Mokuton Authority

Chapter 152 - A new form of magic.

"Wait.. so if Mana is an upgraded and mutated form of Yin Release, it means..."(Aizen).

"Yep, you can technically use you Yin Release as a fuel for magic instead of the normal Mana, most of the magic would need to be readjusted according to but it's certainly possible."(Allessa).

"Cool, thanks Allessa. But how did you discovered that?"(Aizen).

"Remember when we were talking in the Pub? You were using Yin Release to cast a genjutsu around us right?"(Allessa).

"Yeah I remember, what about it?"(Aizen).

"The first time I felt it, I was able to grasp some familiarities but I let it in ht back of my mind thought it was nothing important."(Allessa).

"But when you used it here with senjutsu I became closer to mana, so I immediately was able to make some form of connection."(Allessa).

"Wow incredible. Thanks."(Aizen).

"You're welcome."(Allessa).

"So now that means I can do all the cool stuff with magic right?"(Aizen).

"Well yes, but actually no."(Allessa).

"You will probably never be able to use the higher tier of magic. Even if Yin Release can be considered very close to mana it is still not mana. Thankfully for you, high tier magic usually is just for destruction or large scale targets, things you can easily do with your jutsu."(Allessa).

"I don care much about high tier magic, I basically start wanting to learn then because it is very convenient. You just have to look at how easy you were able to repair the Pub, I probably can't do the same. Or simply the fact that can become an animagus. Destroying things is fairly easy, repairing, and building then that is difficult."(Aizen).

"Well I completely agree, most of your repertoire is just for destruction, some variety with magic will do you good, principally Potions you can literally brew immortality."(Allessa).

"So let's try converting a formula for your use, [Magelight] will do like a good first research"(Allessa).

Then we went on to our research to converting some formulas, it was difficult but with Allessa help it eventually bore some fruit. Thankfully I would be able to do it alone after she taught me how to, with clones I think I will be able to do things relatively fast.

After some time and lots of calculations we had a prototype to [Magelight], hope it is successful.

"*Sigh* Thank god we were able to to make something. Wanna test it?"(Allessa).


Then Using Yin Release I draw the magic circle in the air, putting all the right numbers and formulas to make it work. With the circle finished I start pumping Yin Release chakra on the magic circle, it quickly begins to fill up and not much time later a purple ball of light appeared in our vision. Success.

This [Magelight] is a little bit different, its color is deep purple very close to black, but the move away from the core of light you are the closest to a normal purple it becomes.

"It's slow and totally unrefined but I am positive you can improve it. A very good start if I do say myself."(Allessa)

"Hah, this sensation is simply magnificent... being able to use magic is like a childhood dream come true. It was the same when I used my first Justus, this fulfilling and happy sensation... Thanks for everything Allessa."(Aizen).

"No problem. It's for you after all."(Allessa).

I showed her a very happy smile, and for the first time I initiated an intimate hug, she was a little bit surprised. This hug was different, you could clearly feel it was more warm and special, and Allessa absolutely loved it. She hugged me back with a very possessive and lovingly hug, I didn't mind. both of us were very happy.

We decided to do an Anime marathon right now, a very good relaxation after we spent so many hours trying to get the new spells right. Both of us technically didn't need to sleep, but that doesn't mean we don't like to, or that we don't become mentally exhausted. The anime was nice, it was just some random slice-of-life we got to watch. Soon it was already morning and both of us needed to go back to our classes, so with some reluctance we separated from our hug and went to our lives.

Suddenly a month has passed.

It was an extremely productive month. I trained with the team a lot, and I can comfortably say that they were coming along nicely. They had plenty of talent after all. They joined teacher Dwayne classes and begin a very strict exercise regimen. The good part for them was that they can do the most strenuous and body destroying training that I would easily heal them with my Yang Release and medical jutsu. Some even if it was less than I month that they started working out and exercising their bodies developed fairly quickly. You can easily spot some muscles on their before the soft figure, they have a lot of work to do body-wise ngl. But they are definitely improving at extreme speeds.

But what gave the most improvement for them all was, of course, my tourt- I mean training sessions. Their danger sense improved tremendously, I even started attacking then outside of training as I wanted to instill the thoughts of CONSTANT VIGILANCE on them, I am sure it would save their life one day. Besides the improvement on their senses and instincts, they now have some good amount of battle experience and very good pain tolerance as I am not the type to pull any punches even when they are training, broken bones, lost limbs, blindness I did everything and worse I could think of in combat. Everything was easily completely healed with Yang Release of course, but all that torture made then very battle-hardened. Sadly I can't give them a genuine life and death experience, after all, that one they will have to find for themselves.

Now for their elemental training, it was going fairly well, to be honest. Rick and Gwen are close to being able to use scorch and Shark Girl were on a very dangerous moment able to use Storm Release, she indeed is the most talented of them all. After being able to use it the first time she has been trying to grasp it with all her free time, and now I can easily say that she can use a bootleg version of my [Storm Release: Laser Circus] but I have hopes she will get there in less than another month.

Another very positive thing was my dates/teaching sessions with Allessa, our mutual curiosity and pursuit of magic has been making us closer by the day, we have now a lot more physical contact than when we started, it is not uncommon to see us hugging each other or walking handhold with one another. We were able to translate most of the spells I will learn in this first year, it was just a matter of finding the right pattern, it took us some time but we eventually were able to find it. I was thinking of doing all the rest on my own but our dates were something extremely nice and I don't want to mess it all. So I let it be as some sort of couple activity we do together, it's definitely a good way to get closer and know each other better, besides we both enjoy it too so I think there is no harm done.

My wooden clones were very meticulous when they started reading the giant school library, and even using my cheats with Swift Release and khaki to augment my reading speed I can safely say that I have read less than 1% of everything, which is already something astronomical. I am literally pumping up the number of clones every day, I didn't simply make one gazillion clones simply because of the memory backlash, I am literally strengthening and training my brain to become more resistant towards it, making the quantity of backlash bigger by the day so my brain is slowly adapting to it, it has the incredible side effect of making my mental defenses stronger, my mindscape stronger, and my spirit stronger. Definitely a very good decision.

My runes and wards class has been some of the more enlightening experiences I had so far, I was able to progress immensely on my Fuinjutsu, I hadn't seen such fast improvement since I started. but the biggest improvement so far has been the ability to imbue my intent on my seals, something I hadn't thought deeply before and it made the might of my seals skyrocket to high heavens. definitely gonna dome some crazy shit with it in the future.

Herbology was my favorite class. I was literally in my element there, I learned so much bout the different plants their properties, and much much more, the fact that I had my mokuton made my connection to the plants natural and easy, the teacher immediately took a liking to me, I took the course and tests like a fish to water. Definitely approved of herbology here.

Potions were pretty good too, sadly we are just learning the basics, like energetic potions, blister potions, sleep potions, etc. It pretty good, sadly most potions don't work on my body thanks to [Sage Body] so I can't taste the effect of them, thankfully I bet they can be useful in some form or another depending on the situation.

You must be asking yourself, why all this training? it for a test of course. At the end of this moment, we will have a performance test, this performance test happens every end of the month, they are used to see which student team has the qualifications of taking missions. Yes, we can take missions, and said missions can be in or outside of school grounds. Shark girl wanted to pass the test from the start, and I completely agree with her, some missions will do good to get the three of them some valuable experience.

And today on the last day of the month I and the team are here for our test. I direct my speech at an extremely nervous looking shark girl.

"Calm down Elsa you and everyone trained a lot, you will surely pass."(Aizen).

"I know. It's just that I can't help but feel nervous, you know?"(Elsa).

"I know I was like that in the past, but it only made me do worse in my nervousness. So chill there Big Shark"(Aizen).

"Yeah Elsa, this demon here trained us a lot, it's impossible to fail."(Rick).

"Yeah, you should believe in yourself more."(Gwen).

"Thanks, guys the encouragement is appreciated."(Elsa).

"All team gathers. I will explain the first test parameters."(Referee).

"Your first test is a simple Fetch quest. In a special forest created for this test, the teachers put Obsidian flowers there. Your objective is to find and collect one of them and finally exit the forest. It won't be easy, as any team can be attacked or killed. We advise against killing because we will collect unconscious and disabled people, but if you kill in there no one would be able to cause trouble for you. Now go."

It took a little bit of time for the words to sink in, and then people started running towards the portal that will send us to some random location in the testing forest.

Our team in the middle of the chaos that was entering the portable was able to go in. we appeared on some clearing in the middle of the forest.

Our time immediately springs to Action, all three of them entering an absolute alert mode. Me? I am literally in my home here, it is a frigging forest FFS, my sensing ability works even better here. so anyone seeing our team right now would be faced with an extremely strange visage, three extremely tense and alert people while a very tall dude just taking a stroll there with his eyes closed.

Our search for an obsidian flower was well... Difficult. I could easily spot every flower in here with my [Observation Haki] yes. But I won't do it, it's counterintuitive to do this on a test in my opinion. Let my minio- teammates get to work.

After an hour or so we were able to find an obsidian flower. It was a trap of course, even without my [Observation Haki] I could easily spot something like that. Sadly my teammates can't, so imagine their surprised faces when Elsa almost lost an eye to a sword when she got too close to the flower.

A team composed of exactly four people has come forth, they weren't normal people to boot, of course, they have a half-orc, a half gnoll, half treant, and some long-nosed yokai that I have no idea what the hell it is. Let me guess it's gonna be the cliche...

"What a bunch of beauties we have here. I can't wait to stick my nose on them."(Long-nose).

"Yeah, me likey."(Gnoll).

"I won't let you touch Gwen or Elsa with your filthy hands and long nose you bastards."(Rick).

"But I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about you and that cutie over there."(Long-nose).

With this, he pointed his hands towards me and Rick showing who he was talking about. Ngl I shuddered a bit there. Rick's face was kinda priceless as he was hanging his mouth open in one of the most stupid surprised faces I have ever seen. But something strange happened to the always calm and lovable Gwen, she had an aura that screamed purification oozing out of her.

"Rick's booty is MINE! MINE!!!"(Gwen).

With that she advanced at full speed towards the Longnose, Rick was fighting the gnoll trying his hardest to protect his booty, and Elsa was fighting the half-orc. The treant was running towards me with some surreal speed for a tree. I simply grabbed his face with my hands and sent a pulse of mokuton chakra {Primitive Reversal], he just reversed completely to his tree form fixing himself on the soil and growing well above the other trees.

Looking at the other fights I can see that Elsa is winning, but the Demon and the Angel are losing, not a surprise seeing as Longnose and gnoll were the strongest of the enemy team. Guess I can lend some help to them. With a flick of my wrist, two kunai appeared on my right hand, another flick and the two pointed object travel at an incredible speed and hit the gnoll leg, debilitating his irritating jumping power, and the other hit longnose on his arm reducing a few his strength.

Suddenly a bright light illuminates the whole clearing, Shark Girl has used some of her Storm Release to kill the half-orc. After that with Elsa's help, everything finished rather quickly. They seem pretty surprised with the giant treant turning into a giant tree, but after seeing too much weird shit for a day I guess most of us just want to take the Obsidian flower and finish the second and final test.

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