Mokuton Authority

Chapter 167 - New Skill.

The skill [Detachment of the Primitive World] effect is simple yet complicated, I can literally detach myself from the world. Using it for the first time was a novelty, I was able to detach my mind from my body. No, it isn't some sort of Astral projection or anything, I literally detached, not separated.

The most obvious effect is that I didn't glow anymore, and I don't have to control my energy to not flood or distort anything near me, looking at my hands and body I can feel that everything is normal, not my normal but humanly normal. It's the f.u.c.k.i.n.g perfect stealth skill, I simply have no presence when it is activated, if someone isn't directly looking at me I could be considered to not be there, it's the perfect skill for someone like me that has to constantly hold in my chakra. I literally become detached and the only way to detect me is seeing me.

I will do more tests with Allessa later, but if this skill can hide me from Divine Sense... the possibilities if divine sense can't detect me are endless, I could literally kill a God while he is sleeping.

Now it appears that this pocket dimension ownership has been transferred to me. This immediately gave me an idea, maybe when I defeat the other Dragon I can fuse all those dimensions and have my own pocket world? it sounds cool, to be honest.

I teleported back home, allessa and Zu Ling were waiting for me.

"Sup family. I am here."(Aizen).

"Daddy you were so cool, you defeated the evil dragon with just one punch."(Zu Ling).

"A very efficient battle."(Allessa).

"So daddy. What skill did you gain from the Soul Ring?"(Zu Ling).

"Well it's called [Detachment of the Primitive World], and it thinks it has a pretty good ability."(Aizen).

"Can you use it? I want to see a cool Soul Ring ability."(Zu Ling).

"Sure why not?"(Aizen).

I then summon my stand-, I mean Martial Soul which has ten arms now. A Golden ring rises from my foot, an incredible pressure pushes into the world arround, Hu Yuhao using just two Red Rings was able to pressure an entire coliseum fo soul masters, a full-fledged Golden Soul Ring pressure is even worse. You can also see that evil whale Tang San killed at the end of DD1, that Soul Best was just ascending toward the 1.000.000 years old level and it made such a mess, imagine the real deal. So it wasn't a surprise the effect just releasing my Martial Soul had. Thank god reinforcement seals.

I used my ability and I could feel my chakra draining, It a small amount, but it's draining it nonetheless. Allessa looks extremely surprised and shocked by what she was seeing for some reason, I even had some flashback of our s.e.xy time.

"...Nothing happened?"(Zu Ling)

Oh right, forgot she doesn't have sensing abilities, Yet.

"Well as the ability name says I detach myself from the world, it's pretty a pretty neat ability."(Aizen).

"It looks kinda lame. Daddy even lost his glow..."(Zu Ling).

I face faulted at the brutal honesty there, kids. I deactivate the ability and everything is back to normal, Allessa even let a sigh of relief? Ganna talks to her when Zu Ling is sleeping.

"Now, who wants to eat dragon steak?"(Aizen).

"ME, Me. I want it."(Zu Ling).

We ate the Dragon quite fast I might add, Zu Ling has an impressive stomach to someone her age, but it's expected with how strong her body is now. The rest of the day passed fairly fast, the D&D session of today was interesting I even built a puzzle for Zu Ling. But soon it was already night and Zu Ling was sleeping...

Sitting in our laboratory/secret bedroom I was rewatching my "fight" with the Dragon.

"Huh, I Could've done it way better..."(Aizen).

"You handled it pretty well I think."(Allessa).

"Well, I could've just located it and immediately punched, but I let it talk and it somehow tried to enter my mind. Thankfully I am this strong now, if I didn't buff up my mental defenses that battle would've been a pain."(Aizen).

"Yeah, when I first saw your mental defenses were pretty basic. Thankfully you upgraded them quite a bit. We need to go back to the Arcane University too, I would like to at least finish the year."(Allessa).

"I can agree with you on this one, they were indeed shit. And I also would like to go back to the University, I have some friends there too."(Aizen).

"Your first ring skill..."(Allessa).

"It's kinda lame I know. I was honestly expecting more from a Gold Ring Skill, I always had all this image that if a concentrated all those multiple underpowered skill fuses in only one I would gain an extremely overpowered one, but it ended up being ... kinda weak. Well, it is not weak per see, but it feels very weak comparing it to what I was picturing."(Aizen).

"You have no idea do you?"(Allessa).

"Of what?"(Aizen).

"That skill of yours isn't some measly presence concealment, that thing really hides you from everything besides the visual part."(Allessa).

"I already know that..."(Aizen).

"No, when I said that it hides you from everything, I really mean everything."(Allessa).


"Yes, you were completely hidden from any of my senses and automatic magic sonars. Completely invisible to everything but my eyes. Completely invisible to both my True Magic."(Allessa).

"Wait. You can't see even you True Magic..."(Aizen).

"Yes, my true magic that was able to see you even when you were billions of multiverses away. A true magic, that literally lets me toy with alternate timelines and realities, A true magic that makes me the Laplace demon in steroids. And with everything overpowered that my magic and skill have I was unable to detect nor feel you, I've tried many times already, when your skill is active it's impossible to detect you besides looking DIRECTLY at you."(Allessa).

"So I am basically undetectable and invisible if someone isn't directly looking for me and at me. Wow, just WOW."(Aizen).

"Yes, you indeed gained a Godlike Soul Ring skill..."(Allessa).

"Well, I feel somewhat relieved that my skill was stronger than I thought..."(Aizen).

"There is another thing... I don't want to tell you... but you've never really held any kind of secret so if I don't say it..."(Allessa).

"I can wait if you are comfortable speaking right now... but I don't hold any secrets, it is only fair that you do the same."(Aizen).

"I know. And I won't let this for later, I would just keep postponing and making excuses..."(Allessa).

"Ok. I understand."(Aizen).

"When you use your skill you also totally disconnect from the karmic network and the river of destiny, it's like you literally don't exist..."(Allessa).


"My biggest Reson and quest since I can remember were to find my special karmic thread... And after so many trials I found it, I am happy... But when I sense it disappearing at that moment, my world fell apart, if I wasn't seeing you with my own eyes I would've broken... please don't do that again, please don't leave me..."(Allessa).

"You don't need to worry, I will never leave you. Come here..."(Aizen).

I don't even need to say that the night was pretty steamy, with a lot of passion and love.

After a very long time.

Still connected and in each other embrace, we decided to talk a bit more.

"Are you really okay?" (Aizen).

"Yes, I did freak out a bit when that happened. Karmic virtue was literally part of my being, so seeing it disappear from the person I love the most was despairing."(Allessa).

"It's okay, I won't be going anywhere."(Aizen).

"... Do you know that even when people die they still help karmic treads, no matter what happens with a being it would always have karmic treads, but when you use that skill you don't..."(Allessa).

"Now that I looked from your angle it must really be scary huh."(Aizen).

We continued there in each other embrace, basking in each other presence until our little Zu Ling woke up. Another day started huh.

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