Mokuton Authority

Chapter 160 - Funeral.

Looking at the ball of cuteness that is Zu Ling I smile a bit.

"You must be hungry right? Let's eat."(Aizen).

The little girl got up and started to follow us, she can already walk pretty well. Soon we reached the dining room, I just used my Yang Release to create a bright light, and summoned some food I had stored on my seals, it was pasta, ramen to be exact.

The little thing practically inhaled it asking for seconds already, me knowing it just smirked and waved my hand another bowl of ramen appearing.

After her third bowl, Zu Ling seems to be satisfied, before going to sleep on the spot.

"I guess she was exhausted. Some times I forgot how exhausting a wound could get to normal humans..."(Aizen).

I quickly pick up Zu Ling and put her back in her room. She is soundly sleeping, I doubt she will wake up any time soon.

"I will bury the body of villagers, do you want to come?"(Aizen).

"Might as well."(Allessa).

We slowly walked outside, It Autumn seasons you could see multiple different colors on nature itself, everything is so beautiful. It's really a pity that this village was destroyed, it must've been a wonderful place to live in.

We stopped a little bit away from the village, I started to slowly make hand signs, I could've done it with my control and easily buried everything with just a pulse of chakra, but I wanted to make this moment something special and memorable, it is my daughter birthplace after all.

The village slowly started to lose height, the earth itself going downwards slowly, huge walls of earth went up encasing everything in an earth box, or better, an earth coffin. The earth coffin started to slow descent to the earth. I said slowly in a low voice...

"[Earth Release: Burial Earth Coffin]"(Aizen).

After some more time, I continued doing hand signs, I wanted to give at least a memorial to these people. A tree will do.

"[Sage Art: Wood Release: Teldrasil]"(Aizen).

Taking inspiration from Allessa homeland I made a huge tree similar to Teldrasin, it will maintain this place healthy and prosperous. At the base of the tree, there is an obelisk memorial stone describing the massacre and the lives lost, it's more of a tombstone really, I even put the name of everyone who died here, who did I know? [Voice of All Things], I just had to ask their surroundings. Really convenient power I might add.

"At least they have some sort of proper burial now."(Aizen).

"I know. Let's let them rest in peace."(Allessa).

"Yes, Let's..."(Aizen).

We went back to the house I made with my wood release, it looked really close to a traditional old wooden Japanese house, we even had some futons. But before going to sleep it's better if we discuss some things...

"I won't beat around the bush. I want to start training Zu Ling at earliest possible."(Aizen).

"Isn't it too soon?"(Allessa).

"Meh, in the era of the warring states they started really early too... But I get your point..."(Aizen).

"Maybe, it doesn't need to be training..."(Aizen)

"What do you mean?"(Allessa).

"Instead of making something boring like sit-ups, we could make the training like some sort of game... like she is playing instead of training."(Aizen).

"It's a very good idea, with this she got's to play, and we got to prepare her for what it is to come."(Allessa).


"But you know it's inefficient, right?"(Allessa).

"Of course I do. But I was planning on augmenting her gravity little by little, it would be imperceptible, and every time she gets used to the new gravity, I would make it stronger, so with he, she will make her body stronger without even knowing something will happen, and like that she got to at least have some sort of normal childhood."(Aizen).

"Wouldn't this hurt the development of her body?"(Allessa).

"Did you forget that I have Yang Release, and I am a real medic ninja?"(Aizen).

"True, I could also make some ritual circles and wards to bless and protected her, it will make sure she will grow up healthy and strong."(Allessa).

"Good, I will also make sore that my gravity seals are automatic..."(Aizen).

"Another thing I would like to talk about is that I wanted her to attend school when she awakens her spirit and is six years old."(Aizen).

"No, absolutely not. You know how bad schools are, they kill creativity, ingenuity and mental health of people, I would prefer she was sent to a prison than a school."(Allessa).

"And you are completely right. I was never planning on sending her to a normal school, I want to en her to the protagonist school."(Aizen).

"Ahhh, now that makes way more sense. *Phew*... I thought you were going to send her to a normal school there for a second, thank god."(Allessa).

"I don't want a suicidal daughter you know, I want her to be healthy and happy."(Aizen).

"Me too."(Allessa).

"Now that our daughter matter was dealt with. I want to go and read the protagonist of this world memories..."(Aizen).

"Why? does he have something particularly interesting?"(Allessa).

"Well, yes but actually no"(Aizen).

"I want the [Purple demon Eyes] it is a very cheat skill that when trained enough can even give better effects than Sharingan, so of course I would need something like that, I don't have any eye techniques after all..."(Aizen).

"I don't have eye techniques either, but we would have to translate this technique to both our power systems, it won't be easy, but we have a relatively good amount of time in our hands, we barely need to sleep after all."(Allessa).

" I know, but I still want to be mentally healthy, mental exhaustion is the worst.."(Aizen).

"Good point. and we also could use this as an opportunity to... sleep... together."(Allessa).

"Of course, I would love to Allessa"(Aizen).

Then we kissed.




The next day Zu Ling woke up early, I could tell she was having very little difficult moving with the seals, but she was able to adjust relatively fast. I had barely adopted this little girl for a day and I am already proud of her. Is this how a parent feels?

We have eaten breakfast and went to the memorial I built yesterday. zu Ling even cried a bit, but I could feel it was a cry fo relief, see all the people she knows got a proper burial, I am just concerned because she hasn't talked much, and I know for a fact that she isn't mute, I can easily cure physical problems with my Yang Release after all. She must've been really affected by this...

I proposed we played ball for a bit, I took one of those huge but light balls we use on the beach and we start playing, running around and tossing the ball at each other, me and Alessa were fairly happy seeing that the little girl smiled a bit during our games. Good to see she is warming up to us...

Soon it was lunchtime, The little girl has eaten a lot again. I even pated her head while using my [Sun Mark] to heal any kind of damage to her body, she basically melted on my hand that way... It was kinda cute, to be honest.

After lunchtime I decided we should play some board games, we played monopoly, chess, and even a more tame version of D&D, I want my daughter to be cultured after all. Sadly as intelligent as she is, she is barely a year old, so the max she could do was to point to the magic listed in the paper and admire me telling what happened and what her character had done.

Soon it was dinner time, we ate, and she was extremely sleepy again. She is literally sleeping like a log, already looking like her father... I am so proud.

And after putting Zu Ling to sleep I talked to Allessa a bit...

"You're a tailor right?"(Aizen).

"Yup. I picked a lot of professions and tailoring was one of them. After all we elves have a lot of time so it's common to have a wider skillset..."(Allessa).

"Could you maybe make some clothes for Zu Ling, I am good at making armor, not clothes..."(Aizen).

"Sure I was already thinking of doing it"(Allessa).

"Now I will 'borrow' some skills from the Tang family"(Aizen).

"Ok, be sure to return by sunrise."(Allessa).




To find the right village took me more time than I would like to admit, thankfully with my speed running around the globe is a fairly easy task, principally when I have Swift Release, I am almost certain I can beat TVFlash in speed, but the one from comics I sincerely doubt it.

Entering the village was as easy as breathing, I am a former Anbu stealth was literally my job. Entering the Tang family House is equally easy. Besides being a Sage and having a very good Anbu training, my energy is something totally different than Tang Hao was expecting, he would be probably in guard if Soul Power was used, chakra from a sage... not some much.

The first that I went to use the Yamanaka jutsu was Tang Hao, just looking at his drunken sleeping form made me lose a lot of respect for his character. I know you lost the love of your life, heck I would be probably just as sad if I had lost Allessa, but instead, fo wasting yourself away drinking, why didn't he try to become stronger to enact his vengeance, why not use all these negative sentiments to fuel a newfound sentiment to justice, heck maybe he could try being a father for Tang San if the brat was a normal kid I have no doubts he would grow messed up. Thankfully Tang Hao lucked out a lot with Tang San.

Pushing my thoughts away from the drunk father I use the Yamanaka jutsu on him, the need to touch long gone, now I just need fairly good proximity with my hand and the victim's head and I can safely use the jutsu.

Normally trying to extract memories is a very dangerous battle of will and wits, which would be the case between me and Tang Hao, sadly form him I have a higher tier of both soul and spirit thanks to becoming an Arhat and a Bodhisattva, thus making the process as smooth as breathing. I am relatively happy with the multitude of training regimens for Soul Masters, The forging, and blacksmithing techniques... I have to admit, this guy was really a prodigy with a hammer. It only made his drunken self more ugly to see.

Now Tang San, I expect him o be more difficult than Tang Hao. Because even if tang San doesn't have any cultivation whatsoever the [Purple Demon Eyes] besides an eye technique are a mental one, so his mental defenses should be way more refined than Tang Hao.

And was right and wrong at the same time. Tang San does indeed have more refined defenses than tang Hao, but he is still weak being the same age as my daughter and all, Or I am just Op as hell? both it is probably both.

And Tang San was a frigging well of skills and info, This guy has better throwing techniques than the ones I had in Narutoverse, and this is saying something. And this guy was really a genius. the principal technique I wanted from him was...

His knowledge of both throwing weapons and martial techniques, something very useful. His knowledge of pills, herbs, and poisons, something I don't need much due to my connection with nature but it's sure nice to have it.

The [Purple Demon Eyes]

Which is divided into 4 stages.



Mustard Seed


In the Survey realm, it was able to substantially improve vision power and clearly grasp detail.

The Detailed realm improved the user vision even further and granted a mental state where everything slowed down, allowing the user to react in the shortest possible time. It is also able to see Soul Masters' amount of soul power given that the soul power of soul masters is lower than the user's.

The Mustard Seed enabled Tang San to survey the surroundings, including noticing very minute details such as the wings of a fly, and even the fact that Xiao Wu was a Spirit Beast. It allows Tang San to shock or confuse an enemy who is in a vulnerable state. It also allows Tang San to breakthrough illusions. This realm also allows the user to attack the mental state of the opponent.

Upon fusing with his second spirit bone, the Wisdom Skull, his Purple Demon Eye advanced directly to the limits of the mustard seed-stage and allowed him to condense his spirit force and create an attack capable of destroying a boulder, which he named God Eye.

While nearing the end of the 3rd Seagod trial, Tang San in a moment of inspiration unlocked the Boundless realm level, breaking the Wisdom Skull Bone, and became able to see everything on Sea God Island. The Boundless realm rather than enhancing eyesight, unlocks the Mind's eye instead, and combined with the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud version of the Wisdom Skull Bone, becomes able to survey not just a whole island but the surrounding ocean as well.

It would be a good addition seeing as I don't have any kind of improvement to my eyes, and I like to make every part of my body into a lethal weapon, and I mean EVERY PART.

Then there is the [Mysterious Jade Hands].

Mysterious Jade Hand causes the palm and the hand to become extremely tough and tensile. Moreover, it can obstruct any poison. This is a good technique that will probably help me improve my [Armament Haki] even more.

A footwork technique called [Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track Steps].

This is a movement and balance technique that allows Tang San to move with extreme speed and traverse difficult terrains as well as dodge attacks fast enough to leave behind after images.

This is something that was extremely lacking in my arsenal, I may have very good footwork and technique, but I don't have any kind fo technique specialized in it, this will make me faster and more nimble and agile, it will surely improve my speed of movement even more.

[Controlling Crane Catching Dragon].

It is a method of improving coordination and strength. It is also an extraordinarily potent grappling technique that has diabolical muscle splitting bone displacing techniques. This technique, when combined with soul power, can also manipulate objects at a distance.

This will help a lot too, seeing as I have just normal grappling techniques, and the bonus of using your energy to affect things at a distance is surely welcome...

[Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation]

Is the official name of Tang San throwing techniques, definitely something I am looking for, as a ninja and an Anbu I definitely appreciate it.

And finally the [Mysterious Heaven Skill]

It is a method for training internal qi. This allows the user to resist extreme pressure, poison and helps with recovering injuries. It also helps on purifying your energy, making it denser and purer, besides being literally the base for all the other techniques, which I am unable to use right now. Thankfully I already have some experience modifying techniques so I think I can change it to suit chakra.

But what do I want a cultivation technique for? I am not a cultivator, right? Well technically no I am not. But my method of expanding chakra is simple direct and works exceptionally well, so I thought of modifying and changing the Tang San cultivation method and fuse with the one I made, my idea is to pick the principles I use on my first one of constantly expanding and smoothing the surface of my channels and fuse with the other benefits of Tang San technique. So I will try to change the part of his technique that helps open the 8 extraordinary meridians and use it to open my 361 tenketsu, well they are already open but I want to open them extraordinarily. I am sure it will make me stronger.

Leaving the Tang Residence I went to the church of the village, the other important thing I want to take care of, the awakening ceremony formation. And after almost an hour inspecting the place I was able to take every info I could about this formation, now I and Allessa just need to translate it to our type of energy.

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