Mokuton Authority

Chapter 153 - Final test.

Finishing the first test was fairly easy after the fight. We just took the obsidian flower and went in the direction of the portal. We had a few more fights that were not worth mentioning. Finally, we had exited the portal.

They didn't have some kind of epic reception or anything, a referee simply awaited us to confirm our Obsidian flower. I kind of appreciated the simplicity here, some times it better be simple than extravagant.

We had to just wait for one hour, for the next exam. It would simply be a team battle with the first eight teams to exit the portal, can't exit fast enough? your f.u.c.k.i.n.g problem.

Soon we went for one of the fighting rings we have here, it is simple really. Pretty similar to the DBZ tournament ring, just a simple flat slab of concrete where two teams will fight it off.

Our fights in the tournament were laughable, the first one I just used an earth wave to throw most of the enemy team outside the ring, one of them was able to evade us, but quick Storm Release Laser thought his chest, courtesy of shark girl, and he was out.

Most of the battles were easy like that, but then came the finals. I didn't think much of it but the finalists were Demigods. And in my conception there are two types of Demigods, those that are very loyal to their Godlike parents, do everything is asked of them, and go on quests around the world bringing up the prestige and fame of their own religion.

The second type is those who absolutely hate their Divine parent. Yeah as expect Gods aren't the best parents to have around, they have very little care for their supposed half-mortal family. A very good example is Zeus himself, he is the hornydog of the Greek pantheon, I think even Eros loses to him in the number of children, and the Guy is the god of s.e.x or something, besides that Zeus has some very weird fetishes, he likes to have s.e.x in animal forms, yeah I know the guy was a furry before people even created the word, the weirdest shit I ever read about him was when he transformed in some golden liquid to f.u.c.k a princess of sorts. Weird shit I tell you.

Looking back at the demigods I can definitely say that they are the first type. Sadly I can't kill them in front of everyone watching. But this doesn't mean that they aren't dead, no, on the contrary, it just means that they will survive one more day.

I started the fight by creating a huge pillar in the middle of our enemy formation. My team responded quickly with the couple using their combination move [Fire Tornado], and shark girl preparing some sort of lighting magic. One of the enemy's demigods used some throwing knives in my way, a simple [Teleknises] spell that I am finally able to use, made his action worthless.

That moment, Shark girl sent her Storm Release, on the blue-haired Demigod, which I think is the son of Zeus. The guy simply absorbed it, which is not even a surprise he can even absorb low-level Storm Release, Half Lightning god after all. He looks more energies right now, so I don't want him to send that thing back overpowered with his half-divine energy. I summon a 10 Meters long and 3 meters large [Rock Dragon], you could even see that the rock has a relatively deep color, showing its close to obsidian. The Rock Dragon hit him when he laughed his powered lightning strike causing a great impact and throwing the Zeuspawn out of bounds. The first one is eliminated.

At that moment the couple combination attack was released. A giant fire tornado rushed against our enemies. Sadly they had a son of Poseidon with them, he was able to rise a mini tsunami to counter the tornado which was easily sniffed out. The guy didn't wait for us to counter his tsunami, eh swiftly use his earthshaker abilities to send shockwaves at us. I had some Marineford flashbacks there for a moment. Thankfully his tremors aren't as strong as Whitebeard.

Elsa was able to easily disrupt the flow of the tsunami changing its trajectory slightly. It sadly went for me, sadly for the Poseidon kid, of course, Using my exception water control, I made the mini tsunami into a [Water Hydra] which I used to immediately attack the Poseidon demigod. And with some wind currents, courtesy of the Resident couple we were able to snuff the kid out of grounds quickly.

The Last two Are twins, Son of Apollo seeing their focus on archery. Some quick Beams of Storm Release from Elsa and one of them was out, with a lot of holes in his arms. The last one was simply blow by a sea of flames, thanks to our Demon teammate.

And so We were the Winners. Our prize? Simple the authorization to do missions. Quite a lame prize I tell you. Couldn't they made something cooler like some kind of weapon or armor, it would be sure useless to me but my team would appreciate it.

After finishing our Test we were relatively happy with the results. We had won. So we set out to party a little bit, just the four of us. We ate at some fancy restaurant, courtesy of your truly. And then we decided to have some Ice cream competition, who could eat more Ice cream in less time. I had an absolute advantage there, sadly my teammates don't. Elsa even passed out of brain freeze.

But at the end of the day, we were all happy and returned to our rooms going to sleep. Minus I, of course, I had some Demigos to kill, and according to my research they didn't even know I am an enemy of their pantheon, they are here to steal some of the Dean treasures, not that I care what they do. But I am kind of at war with their pantheon, and I have done far worse things than kill four people during the war. My first thought about them was Weak, they were too f.u.c.k.i.n.g weak. I don't know much about Zeus or Poseidon battle powers, but I know they are strong. But their kids be so weak is strange, maybe is some kind of natural law in this world? Don't know and don't care enough to find out. Now I have some godspawn to kill.

But Before everything, I need to get my clones memories of the day. It headache-inducing with the amount I am reading in the school library? Yes, it is. But since I improved with the mental arts it's been a little bit easier. But the most important has been my memories of Buddhist temples, since the chief monk of that temple said to me I had fate with Buddhism I've investigating a bunch of temples all around the world, with my clones of course.

And I discovered something extremely interesting, as I've already read most books about mental arts I have found in both the library and the market, so I was a little lost on where I would find more ways to progress in the art. No don't get me wrong, I am very advanced in mental arts, I can already read minds on simply eye contact, but I always found some aspect of mind arts incomplete. And then came Buddhism, at first I didn't tough much, but after reading some scriptures and Buddhist books I slowly was able to find new ways to progress in my mind arts, which was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

At the time I thought that was all my fate with Buddhism was. Oh, how wrong I was.

After receiving most of my memories of the day, and some goo new ways to improve my mindscape. I decided that it was finally time to see the demigod's situation. I focused and expanded my [Observation Haki] that now easily can cover half of the world. But I decided to focus on the Arcane University, concentrating on finding the demigods.

I was able to see Elsa sprawled on her bed sleeping like a log. Both Rick and Gwen were cuddling and sleeping together. When I focused on Allessa for a bit, she even waved at me. But soon I was able to find the Demigods, expecting them to be sleeping or at least in their rooms I was fairly surprised seeing them on a corridor in the lowest level underground, I didn't think much of it after all these levels are accessible to students, the only place off-limits is the teacher quarters and the dean office. There is more but they are mostly irrelevant to me anyway.

I quickly flooded myself with Swift Release and went running for the underground, sadly I didn't put a [Flyign Thunder God] on that hall yet. the world around me was slowed to a crawl, if moving only my body physical power I was already impossible to see from most people in this university, when I use Swift Release I doubt anyone can even see my shadow.

I was able to find the merry band of demigods relatively fast. I observed them for some time, maybe they could have some useful info for me?

"Wait so you saying that the titans allied and fused with the gods?"(Poseidon-kid).

"Yeah, It was what my father told me. Apparently some prophecy from Apolo as too much worrisome so they'd decided to fuse. Even the Fates agreed."(Zeus-kid).

"Shit. Is that serious. It's the dragons aren't it? "(Apollo-kid).

"I think so too, even if they can't enter this Universe, they still keep trying. Athena was really bold in trying to enter one of their domains, I am quite sad she died"(Apollo-kid2).

I think I've heard enough. still in my Swift Release state I made a knife motion with my hand filled it with khaki and applied a [Raikiri], with a swift motion I beheaded both Poseidon and Zeus kids. The twin sons of apollo didn't even move as I am too fast for them to even react. Two punches through their hearts and they were down too.

Looking at the fallen bodies, I take a deep breath. I wore my Anbu uniform for this occasion, thankfully it didn't get dirty, Getting rid of the bodies was easy, just some control use of Scorch Release and they were goners, it even helped me evaporate the blood everywhere. And who would've tought. They bleed like normal humans too. The only clue of what I had done was some small droplets of blood in my mask.

When I finished with the Demigods I discovered something strange. At the end of the corridor, there was a bunch of crates, which would normally not gather my attention. But there was something different, under these crates there was a trapdoor. And normally a trapdoor wouldn't warrant such attention of myself. But that thing doesn't appear in my [Obsevation Haki], and to my knowledge the only person who can disappear from my Haki is Allessa, and I am pretty certain she hadn't made this.

So, what the heck is this thing?

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