definitely need to investigate this. I guess I have even more questions for Allessa now.

I think I need to hasten my plans now, I wanted to take this more slowly you know. but it appears that fate doesn't like me being peaceful and calm. I sent a bunch of clones to the library, they can easily fuse with the floor or blend with their surroundings while they read, so I doubt anyone will be able to spot the more than a thousand clones in the library. I can definitely already feel the headaches...*sigh*.

So thus I put on some good clothes, picked up the Notebook I made that is currently in a Wooden box created by yours truly too, I even engraved the wood with some cool images of Allessa favorite animal the Snow Leopard.

Entering the teacher's dorm I greet Angeline that is being the guard today and went to Allessa's room number 3478. Knocking on the door it was swiftly open and allessa tackled me on a deep hug, she has even kissed me on the cheek. We both blush a little, before entering and her closing the door.

"Hi, how have you been doing?"(Aizen).

"Good, and like you've said I learned a lot by just teaching people, it was definitely worth it. I was even able to improve my magic a little bit."(Allessa).

"That's wonderful news. Ready for the movie?"(Aizen).

"You bet I am ready"(Allessa).

Then we went o her living room which was pretty spacious and sat on a big sofa that was close to the TV. there was a bunch of snacks already prepared, things like Doritos, popcorn, pringles, Mountain Dew, and other miscellaneous things. Yeah, Allessa loves Doritos and Mountain Dew too, which is a good common trait we share.

The movie was pretty good, definitely something I wouldn't mind watching again. Somewhere in the middle of the movie Allessa rested her head on my shoulders, at the first moment I went a little bit stiff but I was able to relax after some time. We are slowly growing together, this is what? our 5th date? but I have to admit I have some feelings for her. On the sad part of the movie she even hugged me and stayed like that till the end.

"It was a good movie. did you enjoy it?"(Allessa).

'Oh my god! I am hugging him, I can't believe it, he is soo good to hug, I can feel his perfectly sculpted muscles basically brimming with energy, and he is pretty warm too, I wish we could continue hugging like this forever.'(Allessa-Thinking).

"Yeah it was pretty good"(Aizen).

Wow, did I ever mention that allessa is using that s.e.xy teacher's clothes of hers? I had really some trouble controlling it when she kept hugging me. Thankfully I am a Sage and I have excellent self-control. But it became really good when you have a very s.e.xy teacher hugging you with clear intentions wanting for more.

"I am thankful you've liked it. But I guess we must go on the serious business right now."(Allessa).

"Yeah, how was your investigation?"(Aizen)

"After some time I was able to track whatever send those two people at the pub, and you are probably not gonna like it."(Allessa).

"Another pantheon?"(Aizen).

"Well yes, but actually no."(Allessa).


"They were slaves of an extremely strong being. A Dragon to be exact. his name is Jormag"(Allessa).

"Well, f.u.c.k. This guy is no joke. I've played a few Guild Wars 2 and he was definitely a pain in the ass and now he is a Dragon that probably has Divinity. His domains are Ice and Persuasion right?"(Aizen).

"Yep, and as you've killed you probably entered his radar too. I bet you already guessed who wounded Athena too?"(Allessa)

"It was Mordremoth probably, its domains are Plant and Mind, it's the only one I can think about right now."(Aizen).

"You are right. They are planning some sort of invasion on this Verse, I don't know exactly how it is going to work but they have already infiltrated the world and are definitely making some plans."(Allessa).

"About the gods?"(Aizen).

"There were some movements but they appear to be amassing a lit bit of strengths. And by the number of Demigos this year they are definitely planning on recruiting some people from here."(Allessa).

"Yeah the scheme of using people you gain proximity(your team), and after some time spent together you recruit them to your faction is a smart move."(Aizen).

"Ah. The factions that have been in most unrest is the Demonic and Angelic factions, apparently, two important youngsters have run away from them. They are madly searching for any kind of clue about it. I guess it never occurred to them that a young A.d.u.l.t would return to school to hide, quite a smart choice your teammates have done there."(Allessa).

"They are good people, I even helped them with their elements a little bit."(Aizen).

"But I have one more question. Do you know anything about Kagame Uchiha?"(Aizen).

"Who are you talking about? I have no idea."(Allessa).

"Apparently he was an ex-alumni from this place, and I guess he was the leader of the 12 temples too, but all of this are speculations. Guess I have to act the detective and search for more clues"(Aizen).

"It's a good call, if this guy was another reincarnation maybe he left some clues? its possible"(Allessa).

"Humm I agree, just hope his legacy isn't another headache I have to deal with"(Aizen).

"Relax, I am here to help you. But talking about helping we should schedule you, extra magical classes, with me."(Allessa).

"Thanks, I definitely appreciate the help, it will surely accelerate the process."(Aizen).

"No problem. Now let's get back to watching some more movies. We have the whole weekend after all."(Allessa).


With that Allessa hugs me tightly once more, her s.e.xy teacher outfit accentuating her curves and perfect figure. Her perky and perfect b.r.e.a.s.ts pressing on my side. This kind of moment makes me think that besides all the troubles, I am truly blessed.

The pleasant time passed faster than I would like, we talked a lot and not only about work. I thought telling some funny stories from our lives would be a good way to get closer too, so after every movie, we would pause and tell some different and funny stories. allessa of course has way more of them than me, she is way older after all. But it was truly an enjoyable time.

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