Mokuton Authority

Chapter 166 - Dragons, should be overpowered.

Calling Zu Ling to the front of the 'TV' was basically a no brainer, just saying "Daddy will fight" and the little gremlin was already running at top speed to see what is going on.

"Daddy will fight? I can't wait"(Zu Ling).

"Hee will, I will apply one of my spells to stream the fight in real-time, pay attention to it daughter, you can learn a lot from observing such a high-level fight, and if you have some problem seeing at such highspeed I can easily slow down the video for you. Don't be afraid to ask."(Allessa).

"What you will be fighting daddy?"(Zu Ling).

"An Evil Dragon Named Mordremoth, his territory si called Heart of Maguuma, and I am going there to fight him. Wish em good luck."(Aizen).

"Good Luck daddy."(Zu Ling)

"Good Luck Dear."(Allessa).

A burst of speed and I was gone, filled to the brim with Swift Release chakra I was speeding like a flash toward my destination, but this time I didn't need to only rely on my [Observation Haki] to guide me, this time thanks to the [Purple Demon Eyes] I could literally see where I was going.

Soon it reached my destination, one of the closest places to the Mordremoth pocket realm. Now I didn't need much technique, taking a deep breath and circulating my breathing skill, filling both of my arms with [Armament Haki] and filling myself with both Yang and Holy Release, I activated every buff technique I had in my hands and memory.

I put my hand on a crack that was already made thanks to the help of some wooden clones and fuinjutsu, and with a strength that could shatter the moon, I held two sides of the crack and pushed it wide open.



With my enormous strength, the crack started expanding and soon there was enough passage for me to enter. I entered it. The crack repairing and closing in my back.

I took a deep breath and observed the scenery. It was beautiful, a full blow Amazon forest was in my sights, it was untouched by any kind of civilization, it was immaculate and it would certainly be perfect if it wasn't for an evil presence corrupting such gorgeous sigh fo nature, and now that the glitter of the first time looking has passed I could spot some strange things in the forest, distorted tree, strange colored moss, more than it would be necessary of falling leaves out of season. But I didn't have much more time to appreciate the view...




"What are you doing here?"(Mordremoth).

A voice echoed in my mind, and from what I was able to gather one of the domains of this Dragon is the mind, so he being able to talk directly into mine is a sure show of skill.

"Treasure? Power? Or perhaps just a paladin trying to hid the world of 'evil'?"(Mordremoth).

"No... You are different. More confident and sure of yourself. You would be a fine pawn. All you have to do is let me in..."(Mordremoth).

"Riches beyond your beliefs. Power like no other. Pleasure the world has never seen before... All you have to do... Is let me in..."(Mordremoth).

The Dragon appears to be tired of waiting as he slammed into my mind with his full force. soon an enormous pressure befalls my conscience, my brain felt like melting...

"Bow. Bow before your new King..."(Mordremoth).

I started to slowly resist his influence, but the moment he asked me to bow to him a switch flipped in my mind, a part of me that was always there, just waiting for the right time to surface and shock the world.

"I Refuse. I am my own King, and I bow to no one."(Aizen).

A shockwave of pure will exploded from my body tainted the world in the color of its new king. The earth started shaking, thunderstorms assaulted the sky seemly cheering for the new King that has bestowed his presence upon this world. Ivé finally awakened my [King Haki], the will of the King, the color of the conqueror. And Mordremoth is taking the full brunt of it.

I didn't hold back, I simply let loose all my will pressuring the arrogant Dragon to the ground. I walked close to the dowed form of the dragon, he has glistering green scales, and deep eyes, you could say he is just a bigger version of a D&D green Dragon. I took a deep breath and asked:

"Have you ever been punched at the speed of light?"(Aizen).

The Dragon's eyes widen ins surprise and terror mixed, he started struggling again my [King Haki] but he was quite unsuccessful, it only made him more tired. I positioned my legs properly, put my right hand back, and filled myself with all my buffs possible, my hand already black of [Armament Haki], another deep breath.

The problem in punching someone at the speed of light is that I literally cannot see the strike yet. but I can easily sense it, it's unpleasant not being able to see my own attack, but punching someone at the speed of light is f.u.c.k.i.n.g worth it. One more deep breath, I concentrate a good volume of my chakra in reinforcing my strike.

I Punched.

The World Exploded.

Reality whined.

Space distorted.

Time was still in the exact moment my strike connected, the dragon instantly lost half of its body. My punch transforming it into cosmic dust, but as one of the fundamental laws of nature says "In nature, nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything transforms." So even if half of the Dragon basically disappeared it would be wrong to call it disintegration. But saying he became cosmic dust is surprisingly accurate. Another deep breath. I relaxed.

The fight was only so f.u.c.k.i.n.g easy because that dumb dragon decided to attack my mind, and its weakness is its own mind, if he started with physical and fast combat the fight would surely be longer. But now is not the time to dissect my fight...

Looking at the Golden Soul Ring that has risen from the half-dragon corpse I couldn't help but smile a little. My first Soul Ring... I am certainly anxious...

I Sit close to the Golden Soul Ring, my heart beating a little bit faster. I summon my martial Soul the [One-Armed Wooden Buddha], its imposing wooden figure would easily sport fear in the enemy heart, some can even say if it wasn't simply one-armed it would be even more formidable. The Wooden Martial Soul touched the Golden Soul Ring, the process of absorption was immediately started.

Normally I would have to fight the conscious of the beast in this case, but the Dragon weakness was literally his mind so his remanent consciousness on the Soul Ring was quickly crushed under the new might of my [King Haki]. So I just had to absorb and assimilate the soul Ring to my Martial Soul.

The absorption process took me 3 and a half hours, and when the time was up you could already see immediate effects. The previous [One-Armed Wooden Buddha] now has grown a little in size, but its major difference was that it now it has 10 Arms, so calling it [One-Armed Wooden Buddha] is quite wrong, its new name is [Ten-Armed Wooden Buddha].

I w \as instantly surprised with the pseudo evolution of my Martial Soul, and if every time I put a Soul ring on it, the number of arms will grow it will surely become very powerful in the future. Definitely not complaining.

I can feel my body is stronger, as the first six Soul Rings are responsible for psyche strength and foundation my first six Soul Rings will probably rise my physical strength a lot. The 7th Soul Ring is called the Key Ring, it is the ring that determines your successes in achieving godhood it is one of the most important Soul Ring in your configuration, as it's the key to your future. The 7th Soul Ring is also the one responsible to create your Soul Power core, in my case, I already have something similar with chakra, with your Soul Power core you will be able to fly, regenerate you, Soul Power, faster, and a lot of other advantages, but the Soul Power core is essential for you to use your 7th Soul Ring skill, the True Avatar form of you Martial Soul, without a core is a pipe dream to even activate said skill for seconds.

Thanks to my research I was able to determine the equivalent of a Soul Power Core, to its equivalent made fo chakra, its the liquid State basically. So I won't need to do make all that drama forming my Core, I already have it.

Well, the two last rings 8th and 9th Soul Rings are the Rings of Power, they are the Soul Rings with your strongest abilities, they are the Rings that will fill yourself with power to reach Godhood, they acc.u.mulate the power, and they normally have the strongest and most destructive skills.

Now I need to Search for the Soul Bone of this big lizard...

I found it, it's a Head Soul bone that miraculously survived everything intact. I sincerely don't know how this survived everything, but this just shows how much of an upgrade a Soul Bone is. Anyone can have at max six soul bones, one for the Skull, torso, right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm. there is also the external ones, they literally create external appendages like tails, wings, horns, etc. This one from the now dead dragon is a Skull Soul Bone, it looks literally like a Dragon Skull.

Sitting closer to the Soul Bone I pick it up and touch my forehead with it. Fuush, the process of absorption instantly started...

PAIN, A LOT OF PAIN. IT felt like my head bones were being broken to pieces VIOLENTLY and REPEATEDLY, and the pain only grew with time.

Then I felt nothing, a rush of euphoria and pleasure when something clicked. The Skull Soul Bone was absorbed.

The abilities I received from the skull soul bone were unexpected. As Mordremoth was a Dragon with domains of plants and mind I was expecting a buff to my Mokuton of something of the sort.

But I ended up receiving [Telephathy] and [Teleknesis], I have no idea how strong they are, but the potential of both abilities is monstrous.

Well, you must've been very curious to know my Soul Ring skill, I've been convoluting to tell you anything soon simply because I like to make some suspense. Looking at my now [Ten-Armed Wooden Buddha] I smiled happily, a Giant Golden Soul Ring rises from the ground.

The name of my Soul Ring Skill is [Detachment of The Primitive World]. ITs function is simple, it does exactly what its name says.

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