Mokuton Authority

Chapter 154 - Spooky, spooy, skeleton.

Looking at the trapdoor I was curious but at the same time apprehensive. just the fact that someone was able to hide from my senses should mean whatever did this is more powerful than me. But I am still very curious, well being cautious wouldn't hurt.

I moved the crates out of the way and then summoned a [Wooden Clone], the wooden clone nodded and went in the direction of the trapdoor, his steps so silent that it would spook anyone watching, his pacing slow and cautious and after finally reaching the trapdoor the clone slowly put his and on it and with a push he opens the trapdoor...

Nothing happens, I dispel the clone a let out my breath that I didn't even know I was holding. looking at the opened trapdoor I see something that absolutely stunned me...Fuinjutsu.

And not that little bit of fuinjutsu, no. It was something more, I can barely understand it and I can easily say that I am beyond a master of this craft. So this can only mean two things, the guy that made this was leagues above me in the area, meaning that I am trying to understand calculus while I was learning simple multiplication yesterday, meaning his Fuinjutsu is way more advanced than me. The other option is that this guy went on another branch of Fuinjutsu than me, I focused principally on smart sealing matrixes, so the guy could be specialized in other things outside of my area.

And analyzing a little bit more of these seals I can definitely say it's a little bit of both. Thankfully I am not that incompetent to not know what the heck these seals do. They are made to protect, seal, and reinforce. So there is probably something sealed here? an overpowered sentient sword perhaps? Or some kind of Necronomicon that corrupts the mind of people? any could be useful to me... well better check it out, I can always teleport out of there anyway.

Closing in the trapdoor I look down, and what is ee surprises me again a star leading towards, but what is surprising is the amount of Fuinjutsu on everything, the walls look almost black with the number of seals put on this place. Besides that the guy who made the seals made them very tiny, so he could put even more seals per cubic meter.

I simply jump down instead of slowly descending the stairs. I touched the ground without making any sound whatsoever, even without any fancy powers I trained a lot no be a real ninja in Anbu. Talking about my powers... I can't use them... No, I can't expel then from my body, for some strange reason I can't expel chakra from my body, using it internally is absolutely fine, so I could even boost my perception with Swift Release, or reinforce my body with chakra, using mokuton to heal faster is good too. But I can't expel anything from my body...

I tried using my Haki and I was left alone too, not unexpected. But I can't sense anything with my [Observation Haki], to my senses I am literally in some kind of void. I tried using my [Armament Haki] to harden, and it worked. I can safely coat myself with Haki at least. I tried making a [Fireball Jutsu] but even if I can mold my chakra and start the jutsu every time I try to spit it, it whiffs out.

Well, f.u.c.k. My combat effectiveness just got shot down hard. What a mess. Well, even if I can't use my [Observation Haki], I can at least use my norma senses normally. Seeing as I am already here I decided to explore a bit...

I started walking the seal-filled creepy corridor, I walked slow paying attention to everything. In these kinds of moments that I am thankful for my summoning contract changes, with my better eyesight I can easily see in this dark, with my better ears and nose too.

I walked and walked... But everything seems so calm, strangely so. I fell really n.a.k.e.d without my [Observation Haki], I was able to literally to see without eyes, and with my huge range of it, I was always prepared. But without it, I feel so exposed.

I don't know for how much time I walked in that long corridor. All I know it has been a long time, but this long time hasn't been for nothing, as I can feel that the corridor is slightly inclining downwards and to the right. A spiral it is.

I continued walking and walking, everything got more sinister and I don't know how to explain it properly, but there is something very strange in the air, something evil and sinister. More time passed, and I can safely say that my perception of time has been very screwed. It just felt like I was walking for days...

The wall is becoming more and more black, filled with seals to the brim I could barely see any concrete color of the wall. And after more time walking everything around me was completely black, filled with ink and Fuinjutsu to the brim.

It became more and more black until it started to become devoid of color... a Void like I've seen no other.

"Walking in the valley of evil and death, I fear no evil".

Soon I see some light, after such a long time with just darkness and my deepest thought I was able to see some light. I didn't know that darkness could be such a terrifying thing. I walked slowly towards the light step by step...

The light grew bigger the closer I got to it. And soon after who knows how long I passed through the light.

The sight was beautiful beyond belief, grass plain until the eye couldn't see anymore. Such a nice place to fly... Yeah, I can still fly too, its an innate ability that doesn't sue chakra so no trouble there. But I still can't expel chakra from my body... What is happening?

I look back from where I came, there is a stone gate there now... This gate has a symbol of a strange tree floating atop of a black hole, there is a Sun too atop of the tree, but it is hollow like it can't shine yet... But besides the strangeness of this gate, this is where I exactly came from... there is definitely something amiss with yet, besides the strange design I can clearly feel the desire to protect this gate, it's like is something extremely precious to me... Something irreplaceable.


Suddenly I hear the sound of some bones hitting against each other. I immediately look at the source, a skeleton running towards the gate. Alarm bells immediately soared through my mind, I merely bitch slapped the skeleton who turned into bone dust immediately.

A skeleton? strange, this whole place is strange. But I didn't have more time to think about anything as 10 skeletons appeared at my front running towards the rock gate. my strange protectiveness of the rock gate flared, and two punches sending shockwaves decimated the skeletons. Now that I noticed, they are just as strong as a normal a.d.u.l.t human... Peculiar.

Suddenly a 100 skeletons appeared. I decided the skeleton menace is more urgent right now and focused on fighting them.

Thankfully during all this time, my clone was able to read a technique in the Buddhist temple that will give me an extreme advantage against such beings. [Ripple] or [Hammon]are way different than magic that you need mana, and the only form of having mana is being born with said energy. [Ripple] is way simpler, it's just a regular form of breathing that permits you to generate Holy Sun energy, so anyone that breaths can use it. Ripple has very good properties for a human, like faster recuperation, top psyche for a longer time on your life, and much much more. And for someone like me that can even do [Photosynthesys], [Ripple] was a godsend, or Buddhasend if you get what I mean. {AN: IF SHE BREATHS SHE IS A RIPPLE USER}

I take a deep breath in the correct patterns and suddenly my body starts being filled with warm and holy energy, you could even see some yellow lightning around my body, showing it is being filled with ripple energy. The first row of the 100 skeletons is already almost touching me, I simply open my eyes, that right now instead of the previous feline green emerald eyes, it's now filled with a yellowish health glow. And then I struck, the skeleton probably the result of something necromantic and evil is immediately vaporized, not only because of my strength but also because of [Ripple] Holy sun energy.

The fight was easy, but my inexperience with [Ripple] made me fail in some attacks with it, thankfully my strength is enough to decimate these skeletons, and soon every one of the Skeletons was bone dust in the grass.

Using [Ripple] in combat is difficult, extremely so. I can say it is extremely impressive that a normal human can effectively use this technique in combat, it's not simply impressive, it's Bizarre.

Soon 1000 skeletons appeared here. But there was something different in the horde, there was a completely black skeleton, his bone looks like some kind of charcoal, and he has some horns on his head.

I didn't care much, the mobs are too far away from hurting me. So I entered the skeleton army, taken care to breathe rhythmically and not lose the [Ripple] I went fighting. It is difficult to maintain my breath in a certain rhythm while fighting, even if I am not exerting myself my breath normally changes patterns depending on my movement.

I danced between the army of skeletons, killing everything with one hit, slap of sometimes just shockwaves from my movement. Soon the Blck skeleton advanced towards me and attacked with his punches. I simply hit him with a [Ripple] filled slap and he became ashes. Some more punches and kicks and now most of the skeletons were gone. And what I was able to identify from the black skeleton is that he has double the strength of a normal one.

Soon 10000 Skeleton appeared, but this time they are armed, and like the previous time, there was 1 black skeleton for 1000 of the normal one. This time I decided differently, instead of fighting one on one with each skeleton which I was only doing to get used to the [Ripple], now I can start my massacre seeing as I am more accustomed to using [Ripple], I am just a novice of course, but I have been making progress nonetheless.

I took a deep breath, ripple filled my body. I reinforced everything with my chakra. I used Swift Release to increase my speed. I covered myself with [Armament Haki]. and then u run as fast as I could, killing and destroying skeletons like a juggernaut, I was like an unstoppable locomotive that cut through the rankings of skeletons like a hot knife through butter.

The number of skeletons starts reducing at an alarming rate, for them of course. Destroying the last two skeletons I finished this horde. I am still in top shape pristine condition as all those skeletons are mere a.d.u.l.t human in strenght.

The next wave appeared 100.000. I started rampaging like a juggernaut again, but I am sure in the eyes of the skeletons I would just disappear, and appear on the other side of the battlefield leaving only a trail of ashes. After some time the wave of 100.000. Was finished.

Next came 1 million skeletons. I just sighed and went to work destroying these menaces that want to touch my rock gate. After cam 10 million, then 100 million.

Then came one billion, I started destroying the skeletons again. But what I didn't notice at that time due to my constant slaying of evil beings using a Holy and Sun technique like [Ripple], my soul slowly became more bright and holy, I was literally being rewarded back for cleaning such evil beings, sadly I would only notice the constantly growing holy and brightness of my soul years latter.

I continued my rampage in the middle of the skeleton army, sadly their weapons and armor they are equipped with are made of bones. But id decided to forsake the juggernaut method for a bit and start using all the techniques I could in this situation, no time like the present to practice some things, even if I can't expel energy Taijutsu techniques are still valid. It slowed down a bit of my speed in the destruction of skeletons, but it doesn't matter much, if these things follow a pattern I should be here for a long time more.

10 billion, 100 billion, 1trillion, 10 trillion, 100 trillion, 1 quadrillion, 10 quadrillions, 100 quadrillions, 1 quintile, 10 quintilles, 100 quintilles, 1 s.e.xtile, 10 s.e.xtile, 100 s.e.xtile... until 100 decillion.

When I looked at the number of skeletons I was already kind of apathetic about it. But 100 decillion is f.u.c.k.i.n.g too much, the number is giant, of frigging skeletons, besides all the previous ones. There are so much bone dust and ashes in the ground that I can't f.u.c.k.i.n.g see any patch of grass anymore, it like I am in some special type of hell.

I literally lost count of how much time I spent fighting here, I only fought, fought, and fought. I am honestly sick of seeing skeletons. But I can't let them reach the rock gate.

I took a deep breath, my proficiency in [Ripple] has skyrocketed, I am using it simply too much, but I can certainly say that I like it. Breathing on the correct rhythm became almost second nature to me, I hardly have to think to do it anymore, I guess I kinda became an integral part of myself the rhythmic breath of the [Ripple].

I would normally freak out without knowing how much time I spent here, but the last black skeleton always shows how many days I am here. I have been here for at least a month, but when I hit the last skeleton, a black one I might add. I finally let a sigh of relief. I guess it's finis...


My face paled a little, that sound of bone against bone again. No. F.u.c.k.i.n.g Hell no. I look and there was a skeleton and he was alone. I hit the thing basically on pure instinct, with how much time I spent destroying then it became second nature, just like [Ripple]. But this time the skeleton was different, he had peak human strength.

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