Mokuton Authority

Chapter 156 - Holy.

I was falling and falling... sadly the burst of Holy energy made me immobile, and said holy energy is growing by the minute, but it isn't coming from my body chakra or anything, it is coming from my soul.


And Falling...


Another explosion of holy energy creating even more cracks, but at this point, I passed through so many cracks that I honestly don't know what to do.

My holy energy grew brighter and brighter, it was something truly extraordinary, I think I've maintained my consciousness until now because of the holy light, if it wasn't for it I would be probably out could sleeping, the fight with the skeletons really did a number on me.

Suddenly I was going in the direction of a fairly bigger crack, this one was one of the smallest at first but after being bombarded with my holy energy it grew to an impressive size.

Soon I entered the giant crack, but this time I wasn't in some strange psychedelic space-time tunnel, I was face to face with the normal sky, the crack where I passed slowly closing and healing.

For any spectators, they would be able to see a giant shining golden meteor colliding with the earth in the middle of what appears to be a neverending forest.

Not much time after I collided with the earth.

And lost consciousness.




Most of the inhabitants of the Douluo continent are scared now. In the morning a giant golden meteor had crash-landed in the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

But while most of the population is apprehensive at seeing such a sight. The experts are as excited as they could be like always they flocked in the direction of said crash site thinking it was some kind of treasure, their greed knows no bounds as does their arrogance.

Before they even reach said crash place the young masters were already fighting for the 'prize', the idiots don't even know what it is, and there were already a hundred or more dead people. And they haven't even reached said place yet.

It was a race to see who got the prize first. but while the young masters fought with all of their beings, the true experts the Titled Douluos were just observing the situation with a calculative glance showing they have at least more brain cells than the young masters.

Soon the multitude of experts reached the crash site, Thankfully there weren't any soul beasts in the way, said beast appears to have run far and far away from the crash site. This only proved that beasts are way smarter than Chinese young masters by a fair margin.

But when everyone got to the crater, there wasn't some kind of peerless treasure or an immortal herb. There was just a person. the young masters instantly became angry, in their minds they were thinking "How dare this trash waste our time". Sadly their minds are too small to process such advanced concepts as danger or fleeing.

Oblivious to the angry young master shouts towards the downwards figure stayed there still on the ground. On that looked particularly more arrogant than the others decided to flex his "Power" to intimidate the still figure. Wrong Move.

While the young master showed his measly cultivation that he is so proud of, two yellow rings, and two purple rings. A soul ancestor of at least Rank 40.

The figure likely sensing the "danger" shot up unnaturally. Yes unnaturally beautiful fashion, for some reason every time the figure moved, his movements would produce an echo of his previous action, it was like his every move was graceful and precise, for those keen on their eyes they would be able to tell that even the world appreciated the way this person moved.{AN: Imagine his echo is like Ryu special on those old Streetfighter games for the arcade, where he would leave some blue trail showing his previous moves.}

These perfect and synchronized movements seem to be ignored by the young master in question. he is still showing his rings btw. The young master saw himself be ignored, so decided to in the most condescending and arrogant tone say:

"Who do you think you are trash. You made this young master waste his time, how are you going to compensate?"(Soon to be dead young master)




Well, f.u.c.k. I crashed in somewhere, that I am certain is not earth. My chakra Reserves are still very low but are already regenerating. But there is something strange with my body, I...

Suddenly I felt something on my side, fearing for the worst in a practiced manner I shot up and I raise my guard. Only to see an idiot with two yellow, and two purple rings rising from the ground. At least this idiot gave me a clue on where I am. Douluo Dalu Verse probably, at least I don't know any other kind of verse that uses the ring system. While I was thinking the Young master appears to have said something...

Of course, I don't understand what he said, all I heard was gibberish. A new language huh? But there is something strange, even if what he said was gibberish I could still read his meaning. Some kind of insult, something about wasting his time, and how I am gonna compensate him. And while I am sure the young master there is as braided as his title implies, and his words as predictable as a shitty fanfic plot. I have an unnaturally understanding of the language... huh, neat.

Ops the idiot is becoming more aggressive, better deal with this soon.

I simply waved my hand in a knife motion in the direction of the said young master. People are looking at me like I am stupid as they haven't felt any kind of soul power, so they think it was just a gesture. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't. On a surprise to everyone, the young master's head flew in the air, his body looking like a fancy dressed fountain of blood. Everyone in the crash site looks as surprised as they can get.

the young master entourage and what appears to be his father are fuming in anger. I already know where this cliche plot is going decided to just kill everyone and be done with it. the smartest people have already started to run, it is not like I am persecuting them or something, so I won't try to catch those that have run away. But I will still kill these people that are disturbing my peace.

How I am gonna kill them if my chakra is low? simple, with my physical body of course. I don't even need chakra to deal with these idiots here, just my body and my haki are more than enough. Yes, thankfully my [Observation Haki] is working normally again, is am so f.u.c.k.i.n.g relieved. Welcome back.

The Fight, no massacre of the young masters didn't take much time, I just made I 360 turn while slashing with my hand in a knife motion, and more than a thousand sharp shockwaves bisected most of my enemies in two, they were way more afraid of me than I gave credit for, during this fight I noticed that my movements are way better for some reason, I am moving way smoother than before. I am not complaining actually, I am grateful.

Soon the crash site has been cleaned of the trash. I decided that I don't want to fall victim to the cliche ancestor vengeance troupe so I just transformed into my animagus form (Jaguar), and started searching for a faraway place where I can rest and renew my energies.

The forest is honestly beautiful, even if you can easily find a beast that can destroy mountains and cities the forest remains a beautiful place. And there's another thing I was able to grasp since I am not restricted by the strange place anymore, this planet is way more alive than any other I was in before. Its natural energy is exuberant and bright, I am sincerely breathless by such a magnificent feeling. But what impressed me the most was the [Blue Silver Grass], soo much vitality, so much life contained in such a small little thing. What a marvelous existence.

Soon after walking for some time in my animagus(Jaguar) form, I was able to reach a good secluded place. It was a simple cave in a mountain, and my [Observation Haki] tells me it's empty right now. Well, it's a good place as any.

Entering the cave I didn't wait for much o cover the entrance with some simple Earth jutsu, even if I am very low on chakra I can still do these simple things. To not raise suspicions I covered the entrance of the cave with some trees and grass, of course, I let some space for air to enter I am not stupid. Thankfully the cave is in complete darkness and I don't need light to see.

The first thing I did was sleep. I literally awake on borrowed time here, if I wasn't constantly channeling Swift Release chakra to maintain my brain extra active I would probably already drop dead. Thanks to my breathing method too, if it wasn't for it constantly supplying my body with Holy, Sun, and Yang energy I would probably be dead from exhaustion. But at this moment all I want is to sleep. And sleep I did.

What I didn't know was that my body was shining when I slept. Every time I took a breath I would become shinier and brighter. I slept for a very long time, I was really exhausted from that ordeal.




I am awakened by the sounds of some birds chirping, they must've made their nest on the tree close to the entrance. I immediately expand my [Observation Haki] and looking at my surrounding I wonder how many days have passed. A tree answers 12, so twelv-. Wait a tree answered? wtf? For all, I can remember I was never able to talk with tress... Unless... the [Voice of All things] of course, I must've somehow awakened it after the battle, pretty neat stuff. So I can literally hear the voice of all things now... Huh? If I take I shit and ask it something, will it answer in my voice? How do my clothes feel? when I look at that angle knowing the thoughts of things seems pretty weird.

I tried to gain some semblance of control fo this new power, so I focused on one of the stones in my cave, it said:

"Hey, you. You're finally awake"(Stone).

Dit that stone just... No, better test this power after, when I am calmer.

Right now I better focus on my changes. Yes, all that holy energy changed me somewhat, so I entered a meditative state and focused on myself completely. Not much time after I can already see what changed in myself.

I've become an Arhat.

but what is an Arhat? you must be asking. Well, an Arhat is one of the four 'titles' a mortal can receive in Buddhism, being an Arhat means that you are a being of an elevated Spiritual/Soul state. During that fight again something considered truly evil I must acc.u.mulate a lot of good deeds and suffered some sort of enlightenment that granted me the position of an Arhat.

Wait... so if I am already an Arhat, this means... So it's like this...

Becoming an Arhat and achieving one of the four titles a mortal human can gain is something extremely good for me, principally for someone like me that was searching for a divinity. If I am not mistaken I will need the 4 titles to become a buddha.

If you are curious the titles are Arhat, which I have already achieved. Second is Buda, yes this Buda is different from Buddha, Buddha is something divine, while Buda is a title for people who were awakened to the true truth of things, someone who can see the true nature of all phenomenons and truths, and I have zero ideas on how the hell I would be able to reach something like that. then there is the Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is an illuminated being, they are people that have the spontaneous desire to search for the truth "Buda". thankfully I know a training regimen that will help me become a Bodhisattva, I just hope it turns out alright. And the last title is Pratyekabuddha, a Pratyekabuddha literally means a "lone buddha", so this probably means that I have to obtain the four titles on my road to Buddha on my own, while also not losing the importance that people have in my life.

But calling these Titles is somewhat wrong. the correct way to call them is The four Sublime States of Being, yes they're f.u.c.k.i.n.g states of being, pretty hight level stuff. But looking at this positively, I at least have some sort of clear objective now.

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