Mokuton Authority

Chapter 155 - Rhythm.

The cycle continues. A new horde of skeletons would appear and I would eliminate them. I punched kicked and destroyed. I had never fought so much in my life... It was an enlightening experience, I didn't know my martial style had so many flaws until I exhaustively used it without stopping.

It started slowly when I felt that I could send a punch with more precision and using less energy. Then I applied it to my kicks and movement, soon my whole being was moving more efficiently, wasting less energy and dealing more damage. The same could be said about my breathing, it became my rhythm my maestro if you will, learning [Ripple] didn't just helped me deal with evil beings, it also helped me deal with the flaws in my style, now it has a rhythm.

But I am glad that I slept a lot when I was at the Arcane University, I don't know if I would be able to do this if I wasn't well-rested before. It isn't difficult, no. Its the f.u.c.k.i.n.g number of these pests that is really bothersome, I can easily one-hit kill then, but they have so many numbers... some times I wish I had my jutsu, I could just wipe out them with some large scale mokuton jutsu.

I've long since been able to reenter the vapor stage, reaching the Gree Vapor stage, it wasn't difficult as I am literally using my chakra 24/7 right now to fight...

I am in The fourth cycle now I am close to destroying 400 decillions of skeletons, I have been in here for literally years... 11 years to be exact... But I was finally able to reach the Liquid stage again, entering the Green Liquid Stage. Now I just have to reach my divinity, but I have no idea how.

In the fifth cycle, I decided to experiment with new things, like using Ice Release to cool down some of my muscles or use Boil Release to superheat then and make a bootleg version of [Gear 2nd]. but my best improvement was mixing [Ripple] with [Yang Release] I just called it [Holy Breath of The Sun], I am literally immortal as long as I breathe... huh, never expected it.

No, my breath has nothing to do with Demon Slayers(Anime), it's just basically an improved version of [Ripple] with extra steps. And yes the skeleton gets stronger with each f.u.c.k.i.n.g cycle, I can still one-hit-kill them easily, but I bet if this continues I won't have the same easy way... if they get infinitely stronger, I am truly f.u.c.k.i.e.d.

I continued fighting all I know is that I can't let the skeleton reach the rock gate, and the more I fight the more important the rock gate feels.

Sometimes I would fight in my Animagus form a Jaguar(Onça-Pintada), it was difficult at the star fighting in my animal form, but I soon was jumping from place to another like the jaguar that I am. I did all the animagus thing with Allessa, she is a Snow Leopard by the way.

Fighting like an animal was different, but I could still use my other skills, like Haki or Swift Release. the most difficult was to get used to having a tail, and I don't want some kind of useless appendage so I frequently used my tail to fight. I could even transform into some different kind of hybrid forms. I could look like a f.u.c.k.i.n.g furry... Or simply like a Beastman with just the ears and the Tail. I liked the upgrade to my talons very much, they became sharp and acquired some kind of hooklike format.

It was wonderful and I am glad I became an animagus, I don't think I would see the word in the same light if I hadn't.




I... How many years has been? The skeletons are already fighting with the average Jonin strength... Cycle 137? 389 years... how I haven't felt so much time passing? I was so engrossed in fighting these dammed bones that I simply lost myself in it, I just fought, fought, and fought some more.

Soon the skeletons started using different tactics, there were some elemental masters with them...cryomancers, pyromancers, electromancers... I dealt with basically every element and its eviler version. Soon I was adapted to everything, they just couldn't throw a thing that would falter me.

But when finished cycle 249, almost a thousand years had passed. I have simply been fighting for so so long. I think my Taijutsu reached simply godlike standards... I would move with the minimal energy necessary and deal more than double the damage that I should. My [Armament Haki] upgraded to new heights, I'm could send Haki shockwaves basically at will right now. My [Holy Breath of The Sun] was mastered beyond even my belief, I didn't even know a technique I created on a whim would be so op.




Something changed when I defeated the last enemy of the 249 cycles. I just looked intently to where normally the first skeleton of the new cycle would appear. Oh and he appeared alright, but something was different this time, the skeleton was way, way stronger than it should be, I am already very accustomed to them growing just a little bit every end of the cycle. But this time I honestly feared a little bit, the skeleton possessed half of my strength...

The fight was fast, really fast. I am just thankful that I can fly and these skeletons not. But the battle ended up being easier than I would think. The Skeleton may have the brute strength but he was absolute trash at using it, with no technique whatsoever.

My technique and fighting experience made destroying these bags of bones easy, I had literally fought too many of these things.

When Ten came it was still easy, they had no coordination so some well-placed punches and kicks using my ability to fly dealt with the problem.

Then came the 100 hordes, it was crazy. more than I would like I would fight 4 or more skeletons at once, and I am really thankful for my [Holy Breath of The Sun], it helped my already crazy regeneration, even more, so even when I lowered my guard and got wounded I would heal easily too. Besides [Holy Breath of The Sun] also gives me an amazing buff against the undead.

When if finished the last skeleton fo this wave, the wave of thousands appeared. The black skeleton was there too. And this motherf.u.c.ker had the same stats as me.

I didn't wait much, I just activated the [Overdrive] and [Hyper Sage Mode]. I can't joke around with someone with the same stats as me.

I immediately went for the black skeleton, using my Swift Release to boost my speed, Boil Release to raise my muscles temperatures, full-body [Armament Haki] and my improved version of Tsunade enhanced strength, a deep breath, and gravity Release to augment the weight of myself the max I could, which would normally be bad for my movement speed, but I boosted my weight when my punch was close to connecting

The moment my punch connected I sent a shockwave using my Haki as a base. The black skeleton literally disintegrated like the area around him. Thank God the skeleton didn't have any kind of technique or battle experience, just my brute strength.

And it went like that, I would normally use a combination of various Release boosting my body and eliminate most of the skeletons in one go. But I noticed something strange, normally when I use [Overdrive] and [Hyper Sage Mode] I literally make the world tremble but this time the place I am was strangely stable. But it doesn't matter, I had skeletons to destroy.

I was pushed to my limits, I didn't think an army of myself would be something so devasting. But I didn't give up. I continued persisting and using combos to destroy these skeletons, and thank god they can't use [Overdrive] and [Hyper Sage Mode].

But when the Last wave came I was tired, my chakra that I always tough was almost inexhaustible was halfway. Do you know how many years I spent without this sensation of "low chakra"? it is really strange after so many years I am experiencing it again. But I don't mind as I am having literally the battle of my life. But I think exhaustion is catching up to me.

So instead of entering the fray and star my killing spree, I decided to wipe out the last of 100decillion skeletons with a technique.

I straightened myself, my body covered head to toes with [Armament Haki], the only signal of my clothes some rags that I use as pants. I take a deep breath [Holy Breath of The Sun] cycling in my body, easily healing the strain from [Overdrive] and [Hyper Sage Mode].

[Sunlight Mega Strike Yellow Overdrive].

I ran like no tomorrow and kicked the center of the skeleton wave with all my strength. The subsequent explosion and shockwave disintegrating at least 70% of the whole formation.

For the rest, I was able to destroy them with my variety of techniques punches, and kicks. And at the end of it all, I was completely exhausted, my chakra was for the first time in decades at the bottom, I am mentally and physically exhausted, something I haven't feel for a long time. I have honestly almost forgotten this sensation...

But after destroying the last skeleton of the horde, I could help but lay in the ash-filled ground with a smile on my face. But at this moment my body started to glow, something was definitely happening.

My body glowed more and more, it was a golden holy glow that was slowly growing in size and brightness by the minute. It pulsated sending shockwaves of holy energy everywhere.

It continued rhythmically pulsating, following the pattern of my [Holy Breath of The Sun]. It grew more and more, soon I felt like my body was filled with the purest energy I ever felt.


My holy energy exploded outwards in a force I haven't seen nor experienced before. I looked around searching for clues of this situation, and the only thing I could see was that the rock gate disappeared. And then multiple spatial cracks followed the disappearance of the rock gate, they were erratic and strange, sadly I didn't have that much time to appreciate them because...


With another explosion of holy energy which created even more cracsk I was engulfed by one of them...

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