Mokuton Authority

Chapter 169 - Second skill.

Absorbing my second Soul ring has been easier. But even if it was easier absorbing my Soul Ring the changes it brought are no less impressive than the previous one. My [Ten Armed Wooden Buddha] gained more arms which its current number of arms being multiplied by 10, it is safe to say that it now has 100 arms, so its name changed again to [1Hundred Armed Wooden Buddha], a very fascinating line of progression if I have to say myself.

It will be sure a very powerful spirit when it reaches its 9th or 10th Soul Ring. Now my second ability called [Universe in my Palm] is neither storage nor an offensive ability, it an exceptional defensive skill, and while it can indeed be used offensively it's counterproductive to do so.

The skill function is very befitting of its name, it's indeed a universe in my palm. But being more specific I used the skill to gather more details.

My [1Hundred Armed Wooden Buddha] appeared, with two golden Rings surging from my feet and illuminating my surroundings. The second golden Ringed shine for a moment and a Gigantic phantom hand appeared, on this hand appears to be a series of galaxies on a constant spiral. id deactivated the skill.

I can understand it a bit right now, Allessa will surely help me test it more precisely later, but by what I was able to gather I can summon the phantom hand with the universe inside of it and easily block some attacks. It does indeed do not sound powerful at a first glance, but most like my previous skill, I am sure I can be surprised by it.

Now the Soul Bone. Like previously the bone miraculously survived my Overpowered Strike, and I have absolutely no idea how, I deduced that it's because the beasts concentrate their cultivation on then like a Soul Core, but I already said it's let's get down to business.

The Soul Bone is more specifically a Right Leg bone, thank God it's not another Skull Bone, it would be very awkward offering it to Allessa about my whole speech about getting things done. But now I better focus on fusing this soul bone with my Right Leg. Let's go.

Cold. That was my first thought, the Soul Bone is cold as Cocytus, it froze my leg and destroyed it healing ti again and again, on a vicious cycle, but finally, after 3 hours it was absorbed and fused with me.

When I got up after absorbing my SoulBoen the first thought that came to my mind was. F.u.c.k, my equilibrium is no more. Yeah, my Right Leg now is Stronger than my Left one, I can easily feel it, how the heck people in the series fought with one leg or one arm heavier and stronger than the other, just walking like this is driving me mad.

I didn't feel much of a difference with my Skull bone because the human body is already somewhat used to have a heavy head, principally a body strong as mine, but he difference I fell in my legs now is maddening, I need to hunt the next Dragon fast, and soon. Imagine if the next Dragon Drops a Right Arm Bone, I think I would scream in rage. Half of my Body would Weight more than the other, I just shudder at my equilibrium gone to shit, But I would Take a Right Arm bone ten times over a bone I already have.

Ah, right I am forgetting the most important part. The skills the bone granted me. It is [Cryoknesis], quite obvious that one seeing the huge domain over ice the dragon has gone here, and even if I already have Ice Release, [Cryoknesis] brought my ice abilities to another level, and if I can do half the shit Ice Man was able to pull off in the comics I would already be satisfied. The first example of how good this skill is is that is impossible for me to feel cold anymore. Yep, I can't feel cold anymore and probably become even stronger in it.

The second skill the Soul Bone gave me is something strange Yet extremely useful. It's [Golden Toungue], yep now I have a literal upgrade of the [Silver Toungue] if I had to compare this ability with something it would like to have [100 Speech] in Skyrim with all perks. Yep, it's op like that, maybe I can even invest in random business now? haha, it should be possible. so from now on I hereby change the official name [Golden Tongue] to a better and more fitting name [Speech 100], and mote be it.

The pocket ownership is mine now, of course, I can't simply wait to fuse every one of them, it would be glorious.

Teleporting home I almost fall due to my disequilibrium, but thankfully I can naturally fly so only Allessa was able to guess what happened.

"Wow Daddy even used the Sun to attack the evil dragon. It was so COOL"(Zu Ling).

"Thanks, Little Ling, Sadly the Dragon became Ash in the end So we will have to eat the steak of the previous one."(Aizen).

"Dragon Steak Again Huhuuuuuuuuuuul!"(Zu Ling).

"Hah, she is o full of energy."(Allessa).

"That she is. Let's eat, at night I will show my skill to you like previously."(Aizen).

"Good for me."(Allessa).

The day passed relatively Fast, we had Fun with Zu Ling and soon it was time to sleep, Zu Ling was out like a log, so it was time to talk and test my new ability.

"*sigh* What did you get this time, hope it's nothing absurd again..."(Allessa).

"No, you looking at it wrongly, you have to want it to be absurd right?"(Aizen).

"I guess, it makes sense at least."(Allessa).

"Heh, my new ability name is [Universe in my Palm]."(Aizen).

"Just by the name I can already tell... It will be something absurd won't it?"(Allessa).

"I guess? I don't know its full details yet. That's why we are here."(Aizen).

"Right. So you can use the skill..."(Allessa).


I used [Universe in my Palm] a giant phantasm hand with a spiraling universe in its palm appeared, I immediately discovered that I can control its size with how much energy I pump into it, nice.

"Can you shoot some weak magic into it, it is a defensive skill."(Aizen).

"Sure it will also help me detect the effects of the skill"(Allessa).

Allessa created a fireball and sent it towards the hand, the fireball just entered the rating universe and disappeared from view.

"Well, that is something. I was expecting an explosion and all..."(Aizen).

"*sigh*, it's indeed absurd."(Allessa).

"So what happened? "(Aizen).

"The fireball I launched at your skill... It's still going, you have literally a whole universe at the palm of your hands..."(Allessa).

"Wait so this means..."(Aizen).

"That you have a skill that can absorb attacks until the size of a universe. And a universe is infinite you could theoretically tank attacks forever..."(Allessa).

"I am sensing a but there..."(Aizen).

"Yep. People who have the concept of infinity can easily bypass it, so if you are fighting someone who has the concept of infinity, you ought to be cautious..."(Allessa).

"Yeah, but it's still a stupid op ability. I mean, I can basically nullify any kind of attack as long as I position my palm skill correctly. I have basically the best defense I could've asked for."(Aizen).

"It's indeed very strong, I can't wait for my Soul Rings too, I've been casting some spells and getting a feel of my Martial Soul, and I have to say that is the best goddam staff I have ever used."(Allessa).

"Well, I am not that's surprised, the staff is literally part of you, so I think there is no better staff in existence."(Aizen).

"Well, and you "Stand", how it is?"(Allessa).

"I can honestly say it's f.u.c.k.i.n.g Awsome, I have literally a bunch of extra hands and reach right now, and I can finally say that I am a JOJO character, at least partially."(Aizen).


"Hey. I was thinking of doing something that sounds strange and cool at the same time."(Aizen).


"I was thinking of obtaining all my Rings and then show the skill to you. We can even make a big event out of it, you can even hunt your and show some skill here and there."(Aizen).

"It does indeed sound Cool, we can even make a show/spectacle for Zu Ling. I bet she would love it."(Allessa).

"How much do you think is enough for us to finish it. A month? or maybe less?"(Aizen).

"A month will do, I am still choosing between my final targets. I want to at least get some good Soul Bones to fill the quota you know, maybe even an External one."(Allessa).

"An external Bone would sure be nice, I could get horns? or maybe a tail? or spider legs like the protagonist. I don't care much about the External Bone powers, I just want it to be cool, if it's weak I can just make it strong."(Aizen).

"A strange thought process, but I completely agree with you."(Allessa).

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