Mokuton Authority

Chapter 159 - Impressive...

I and Allessa went back to our normal selves, and we started walking in the direction of the destroyed village, but I happen to feel something strange... Focusing on it for a bit I had some surprises.


"So you felt it too..."(Allessa).

"Yep, there is someone still alive. There used to be some kind of orphanage"(Aizen).

The city wasn't a pretty sight to see, you could see bodies everywhere, thankfully most of these people appears to be killed relatively fast, whatever did this did with some sort of job, not out of some sort of twisted pleasure.

But the number of bodies is worrisome, the city isn't so big to host so many people, so maybe they executed some prisoners here? could be it.

Both me and Allessa went in the direction of the life signal. We reached a destroyed orphanage, soon on the lobby we can see the corpses of kids everywhere, but whatever did this was in a hurry as the cuts were simple and clean, to kill fast and the most efficient way possible, thankfully whatever killed them didn't bother to check the bodies.

The is a little girl that was bisected in two, fo all intents and purposes she should be dead 10 times over, but for some reason, she is holding on to her life with such a tenacity that could easily bring most being to shame... Impressive.

"Do you want me to heal her?"(Allessa).

"Nah, I got this covered."(Aizen).

Suddenly a [Sun Mark] appeared in my hand, my body tart emanating a soft golden glow reminiscent of something Holy and sacred. I touch the girl's head, my big hand making the one-year-old look like some sort of barbie doll in my hands. Suddenly her whole body lit up.

Golden marks traveled all over her body, the gloomy atmosphere all around town disappeared, being replaced by a solemn holy feeling. The golden marks start to lit up, suddenly you could see her legs regrowing, her nerves, her muscles, and her skin. With just a simple touch I had completely healed her.

We went for the room that was thankfully empty of corpses and put the little girl there to sleep. Allessa even traded her torn up clothes. We need to decide what to do with her. But first, I want to test something...

"What you want to do?"(Allessa).

"Well, I am still thinking about it. but first want to test something, let's go outside of the village for a bit, my test can cause quite a mess."(Aizen).

"Sure no problem."(Allessa).

We headed to the outside of the village when we got a good distance away I said something that clearly surprised Allessa...

"I want you to punch me with all you got"(Aizen).

"Sorry, Aizen I am not comfortable with this kind of thing..."(Allessa).

"No I am not a masochist. I just want to test how much stronger you are comparing to myself."(Aizen).

"But I don't want to hurt you..."(Allessa).

"Ok fine. I will just extend my hand, and then you punch it. If I lose my arm and somehow aren't able to heal it, you can easily regrow a limb right?"(Aizen).

"I guess if it is like that I see no problem...Prepare yourself."(Allessa)

I took a deep breath letting my breathing skill take a deeper hold, using my I filled up my body with Holy Release. Yup, I have awakened Holy Release after becoming an Arhat and a Boddhisattva, it sure has the normal uses holy energy has in fiction you see everywhere, but I am using it right now its power to enhance my body, I covered my arm in khaki, I used Gravity Release to make myself heavier, I even used Wood Release to glue my feet on the ground. Another deep breath, and then I raised my arm...

She punched...

And my arm was gone, destroyed, I would be surprised if a cell survived such an attack. The attack was so clean, it didn't even make any sound, if I hadn't seen her punching I wouldn't have been able to even detect an incoming attack, in one instant everything was fine and dandy, and in the next just pain, thankfully years suffering worse pain numbed me to the sensation so I didn't even show it in my face. She is strong... extremely soo.

"Are you okay..."(Allessa)

"Yes, I am. It's just an arm"(Aizen).

With this, I take a deep breath suddenly the form of a skeletal arm lit up, it slowly reformed the bone-white skeleton, formed the nerves, the muscles, the blood vessels, and finally the skin. Huh, my breathing skill really does speed up my recovery.

"Are you really okay Aizen? I know it was something stupid to do, I shouldn't have done it..."(Allessa).

"Relax Allessa. I just wanted to test how much I improved, I was just thinking a bit. Thanks for helping me with his test, I really appreciate it"(Aizen).

"You're Welcome. Just please don't make me do it again, I really don't like to hurt you..."(Allessa).

"Sorry about that. I promise I wouldn't do it again. But when I become stronger, will you be up for spar?"(Aizen).

"I don't mind sparring, but please not more senseless limb loss..."(Allessa).

"Okay, I promise. But right now better check on the little girl. I will even pick some useful things along the way."(Aizen).

"Stealing from the dead?"(Allessa).

"First, if they are dead it isn't stealing, simply picking what is lying around. Second, shinobi habits die hard. and Third, I will make a proper burial for everyone, its only natural that I take payment"(Aizen).

"It is fine I guess. I did this a lot on my home verse, we were always at war so scavenging became second nature to me too, it took a long time for me to stop doing it"(Allessa).

"Huh, interesting... But let's take care of a little girl"(Aizen).

Well, when I healed the little girl I used the opportunity to scan her mind with some of the Yamanaka Jutsu, normally scanning the mind of someone is a battle of wits and will, something that could be dangerous to both the victim and the caster, but after I became an Arhat, my soul literally became illuminated and started evolving into a higher state fo being, so I doubt any mortal could stop my mind arts now.

Her name is Zi Ling, and she doesn't have that many memories, of course, it's because she is one year old and for some strange reason she has an indomitable will to live, quite impressive I might add. And she is pretty smart for her age, I don't doubt if she survives she can become a God rank here.

Alessa took the little girl in her arms and we exited the village, I created a simple Japanese house with my Wood Release, and we waited for the little girl to wake up, before that we have something to discuss...

"So what do you want to do with Zi Ling?"(Aizen).

"So that is her name.. I don't know, to be honest, we could always just find a good orphanage and send her there... "(Allessa).

"I am not the type to babysit too, and kids are too troublesome, so I don't mind the orphanage option."(Aizen).

"But I feel somewhat sad about it... it must be my transition into arhat and Bodhisattva."(Aizen).

"I know how it must be... It's like you can't help but do something good right..."(Allessa).

"I know ts pretty messed up, heck I myself made a bunch of kids orphans in my homeworld... But I don't know... I feel extremely bad if I don't do this..."(Aizen).

"Well I particularly don't mind, this Zu Ling seems to have a very strong will. so she shouldn't be that bad..."(Allessa).

"At least it will be a good experience, But if we are gonna do it, better do it right, I don't do things half-assed."(Aizen).

"Me neither, if we gonna do it we do it the right way..."(Allessa).

"So? Let's adopt?"(Aizen).

"Let's adopt."(Allessa).

It may seem coldhearted to talk like that, but it's better if Zu Ling finds a loving family than some parents that don't want her. And like I said, I don't do things halfheartedly, if we are gonna adopt her, I will treat her as my real daughter. And father and mother and who raises, not who is biologically connected, those that are just biologically connected are simply s.p.e.r.m and egg donors, parents are those who raised you with their love and affection.

"Talking about Zu Ling, she appears to be waking up"(Aizen).

"Let's greet her, in the end, we are her new parents..."(Allessa).


We entered her room, and you could say that little girl is undeniably cute, she has copper-colored hair and big copper-colored eyes, her eyes are slowly blinking awakening what she presumably thought was her death, she looks around the wooden wall confused until she spots us. Seeing us she spots a fearful curious feeling, Alessa is literally a 2.18 meters tall elf, and me a 2.10 meters tall dude, it's a given she didn't immediately start crying.

She looks between us and says nothing, she must be very shy or afraid, But for some reason every time she focuses on me she would become calmer and more at ease, must be my aura and demeanor halfway to becoming a Buddha is no joke.

"Hello Zu Ling, Me and Allessa here found, healed, and rescued you from that village. We thought about it a bit and decided to adopt you. do you accept?"(Aizen).

She looks at me strangely. Oh right forgot she is just one year old.

"We both wanted to be you, mommy and papa?"

She just looks at me and Allessa a little bit and nods her cute head vigorously.

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