Mokuton Authority

Chapter 162 - Finally.

Three months passed rather fast, we continued with a simple routine, but sometimes I and Allessa would train together or spending more time together. Our research on the Tang sect techniques bore fruit and we have been able to translate them to our respective energy systems.

I gotta say, the improvement in the speed that I can grow my chakra bigger was something nice. And if you are asking yourself, why someone with such a huge amount of chakra is still expanding it? Simply because it never hurts to have a bit of it in excess, besides there are some monsters who have infinity energy around, so if I can't have infinity energy I can at least get the next best thing. A humongous amount of it. It worked until now at least.

I really like the new speed I can grow my chakra now. I guess if I already had such a monstrous chakra before, now it will only grow bigger and bigger. I've also become more used to my Buddhist abilities, there is nothing too impressive yet, but I am sure I am building toward something impressive. The [Mysterious Heaven Skill] was really worth it, I already reopened almost a third of my 361 tenketsu, and my chakra almost doubled... after I reopen everything I will truly become the monster between monsters...

With [Mysterious Jade Hands] I was able to improve my [Armament Haki] in all aspects, it was indeed a very good thing I opted to learn these techniques, it became stronger, more tensile, its defense powers sincerely skyrocketed.

Thanks to the [Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation], my throwing techniques improved by leaps and bounds, if prior it was already strong and inhuman thanks to my Anbu training, now it's something otherworldly, my accuracy improvement is extraordinary principally thanks to the [Purple Demon Eyes].

The [Purple Demon Eyes] is incredible, I can finally understand from where all those arrogance the Uchiha's have come from, being able to see the world soo differently... It was like I was half-blind before and now I am using the highest quality glasses, even in such a low time I am already t the peak of the [Detailed Realm], and wow... It is magnificent, all the details I can see, how far I can see, my vision now literally extends itself for kilometers on end, this also made me extremely relieved, I was growing concerned that my eyes were becoming useless in the higher level fights, as I grew in power I started to use my eyes less and less, it was becoming essentially useless due to my [Observation Haki] fused with all my other sensing abilities being infinitely superior, principally now that I was able to reach light speeds, the eyes can't see above light speed, can it? But now thanks to this technique I will be able to give use to my own eyes, I was sincerely thinking of transplanting the Rinnegan, but the prospects of this technique held me off. Thank god I wasn't hasty, this technique grants me literally better eyesight than the Rinnegan... Maybe even better if I combine the technique with it?...Thoughts for the future.

[Controlling Crane Catching Dragon] was the most normal of the techniques, its use minimal int he grand scheme of things, but this did nothing to lessen its merit, no it only made it better and more useful, because some times simplicity is what births indomitable power, sometimes the most simple dagger can kill a god, sometimes... a simple technique can help save your life. And while none of this happened yet I added that grappling technique to my repertories, we never know when it will be useful down the line, better have it than don't.

Another thing that changed even the way I walked was the [Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track Steps], I always had very good footwork, being a ninja and an Anbu granted that I was specialized in moving with the minimum of steps as silent as possible, it always served me well, I could easily move without making sounds, I was very fast nowadays. But the [Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track Steps] made me more flexible, more agile, coordinated, now I could easily run above water without chakra, easily walk on walls without an ounce of chakra, and when ic combine the two I became almost twice as fast and twice as resourceful, if before my speed was comparable to TVFlash, now I could easily run the double of it, now I had a proper technique to my steps, making then more grateful and more efficient than ever before, It improved my movement speed drastically. but what made me almost giddy is that now I can run in the air, don't get me wrong I can easily naturally fly, but now even without flying I can run in the air, and fast as hell too. Maybe I can even run to the moon like that?

Another thing that stabilized right now is my echoes. Fourteen ghosts of myself are always following me chowing m previous actions, I sincerely don't know their functionality besides being cool, but I guess I will probably know when I become a Buddha, they started appearing after I became an Arhat after all, so I guess that they are some kind of power I will unlock in the future, it's just that they are showing some signs of appearing right now.

Another thing of note that I must say si the other Soul beats on my vicinity, they treat me as their king of this territory, and the fact that I can transition between my human and my animal(Animagus) form made they respect me even more, for all they know only the strongest beats can change to human appearances, so every time someone new comes to my territory thanks to Teldrasil prosperity, they will always pay respects to me. Some of the more young beasts even play with Zu Ling, It kind of funny saw they stupidly afraid of me when I watch their playtime like a Hawk, well I am not dumb enough to let a one-year-old unsupervised. But I'm quite satisfied that playing with these animals made Zu Ling's mood improve, her near-death experience must be something very traumatizing, even if she won't remember much of it due to being one year old, it still must have left some scars on her psyche. This is also one of the reasons I wanted her to go to school after her awakening ceremony at six, she needs to have some human contact and friends, and by that time I hope she is feeling better and more comunicative.

Zu Ling's progress was well... impressive, I don't know how but her body is growing extremely strong by the day, just seeing her grow physically stronger brings a smile to my face, the fact that I flood her blood daily with vitality(Yang Release) and she is eating a lot a very healthy, and her growth something supernaturally good, the gravity continues to automatically increase every time she adapts to it, and for her, she is just playing around and having fun as swing, playing ball, running around with the 'kitties' would hardly count as training in the eyes of a lot of people, and I was pleased that my plan of making her training just a fun playtime is succeeding splendidly. I will also try to introduce her to trampoline, slides, wall climbing, and a bunch of other activities that are fun and training at the same time. Now that I think about it there is also a lot of games that we can use in the pool to... gonna test some tomorrow.

I emphasized making Zu Ling body stronger due to a simple fact, in the Douluo Dalu verse, its extremely important to have a strong body, a huge part of absorbing a stronger ring is having a stronger body and a stronger mental power, so I making Zu Lign body stronger for her to eventually be able to absorb Rings way above the optimal age, she will be a little monster I tell you.

Well, we of course didn't forget Zu Ling mental development, we would always play different board games principally emphasizing D&D, we want her to have a very broad and creative mind, reading fables and other histories from our world helped her learn a lot of different things too, Alessa is thinking of Teaching her to read and write when she 2 years old, it will be just a start so nothing compels, it will be a long process but going in Zu Ling pace is the most important, pressure ina kid so young isn't healthy.

Another thing that I am happy about is that Little Zu Ling started saying more words, after the Kitty episode she started communicating more, it started slow and sometimes she would just say gibberish, but soon she was saying Mamma and Papa, this sure brought a smile to my face.

But it is not because my life is very peaceful and quiet that I will grow complacent, I've seen this error being committed so many time to fall for it, so I and Allessa still train at night, our research to translate the awakening ceremony growing smoothly, my guess its that in two to three years we would have a result ready for use, which is well new if I can have a Martial Soul I bet I will be able to strengthen my foundations, making them sturdier and more solid while also becoming stronger in the process. What I am hoping is that I get some hacks abilities, like the domains Tang San obtained in the original, those things were op as hell so of course, I want my unique domain.

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