Mokuton Authority

Chapter 158 - Much needed reunion.

"I missed you..."(Aizen).

"Me too?... But I don't think a week is such a long time..."(Allessa).

"A week, are you kidding me? I was gone for almost 2000 years."(Aizen).

"Wait, what?"(Allessa).

"Yes, when I went kill that demigod's band, I also felt something strange with a trapdoor..."(Aizen).

With that, I told Allessa everything that happened to me, from investigating that strange place to the hordes of skeletons, it is a long but relatively simple history. but when I told her about me becoming an Arhat and a Bodhisattva, she made a very sad face...

"Wait what's wrong? isn't it a good thing I became stronger?"(Aizen)

"Not, that's not it... isn't a buddha someone who is completely apart from his earthly desires, they don't feel hunger, sadness... Love... But if you really want it, I will wholeheartedly support you."(Allessa).

"Thank you Allessa..."(Aizen).

Our eyes locked at each other, I could certainly feel her love for me just looking at her eyes, her beautiful face, her soft rose lips that are becoming closer and closer...

And then we kissed. It was a soft chaste kiss at the start, simply a connection of both our lips, we marveled at each other taste and softness, time was a useless concept when we had our lips connected. It was a proof of our affection, a desire we both have been holding for years, even if for her was just one week without seeing me, for her, it was already too much for someone who always searched for love, it was too much. For me, it was the culmination and the buildup of our relationship, wichs tarted with simple dates of people having fun, to share our hobbies with each other, to share her passion for magic, to even become an animagus together, all of this culminated to this moment when our lips touched.

We continued with our lips connected, our bodies hugging each other to somehow make them closer, but just the lips weren't enough, we both waited for this moment for a long time, we wanted more. so we used our tongues, it started with a simple probe a test if you will, but soon we were already invading each other mouths, our tongues wrestling and entangling each other. It was heaven, for a few moments we were both genuinely happy if we had a choice we would choose for this moment to never end. But sadly all good things have to come to an end. We separated briefly taking deep breaths, still on each other embrace. You could definitely ee a deep blush in both of us...

"This was... "(Allessa).

"Yes, it was..."(Aizen).

"I simply don't have words for it... just that I wanted to do it again..."(Aizen).

"Me too..."(Allessa).

We went back to our make-out session, it was the first time for both of us, we were awkward and messy trying to do it, but we didn't care, even with our inexperience we like each other very much, so we continued, and continued...




'Oh my god, I can't believe we kissed, I wanted and dreamed of this for such a long time... And it was even better than in my dreams, it was so perfect, so gooooooood... I want to do it again...'(Allessa-thinking).

Now after some very long and much-needed make-out sessions, we were lying on the grass in each other embrace... it was time to continue our talk...

"You don't have to be concerned about em becoming a buddha, nothing will change. I may become more benevolent and mellow out a little bit. But I never forgive nor I forget..."(Aizen).

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..."(Allessa).

After data we kissed again, it was a little brief but I can definitely feel the affection and satisfaction in that simple touch.

"But I am still halfway to becoming a buddha, I am just an Arhat and a Bodhisattva for now..."(Aizen).

"Just an Arhat and a Bodhisattva he says, you said this like is something anyone could do..."(Allessa).


"But does it really only passed a week for you?"(Aizen).

"Yes, I first thought you were in some kind of important breakthrough or something so I didn't think much of your disappearance, there were very few people who could threaten you after all... But after a week I decided to use my magic to check on you... And to my surprise, you were in another universe... I have long since known about that strange place under the school, but I never thought much about it, for me, it was just a place where people can get access to some of the Yggdrasil roots..."(Allessa).

"Wait... the leylines are Yggdrasil roots?"(Aizen).

"Well, yes they are..."(Allessa).

"Maybe I can control them with my mokuton one day..."(Aizen)

"Maybe, it's indeed a possibility... But I want to talk to you first about that rock gate you described to me..."(Allessa).

"Sure, no problem. I think I already mentioned it, but I thought strange that I had a deep-rooted desire to protect it."(Aizen).

"It's not strange, that rock gate if I am not mistaken is the representation of you being. If the skeletons managed to get a hold of you they could literally possess you, so you made the right choice of following your instincts to protect it..."(Allessa).

"Phew. Dodged a bullet there..."(Aizen).


"But what would you want to do now? Go back? or explore this world a bit?"(Allessa).

"Might as well explore this world a bit, I have even sent some probes into space to find a good planet for my experiments... but besides that, there are a lot of interesting things here."(Aizen).

"What kind of things?"(Allessa).

"Couldn't you use your magic to know?"(Aizen).

"Yeah, I could. but where is the fun in that? I like to experience the things in life normally too you know..."(Allessa).

"I can definitely relate. I could've just sent some clones to the University and get it done in record time but I chose to experience the student life without the pressure a bit more, it was fun in a way..."(Aizen).

"Yep, being a teacher was cool too."(Allessa).

"Going back to what I want to do here... I wanted to research their [Martial Soul] they have gone here, and get some cools new techniques, principally for blacksmithing and other very useful things."(Aizen).

"Interesting... I would like to research these [Martial Soul] you are talking about, it sounds very promising, and I am curious too."(Allessa).

"I don't think e can use them like the normal inhabitants of this world, but who knows?"(Aizen).


"Do you want any help becoming a buddha, I am certain that I can help with one thing or the other..."(Allessa).

"Unfortunately I would have to refuse, one of the 4 states fo being I need is to walk this road alone and without guidance."(Aizen).

"I understand, but if you need help with anything else I am all ears, and I have pretty big ears btw."(Allessa).

"I don't mind your years, I think they only make you look more beautiful" (Aizen).

"*blush* thanks..."(Allessa).

"Hehehe, want to explore some cities and see how is the civilization of this place?"(Aizen).

"Personally I just want to cuddle more, but looking at the new sights doesn't sound so bad..."(Allessa).

"So let's go?"(Aizen).


"Wait, do you want to go on our animagus form?"(Aizen).

"Sure, it does sound very romantic."(Allessa).

With that, we both transform into our animagus forms, me a jaguar, and Allessa a snow leopard, she is beautiful even in her animagus form, such smooth and shiny fur, such a pretty tail... She too looks at my form entranced, I am happy she thinks the same of me too...

We interweave our tails with each other and proceed to walk through the forest. We are in no hurry, and a good walk in the forest sounds like a pretty good alone time with just the two of us...

We continued walking around the forest, we both could move pretty easily on our forms right now, Allessa had a little bit of trouble at the start but she can learn fast. It was definitely pleasant, we would even some times roll around playing like big cats, it is very amusing indeed.

Sadly my good mood was shut down when I sensed something in my [Observation Haki] range. A massacre, more specifically the results of one. Allessa immediately seeing what happened too assumes a more solemn attitude.

"Well, shit... what a way to damper the mood huh."(Aizen)


"I have done worse, and seen worse. But no matter I still feel very upset when I see something like that"(Aizen).

Yeah, you could consider these cultivator novices compared with the ninjas of the elemental nations, on the Anbu I have done way worse, but ever since I became an arhat and a Bodhisattva I think my righteous fury has gone up a bit. My controls lipped a bit and Allessa was able to see my echoes, which have improved in number btw, by there is a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 now. I learned to control them for them to not always appear but my control must have slipped a bit...

"I understand, is the same for me. No one right on the head likes to see a massacre..."(Allessa).

"I agree... Let's pass-through this destroyed village, maybe we will find some clues?"(Aizen).

"Sure. But one another note, what are these strange echoes of your actions, I didn't see them before..."(Allessa)

"I don't know, to be honest, they sort of just appeared after I became an Arhat. But I have some theories of it myself when I find something more concrete I can explain better to you."(Aizen).


With that we decided to pass through the destroyed and massacred village, I just hope this isn't my fault in some way.

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