Mokuton Authority

Chapter 151 - Training the squad.

We ended sleeping on the sofa, both a little mentally tired from all the problems we have to deal with. Allessa is still hugging me like a koala, not that I mind of course. Our little marathon of movies took the whole weekend to be carried out, but it was fun. We spent most of the times hugging each other and watching a romantic comedy on TV, it was nice relaxing a little bit, even if the school per si doesn't pose any form of peril to me I was still very alert at all times, but on that sofa hugging each other, we had a little moment of peace. And I was happy.

Sadly even the most enjoyable moments need to come to an end. Soon Allessa was awake, and even her waiting to finish such a blissful moment even less than me, we had our things to do.

"Good Morning."(Aizen/Allessa).

"What a nice sleep."(Aizen).

"You bet it was."(Allessa).

"But unfortunately we both have classes to attend, so better be prepared."(Allessa).

"Yeah, you are right. And about the private sessions...?"(Aizen).

"Just come after 21:00, I am free after that. Let's crack some magic for you. I am honestly pretty exited doing something so new and ambitious."(Allessa).

"Me too, just that repair spell you use was worth it, and as much as I can hit spiritual beings with Haki I don't have any kind of cleansing or purification jutsu."(Aizen).

"It's good that you are motivated. How was going runes, by the way, you talked about it a bit"(Allessa).

"It went good I am learning a lot and it is surely helping me make my Seal work even better. But my favorite is still potions and herbology, and sadly it was just theory past week. Hopefully this week we can move on to more practical things."(Aizen).

"Relax I am sure the Teacher was just making sure the class didn't kill themselves with some poison or dangerous plant."(Allesssa).

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Sadly I have to end the conversation here we both have classes after all."(Aizen).

"Bye and have a nice day"(Allessa/Aizen).

With this, she kisses me on the cheek and we both went our ways.

Classes were normal for a lack of description, as normal as magical classes could be anyway, Dwayne was a way better teacher than Osborn and he explained in detail how the team dynamics work here. We will basically do some of our tests in groups so having a team is necessary, besides that it incentives the students to socialize more and make some good connections to the future, team can even challenge each other if they so desire, there is a teacher specifically et to oversee it.

The class basically focused on team stuff, things we need to know and look for, what is expected of a team, and of course team positions, etc. You could even have your team specialized in something or the other.

Alessa's classes were pretty good too, we learned more about Light spells, she even briefed a little bit on some more advanced spells. Seh also started a transfiguration, yeah that same branch of magic you see in the hp series, here it is a necessary step to alchemy, she even said Animagus do exist and I would be dammed if I didn't become one in the future. I will definitely talk with her about it later.

The best part is for you to become an Animagus here you need just to be proficient in potions, which I am fairly good at seeing as I have exception coordination(thanks handseals training). There are a bunch of Potions to help you become an animagus. The first is a potion to identify your internal animal, which I don't even need it I already know. The others are just o help you in those regards. But the most important one is a potion you need to make using the parts of your animal. Its fur claws teeth with some especially rare herbs and this potion will be the one to transform you into your animal. Besides all the potions stuff you need to know a lot about your animal beforehand, its habits diet, life cycle, biology, etc. So it is a really extensive process to become an animagus but I think it's well worth it.

Allessa's class finished. Elsa called our group to meet in the library again, we have been meeting regularly in the past week, and its been something very productive, they even improved their elemental control thanks to my tips. But I guess right now should be the time for the first-team training.

"Sup team. How was your weekend?"(Elsa)

"It was pretty good me and Gwen went on a date and we spent a lot of time together."(Rick).

"It was very nice."(Gwen).

"I spent the weekend hanging out with Allessa, we had some romantic movies marathon. It was pretty great."(Aizen).

"Shit! I am the only one here without a date, now I feel bad."(Elsa).

"Don't be this kind of things shouldn't be rushed. I am certain you will find your another half one day, just be patient and I am sure you will find him"(Aizen).

"Thanks, Aizen, but right now we should focus on the team training, even if we had done some bonding sessions and individual training we need to fight as a team a little it will help our coordination."(Elsa).

"Yeah I agree, but before we do anything I have something important to say that you need to change right now."(Aizen).

"What is it?"(Elsa).

"All of you need to enter the body strengthening class. And don't give me f.u.c.k.i.n.g excuses, even if all of you already have pretty strong bodies thanks to your races, you have no excuses to dismiss body training. The body is literally the foundation for most of the things you will do so I think it is a good idea for every one of you to start teacher's Dwayne class."(Aizen).

"I don't like it but what you say made sense"(Rick).

"Same, I never thought about it. I had always dislike being all sweaty and smelling bad."(Gwen).

"I never thought about it. Thanks for the heads up"(Elsa).

After that we discussed some more and went directly to a training ground Elsa reserved for our team, it was basically just an earth plain. Not even an earth mound was present.

"I don't know how to say this but... Aizen you are our earth specialist. Can you do something about the training ground to become more realistic?"(Elsa).

"Sure no problem."(Aizen).

A stomp on the ground sending a wave of chakra all around, a river cut the training ground diagonally, some mountains and earth mounds appeared, there was even a waterfall. And for the finishing touch, a bunch of gigantic trees sprung from the earth building a natural fortress. The previous training ground now looks more like a bootleg forest of death.

"Wow. Amazing."(Elsa/Rick/Gwen).

"Thanks, but we are here to train a bit not to look at the scenery as beautiful as it is."(Aizen).

"You're right, let's do this."(Elsa).

"But I have no idea where to start?"(Elsa).

"Well, why not all of you tree fight gains me? I have more fight experience than any of you, so I can spot some mistakes and help you improve. I will withhold of using elemental attacks."(Aizen).

"Seems good to me."(Rick).


"Why not?"(Gwen).

"So Let's start"(Aizen).

I picked every one of then throwing them in different directions in the middle of the forest, now I will terrorize them until they find each other and make some sort of plan to fight me. For anyone looking at me right now, I would have simply disappeared, even the normal presence I use as a mask gone, I was like a part of the scenery from now onwards.

Terrorizing then was easy, they didn't have any kind of ninja training to back them up, and I bet very few people had it in this verse, they are always more concerned about magic and forget the other valuable skills you could learn. My exact opposite. Magic is wonderful ngl, but you can't be overly dependant on it.

To terrorize my teammate si would throw at them my multitude of weapons, from kunais and shurikens to the bigger and more menacing weapons. I am really not afraid to kill them, to be honest, first, I am too god to land accidentally killing blows, second even if they gather a lot of wounds, heck they can even lose a limb for all I care, I can easily heal then with my medical ninjutsu and Yang Release. Yeah of course I know how to use both Yin and Yang Release, and their respective combination Yin-Yang Release.

Sadly I am not gonna create any bijuu soon. For some reason I can't use the [Creation Of All Things] that the Sage used, I have some suspicion that this skill, in particular, was the special ability of his Rinnegan, same as Madara Uchiha Rinnegan special ability [Limbo Clones] so for now, even if I possess Yin-Yang Release most of its function eludes me, but right now my focus is on other things. (AN: These things I said about Rinnegan special abilities are my take on, I don't know if they are true or cannon so take it with a grain of salt will ya.).

Soon an Angel a Demon and a Shark girl were able to reunite themselves. They are fairly beaten up with a bunch of bruises or cuts, there are some very deep ones but all of them have exceptional psyche and senses, they were literally learning and improving realtime when I was terrorizing them definitely signs that they are prodigies.

"Good people, but now that the three of you have united the time for the beatdown started."(Aizen).

They didn't even have time to protest or say something and I was already pouncing on them, of course, I am holding myself back a lot, I can destroy the moon with physical strength alone for f.u.c.k sake, of course, I would hold back on them.

Punches and kicks were launching at my tree victims, I am actually very impressed that Shark girl managed to use her Tail for combat some times, sadly for her, I fought a lot of opponents with tails(my summons) so I had some experience against it.

A Powerful kick sent the relentless Elsa flying away, I am certain I broke some ribs. The couple was with some good coordination 'cornering' me so I fainted a punch toward Gwen but changed the Direction towards Rick, which surprised him as he made a hasty X with his arms to tank my punch, which easily broke both of them.

Gwen looks somewhat horrified at her Boyfriend Broken limbs, I just smiled and kicked her legs strongly breaking both of them. What? I am a fierce supporter of gender equality, which means that I will punch a woman as strongly as I punch a man.

They were pretty beaten up, but they haven't given up. Elsa started to send some pressurized water shots that can easily cut stone, I simply avoided all of them with otherworldly elegance. But I didn't attack then, I just wanted for the [Fire Tornado] the couple was preparing.

And boom Rick spewed a sea of flames in my direction while Gwen creates and controls a tornado, both elements feeding off each other augmenting their might. I just looked a little bit amused, and just swipe kicked in the direction of the tornado. An incredible pressurized shockwave that easily broke the sound barrier has hit the raging inferno, that was easily destabilized. The shockwave continued traveling toward the group hitting them with the strength of a school bus immediately breaking their spines. Elsa even with a broken spine managed to gather some strength to say:

"We give up."(Elsa).

I immediately use a jutsu that I copied from Six Paths Naruto, the [Sun Mark], while it has the same sealing power its healing powers are off the chart. It of course uses a humongous amount of Yang Type chakra.

Touching the three of them with my [Sun Mark], I can already see the results. A yellow circle that looks closely like the sun appeared on the places I touched, some yellow lines appeared all over their bodies, the healing was fast and almost instantaneous. If naruto could heal someone who opened the eight gates which is a death sentence I doubt I can't heal these three.

"Oh my god, did you really need to be so f.u.c.k.i.n.g violent and brutal with us?"(Elsa).


"couldn't you be more... you know, gentle?"(Elsa).

"Do you want to get stronger fast?"(Aizen).

"Yes of course we do."(Elsa/Rick/Gwen).

"So suck it up."(Aizen).

Seeing as they ere relatively better now, I trowed then in the forest again. And the cycle repeated itself many more times over the span of some hours, soon it was already 20:30 os I decided to call our training of.

"Good training today people, I will continue to tort- I mean train all of you until I deem ourselves somewhat satisfactory, then I will start practicing some more team dynamics with all of you"(Aizen).

They weren't able to form any kind of coherent response due to how tired they were. I just smiled seeing they rush to their dormitories to probably sleep like a log. Now I need to make myself presentable because I have some private studies sections with Allessa.

I was ready and presentable in a few minutes. Gotta love Swift Release hyperspeed, it's very convenient. Soon I was knocking on Allessa room again.

"Hi Aizen, how was your day?"(Allessa).

"Pretty good actually. I was even able to tort- I mean to train the rest of my team a little, they are certainly prodigies, they learn and adapt to things fast. at the start, they would constantly flinch or make mistakes with the minimal wounds but they began to slowly develop and improve."(Aizen).

"Remember to not be too hard on them, few people have something comparable to a Senju vitality, your family is simply too monstrous."(Allessa).

"Sigh* you are right, but I don't want to go soft on them, I don't know how much time I will be staying here so beating them up a bit will certainly help their battle instincts. I don't wanna my team to be some weak side character when we leave the place."(Aizen).

"As long as you don't kill them I think it's okay. With your Yang Release it's simply too easy to heal something."(Allessa).

"I know right?"(Aizen).

"So let's start translating magic"(Allessa).

We are now both back in the living room sitting on the sofa, but this time the TV is off and the air is a bit more scholars.

"So as I said to you Yin Release is probably the key point for you to be able to translate magic in jutsu, can you please give me an explanation of it."(Allessa).

So she entered her teacher mode, which made her even s.e.xier with these teacher clothes. I am really glad I have a good amount of self-control, principally because she looks gorgeous right now, and that elven tattoo makes her beauty and curves even more perfect.

"Yin Release is based on the spiritual energy that governs imagination, can be used to create form out of nothingness. It is really the power of your imagination, your spirit, your will, your mind, your spiritual self. It can give form to nothing even the craziest of conceptions your mind can imagine. Yang its polar opposite Yang Release is based on the physical energy that governs vitality, can be used to breathe life into form. It's your body, your muscles, blood, bones, your aggression, your warmth, your activeness, your health, your physical self. Together they form Yin-Yang release which I have very little information about, as I can't use it properly yet."(Aizen).

"Well it's a lot of info but it's better to get these things out of the way than to keep asking for them. But by what you said about Yin Release ewe might be on something, and even if we can't use it to translate magic to jutsu we can perhaps use it as a translator a tool for translation."(Allessa).

"Yeah, I too always thought that Yin and Yang Release have a ton of potential, so not trying to find anything more about then sure a waste."(Aizen).

"Hmm, we might be on to something... Have you ever tried using Yin Release but as a Senjutsu instead?"(Allessa).

"Never used Yin Release as Senjutsu, it never occurred to me it could be potentially a very inescapable genjutsu cast using it, well why are you asking?"(Aizen).

"Well, when you use Senjutsu you not only amplify the strength of a Jutsu right?"(Allessa).

"Yeah, It can normally even add some extra effects in some Jutsu, an example would be the [Rasenshuriken] naruto created, at the start he couldn't throw it, but after he became a Sage he was easily able to so I guess it really can give some effects depending on the jutsu."(Aizen).

"Excellent, can you use a [Sage Art: Yin Release: Genjutsu] here, just for me to get a feel of it."(Allessa).

"Sure no problem"(Aizen).

Then I used [Sage Art: Yin Release: Genjutsu], with only one hand seal, I could've done without it but I am afraid of it going Hayward, I was never the Yin kind of guy, that things are more for Uchihas you know. But I was able to successfully use it, and it was breathtaking, suddenly the room we were in was replaced by a beach, but I was so real I could even feel a bit of the sun warmth and the ocean breeze, but there was definitely something off about this, I don't know what but I am definitely with an uneasy feeling in this illusion, it's soo real but also soo fake. a f.u.c.k.i.n.g contradiction.

"Thanks, Aizen, you can disperse it now."(Allessa).

I did it and everything was back to normal, like the sandy beach was never there, to begin with, the strangeness feeling has gone away too.

"Wow, it was strange. It felt simply too real to be a genjutsu, and this is coming from someone who has never fallen under a genjutsu. If it wasn't that strange feeling I would definitely be fooled. Damm, maybe I can honor my name and pull a [Kyoka Suigetsu] here, it would certainly be fun"(Aizen).

"Thoughts of copying a Zampakuto aside for now. The energy I was able to feel during that genjutsu is incredibly familiar, I just can't point it from where I felt it... Can you use it again, but this time just let the Sage Ar: Yin Release energy out, don't shape it in anything."(Allessa).

"Sure no problems"(Aizen).

I let a [Sage Art: Yin Release] its just basically raw Yin release made with senjutsu, it started simply flooding the living room, and soon Allessa looks like she had an epiphany.

"I figure it out. Finally!!"(Allessa).

"What is it?"(Aizen0.

"Do you remember inc lass were I said that Mana has a lot of correlation with your spiritual side, but we don't know all of the specifics. But seeing as there can only be ghosts of mages/wizards clearly indicates that they have a very strong spiritual side"(Allessa).

" this means that..."(Aizen).

"That Mana is literally an upgraded and mutated form of Yin Release."(Allessa).

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