Mokuton Authority

Chapter 170 - Dragon Hunting.

It took me another three days to stabilize my new strength, three days of practicing and getting used to my new skill, it was some nice and lazy days.

Soon it was time to go, Dragon Hunting, as always we are magic recording things, but this time like I said before we will only show our new skills to each other when we reach the 9th ring.

The Dragon I will hunt this time is Primordus, this one will be easiest of all, principally after obtaining cryokinesis thanks to my previous soul bone.

Finding his location was as easy as the other previous two.

Primordus pocket dimension was a magma world, if I had to compare it with something it would be Muspelheim, a place of fire magma, and molten rocks.

Reaching this pocket world I didn't even bother talking with the dragon using my newly acquired Cryoknesis with my Ice Release I start spamming my Ice skills.

[Sage Art: Cryo Ice Release: Ice Age]

Much like the Admiral skill, I shot I laser of condensed Ice chakra that upon contact with the molten gound drizzled and started to slowly freeze things. But this of course awakened the Owner of this dimension Primordus.

The dragon started fighting back the [Sage Art: Cryo Ice Release: Ice Age], we were somewhat even so I decided to up things up a notch.

[Sage Art: Cryo Ice Release: Cocytus].

Stomping on the ground a huge wave of cryogenic chakra started spreading yet again, this time the wave was faster and relentless, the efforts of the Evil dragon proving themselves fruitless as my cold-related powers are way stronger after absorbing Jormag Soul Bone.

Soon I was on an icy battlefield, the evil dragon breath was laborious and difficult, he seems very weak right now. I guess I can at least give an honorable death to such a magnificent creature, at the end, I don't have any particular hatred against it... It's just business.

[Sage Art: Cryo Ice Release: Ymir's Breath]

The phantom of a titanic Head made of Ice appears behind me, I take a deep breath gathering a lot of chakra in my lungs. Then I breathe out.

An instantaneous breath of ice passes through in a straight line towards the Dragon. the dragon took the attack head-on, its pride and tiredness stopping it from just evading such an attack. The Ice was soo strong that I could see some signs of space tune and gravity being frozen, thank god I have my Gravity Release here, frozen gravity and space and time are extremely dangerous.

A purple shockwave washes the remains of the perfectly frozen dragon and all the time-space, and gravity frozen, Some cracks appear but they were soon healed by the world.

Reaching close to the remains of the Dragon I can see a Golden Ring. I immediately sit there and start absorbing my third Soul Ring.

Faster than the previous time I absorb my Third Soul Ring, and I can already feel the changes. My [1Hundred Armed Wooden Budha] now has 1000 hands changing its name to [1Thousand Armed Wooden Buddha].

The skill I gained is something strange and useful at the same time, the name of the skill is [Legendary Action]. It does exactly as the name implies, after using the skill my next action will be a legendary action, its basically a limitless buff to my next action, how much it buffs my next skill is dependent on how much energy I pump into said skill.

Now the Soul Bone, and... It a f.u.c.k.i.n.g right Arm Soul Bone, I shouldn't have raised the flag, it's all my fault. At least it's not one I already have.

I touch the soul bone with my right arm and I immediately felt it, hot. It's f.u.c.k.i.n.g scalding hot, I felt like my blood was flowing magma and my hand was melting, but after some very agonizing moments, it was finally finished. I absorbed the Right Arm Soul Bone.

The Skills the Soul Boen granted me are, [Pyroknesis] quite obvious see the fire theme of this pocket world, now my ability to control my fire-related skills skyrocketed. The Second skill was something that I've been trying to do with chakra for a long time but was, unfortunately, tuck on its research. It's [Elemental Body], is exactly what its name implies, a skill that permits me to transform in any of the elements I can use, and seeing the sheer amount of elements in my possession, this skill is godsent. And yeah, it's exactly how a Logia Devil Fruit so now only Haki users or people who can use their spirits to attack are a treat to me. The pocket world ownership of course is passed to me.

Now some three days of resting and getting used to my new skills and then I can continue my hunt.




The days passed fast, and I am reasonably sure [Legendary Action] is missing something, I don't know why or how, but I can feel that the skill is somewhat incomplete every time I use it I feel something is missing.

But now I need to concentrate on my next target, Zhaitan. Finding his pocket world was as easy as the previous one, my fourth Dragon.

Entering Zhaitan place I come across a place that would make the Shadowfell feel welcoming, darkness, and green fire everywhere, the feeling of rotten and death all around, it an extremely awful place.

I immediately locate my target, The perfect representant of a Dracolitch, this is literally the embodiment of an evil dragon, he is just bones and some very little patches of rotten flesh, his eyes and mouth are filled with some kind of green flame, this corrupt being is an enemy of life itself, an afront to nature. And I am his goddam counter.

Activating all my buff and filling my body with [Armament Haki], I use my [Godoudamas] like I always intended, after finally a long time gaining better control fo them now I can use them the way I liked the most. Now there is a layer made of [Godoudamas] protecting my bone, I also made a subdermal layer composed of it. Now only someone who has some strange skill or is a sage can bypass my defenses, Someone physically stronger than I can do it too, but that is really a stretch.

I start flooding my body with Holy Release, I put so much Holy Release chakra that I was able to create a [Holy Release: Chakra Mode], I am literally shining right now. I fly higher than the Dracolitch and start concentrating a Huge amount of Gravity Release on my stronger Right Leg, now my le can weight enough to distort space-time around it.

[Sage Art: Gravity and Holy Release: Sacred Step of Heaven's Sovereign]

Like a meteor of light I split the corrupted skies of the rotten realm, my trail went on purifying everything on its way, until it hit the Dracolitch, the subsequent explosion shook everything on the realm, a huge wave of Holy energy washed everything for a great distance, making the putrid realm no so putrid anymore. I even lost some of my skin exposing the [Godoudama] sublayer underneath it, but so my [Sage Body] regeneration kicked in and I was good to go.

The Dracolitch is no more, in its place a Golden Ring Shining in the middle of such a dark realm. I sit close to the Golden Soul ring and start the process of absorbing it.

It went faster than previously, and now you can already see the changes, summoning my Martial Soul I see the new arms, now it has 10.000 arms, so its name changed to [10Thousand Armed Wooden Buddha].

The skill I gained from the Dracolith is something extremely overpowered, it's called [Samsara Touch], it's an instant death skill. Yeah, you heard it right, it's an instant death skill... Forget about it, I will test it with Allessa later, now to the Soul Bone.

Thank God is a Left Leg Soul Bone, my balance will be finally restored, now both of my legs will have the same strength and durability. Touching the soul Bone I immediately felt like my leg was rotting and decaying, it was the worse sensation so far, it was like some acid is decomposing my leg, but after some agonizing minutes, I was good to go.

The Skills the Soul Bone Granted I was f.u.c.k.i.n.g impressive. The first one was [Umbroknesis], the ability to control shadows and much much more, it will surely boost some of my Nara clan jutsu. The second skill is called [Not There] is basically a better version of Kamui, I can put my body on my shadow realm and none will be able to hit it, I also become intangible, I can also send people to my shadow realm, or just parts of people at a certain distance, yep I got the complete Kamui package. The pocket dimension ownership is mine now too.

It also good to have my balance finally restored, it was honestly annoying having to fly every time I messed something up while I was walking.

Now just some three days to get used to my new powers and then I am good to go.




Now is the last dragon that I know of, sadly Guild Wars 2 didn't reveal who the other dragon is so this can be considered the final Dragon that I have some previous knowledge about, Kalkratorrik, the dragon of Crystal and fury, this one is gonna be a pain. But the weakness of crystal is physical attacks so I think I am good.

Talking about dragon and crystal I couldn't help but remember Seth from dark souls. Kalkratorrik is bigger at least. Finding his pocket World was as easy as the others. Entering it my first impression is purple, lots and lots of purple things. Heck, even the ground is a mix between grey and purple. And crystals, there are purple crystals everywhere.

I activate all of my buff and skills, fill myself with my [Armament Haki] and now I am good to go.

I summon my stand, I mean Martial Soul, a [10Thousand Armed Wooden Buddha] appears behind me, it is somewhat bigger than me and its numerous arms are moving around in erratic and synchronized patterns. I start filling each arm of my Stand with the most Gravity Release it can handle, and so just from moving you can see how much each arm weighs, they keep distorting space-time due to their huge chunkiness. I also filled my fists with Earth Chakra because I think they will have a bigger effect on the crystals like that.

Then I use the [Expansion Jutsu] of the Akimich to make myself as big as possible, an, as I don't have fat in my body I have to flood the jutsu with Yang Release, soo me and my stand were double the size of the Dragon, which, is looking more fearful as the time passes.

[Titanic Arts: Thousand True Punches]


Each of my punches produces gigantic shockwaves, the Earth release chakra affects the crystal and made them a little more brittle, so every punch that I landed on the big dragon dealt some huge damage, soon I stop hitting the now dead dragon with my gigantic fists. The seven pages of ORA's sure killed the poor things, I can even feel a little bit of pity for the poor lizard.

I can already see the Golden Soul Ring, let's absorb it. Sitting close to the soul ring I start the absorption, it's even faster than the last time, and soon I was done. As always the changes are seen immediately the previous [10Thousand Armed Wooden Buddha] now has 100.000 arms, so now its name changed to [100Thousand Armed Wooden Buddha].

My fifth ring skill is pretty awesome, it is simply called [Purify], and that's exactly what it does, it purifies things, I tried it in my self and some black sludge exited my body, impurities if I am not mistaken, [Sage Body], is good, but not perfect. I will use this skill on Allessa and Zu Ling when I finish my hunt for my spirit rings, it will sure help them remove some impurities they have on their bodies.

After cleaning myself I go for the Soul Bone. Left Arm, thank god, now I just need a Torso bone I will have a complete and stronger skeleton. I touched the Soul Bone and its absorption immediately started, it hurt a lot, it felt like my arm was being crystalized and broken time and time again until I finished the absorbtion.

The Left Arm Soul Bone granted me Two abilities, [Crystal Power], It's basically Dark Soul crystal and soul magic, I can use its weaker and compressed version and shot blue beams or use the crystal or condensed version casting crystal soul spears and a bunch of other things. The second thing the Soul Boen granted me is a special attribute of the Douluo Dalu Verse [Crush] its same property the claws of the [Golden Dragon King], and I can use to buff any skill or action of mine, so now even simple punches I throw will have the crush propriety, hot damm that's op. The pocket world ownership is mine now of course.






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