Mokuton Authority

Chapter 161 - Quiet life...

Waking up cuddled with Allessa was definitely a pleasant moment, I can say with certainty that our feelings for each other grow by the day. Our relationship became more solid and 'real' too. I am delighted with her, her defined body, firm ass, and thick tights, and fairly voluptuous b.r.e.a.s.t, making the figure of my dream. Our personalities are a very good match too.

Even if we don't agree on everything, which is impossible as we are two different people, after all, we can feel we are growing closer by the day, long were past the days we sleep separate, now we sleep in each other embrace, and I am telling it was the best goddam sleep I had in my entire life.

I already told Allessa about the skills and things I got last night, her proposition of analyzing and modifying it together, I even proposed to teach our daughter about it, but she quickly denied saying that we could make a more custom made version for her, I readily agreed to it.

We slowly got out of bed, our bodies hardly protesting or having any after sleep symptoms, it was like we weren't even sleeping, f.u.c.k.i.n.g hell I love [Sage Body]. The first thing we did was a deep and passionate kiss...

"Good Morning."(Allessa).


"Breakfast? I will prepare it this time, I will even make some elven food"(Allessa).

"Good. But I've got to ask, do you miss your homeworld?"(Aizen).

"Yes... I miss my family a bit"

"Well, we could visit your world when we finish doing your things. You could even introduce me to your parents and the rest of your family."(Aizen).

"Sure, it sounds like a wonderful idea. I bet my sister will like you very much, her boyfriend Turalion is a bit grumpy sometimes but I bet she is mellowing him out. and all my little sister will absolutely adore you, they always teased me that I was gonna end up a loner cat lady."(Allessa).

"Well, it definitely sounds like a fun family. I too will introduce you to the people of my homeworld."(Aizen).

"Both of them?"(Allessa).

"Yes, Even the one from my previous life if I can find it... I really don't want any kind of lies and falsehood in this relationship, so I won't hide behind a mountain of excuses to not show that world, even if my worst day were there."(Aizen).

"But you participated in two wars..."(Allessa).

"Yes, that world is worse. At least in my second life, I found a reason a purpose. There I was only existing and waiting for the next day, I saw my life as something pointless and useless, if I was gonna die and everything I did was futile why the heck do it in the first place. the world is boring and unjust, a true grey and monotonous world. It was principally the fact at the time I was born. I was born too late to explore the seas and the world, but too early to explore the stars. Suicide was all times high and most people considered living there more of a curse than anything, and frankly the world lack color, it's a true dry grey world."(Aizen).

"And the fact that you can't grow stronger, you can't improve yourself. You were born limited, held back by the genetic lottery and luck, some people could simply have the world just because they were born beautiful, I didn't resent that, what I did resent was the impossibility to improve myself, I resented that I had to continue as a stagnant normal human being, dying from a heart attack was honestly a f.u.c.k.i.n.g blessing, and I hope everyone that dies gets the same chance, our lives in that world were simply to shitty and monotonous for it to end simply only there... to end as just simple dust..."(Aizen).

Suddenly Allessas hugs me and gives a deep and passionate kiss, we stayed like that for a very long time.

"Stop worrying about it, everything that happened there has already passed... just try to live happily and content now..."(Allessa).

"Thank you, Alessa... I Love You."(Aizen).

She seems very surprised by my sudden declaration, but I can quickly see that she is extremely happy.

"I Love You Too Aizen"(Allessa).

We kissed again, this time even more passionate, our emotions and love almost interwoven with each other right now...

"But I am definitely showing you my past life world, not only for you to see it, but for me to also overcome its shadow..."(Aizen).

"I can somehow understand how you feel. Nasuverse isn't the most welcoming of the verses you know, I've seen some pretty messed up shit there... But I also made some very good friends, Ishtar for example, the shield girl that call everyone senpai... "(Allessa).

"I guess there are some positive things too, I wouldn't be me of today if it hasn't been for my experiences there. In some sense I should be thankful for it too."(Aizen).

"Is good to see you opening up a little bit more you know. Don't you feel a little lighter after spewing your grievances a bit..."(Allessa).

"I definitely feel a little bit better right now. Thanks for everything" (Aizen).

"I should be the one saying thanks, you have no idea how much you helped me too..."(Allessa).

We went on another round of kisses and embracing until the little girl started waking up, separating our bodies that were almost glued to each other was more difficult than you could imagine, but we had a little girl to take care of.

"I guess we need t stop for a bit."(Aizen).

"Yeah... Breakfast?"(Allessa).


I quickly went and helped Zu Ling wake up be prepared for breakfast. She was a little bit sleepy but nothing that a flood of Yang Release on her body can't take care of. I've been constantly flooding her body with yang Release to make sure to rise her vitality, well she won't suddenly be a well of vitality, but I am hoping with time I can help her raise her vitality, it will also help her grow healthier and immune to most diseases, it will also passively heal her muscles of the automatic gravity seal I placed on her. So it will overall make her quality of life better, in the long run, it could even improve her lifespan.

With renewed energy Zu Ling quickly went to the breakfast table with me, the food was magnificent. It was manly fish, but I loved it, principally one of my favorite dishes grilled salmon. It was a hefty and fulfilling breakfast.

We decided to go outside and play with Zu Ling for a bit, but I detected some beasts outside, there some good-natured one that was certainly attracted to my holy aura, but there were also some vile beats that came here due to the stench of blood from the massacre.

Well, this looks like a job for me. I went outside and transformed into my Animagus (Jaguar) form, looking at the number of beats close to here I decided to give them a warning. Using my Holy Release and my holy aura I roared...


It a deep and frightening roar to all who heard it, the evil best immediately understood the message and started running away proving their superior intelligence when compared with Chinese young masters. The more benevolent of them understood that this was my place and they can stay, as long as they don't threaten my family. But what surprised me the most...

"kitty..."(Zu Ling).

Well, my daughter's first word was 'kitty', and now she is curiously looking at my animagus form. She looks adorable and her curiosity is something I found a very positive characteristic. Going back to my human form she looks surprised...

"Wheres kitty...?"(Zu Ling).

I transform in my Animagus(Jaguar) form again, and I went to play with her, Allessa even went with us transforming on her Animagus(Snow Leopard) form and we start joking and playing around with little Zu, we would occasionally transform back into our normal form and play too.

Soon it was time for lunch, Zu Ling ate a lot, she needs it seeing as just existing is training for her, after lunch, I decided to do something different.

Seeing as today was a fairly hot day, I thought about making a pool outside. I first dug out the earth my jutsu and made the surroundings with rocks to not create mud each time someone uses the pool, I also coated the hole I dug with rocks, but this is no normal rock, its a special one granite to be more exact, its is smooth and don't produce dust, so it is an ideal rock for the pool.

After that, I filled it with water jutsu, and so we had a pool. As it is summer now I think this is quite a good time to teach Zu Ling how to swim, it is also a good way to refresh and see Allessa in a swimsuit.

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