Mokuton Authority

Chapter 171 - Semblance of...

Getting used to what was basically [Kamui] but on steroids and a totally new attribute/effect took me a little bit more time than I would like. But nothing I couldn't take care of.

The three days was sure enough time for it. Sadly I can't use Wooden clones when it comes to these new skills, they are literally part of my being so no clone could have them, they are simply chakra constructs, after all, I am already been stretching their abilities for a long time. I guess that I won't be able to use clones when I reach Godhood, or maybe I would only be able to use inferior versions of them. I don't know, to be honest, guess I would have to become a god to know.

But now is time to hunt the Sixth Dragon, Semblance. no, I don't know him due to Guild Wars 2 like the others, this one in specific I had to investigate a bit before going guns blazing, even if I am stronger I don't fancy myself invincible. But investigating things with the [Voice of All Things] is laughable easy, so I had very good results relatively soon.

Apparently, Semblance is a Dragon of balance, what does it mean? I don't know, but that's what the things told me, just hope it all goes well.

Finding Semblance pocket world was a little bit more difficult but I found it nonetheless. Entering ti was the same as the others. I immediately used all my buffs but I didn't have too much time to do anything as an attack was coming in my direction. It was a breath attack that looks more like some laser than anything else. I immediately sued my Soul Bone skill [Not There] and the attack passed right through me.

I don't have that much time to admire the place so I immediately kicked the ground with all my strength while also using Earth Release to create some huge mountains. the Dragon Shot Another Breath attack, but this time I used my second skill [Universe in My Palm].

My second flared golden ring started shining and so a gigantic phantasm hand with a universe in its palm appeared, it absorbed the attack on its entirely. I circulated the skill again and with a burst of chakra, the dragon breath that was going on in the universe in my palm was returned to said Dragon. Yeah, I discovered that my second skill can send its absorbed attacks back, cool right?

While the dragon Was using this moment to defend himself I started using my Gravity Release on the mountains I created, soon the huge pieces of landmass started floating in the air. Now I will pick a page out of Madar's book.

[Sage Art: Shattered Heaven's]

The hundreds of gigantic pieces of landmass floated until a good height and started falling on the unsuspecting dragon.


The first impact, the second, the third, the fourth, and soon the poor lizard was dead in the middle of sufficient landmass to make a continent. Using my Earth Release I dug up until I found the dragon body, it was more of a meat paste, to be honest. And there it is, my sixth Soul Ring, such a golden beauty.

Absorbing the Soul Ring was faster than I expected, but soon I was done. And oh boy what skill I have gained...

The skill name is [Fate and Casuality], the skill upon use reverses fate and causality, its basically a Gáe Bolg on steroids.

What kind of monster I am turning into...

Then I went to check the Soul Bone. It's a Torso Bone. But when I thought of absorbing it my [Future Vision] went off, it didn't show me anything, no image or sounds, absolutely nothing, only a single word.


And as creepy as it sounds my ability to send such a message to me, its literally part of me so I have nothing to fear there. So waiting I will, I put the Torso Bone on a seal for my future use.

Now sixth Soul ring has been absorbed, so I have to just take some time to get used to my skills, then I can search for my next target.




Soon I found my next target, it was a Swan. There is no strangeness or particularity with this swan, just that it has three pairs of wings and a halo. It is very old, older than the dragon god at least. But its cultivation is on the 1.000.000 years stage.

Normally I wouldn't have chosen such a peaceful creature, but when researching I got a very strong feeling, I don't know why or how, but the swan Soul Best must be very important to my development.

I entered its realm, it was waiting for me. It didn't attack nor it tried to escape, is just there on a huge lake looking at me.

"Hello, child."(Swan).


How you start a conversation with someone that clearly isn't you enemy but you need to kill them, I always hated doing those mission on the Anbu, I always left with a bad taste in my mouth.

"So my time has come... I've held myself together for years awaiting my fated death..."(Swan).

"I would like to say that this is nothing personal and I am just doing it for the sake of my gree."(Aizen).

"I don't mind, I should've been dead long ago... but a friend of mine told me of one of his visions... something about a new Buddha... someone so connected with nature itself... It would be an honor in helping you achieve something so great... And I was going to die anyway."(Swan).

"I can definitely understand the feeling of wanting to give back to the world what you have taken. I will make sure to remember you, Swan."(Aizen).

"Yes, Swan is very accurate. It has been so much time that my name lost its effect a meaning... Swan is an appropriate way to call someone such as myself..."(Swan).

"I will make it quick and painless. Rest in piece... Friend."(Aizen).

"... Thank You."(Swan).

I use my fourth skill ring, a golden ring flares to life under my feet. My hand is suddenly developed by a peaceful deathly aura. I simply came closer to the Swan and touch its head. It died instantly. No pain, no suffering, a simple and peaceful death.

A golden ring rises from the swan body. But I stopped for a moment as I can see the swan body dissipate in white petals, it was a beautiful sigh. But there is a Soul Bone left, the swan wings to be more specific. An external Soul Bone... What a rarity... Thank you, friend.

Now I know why I shouldn't have fused with the Torso bone before. I need to do everything together right now, both the Tose Bone, the external Bone, and my 7th Ring. I know why now... It brings change, and change is what I need right now.

I summon my now [100Thousand Armed Wooden Buddha] and start absorbing everything at the same time, both External and Torso Soul bone and the 7th Soul ring as well.

I was able to immediately feel a change, on my Martial Soul some cracks started appearing those cracks are shining in a golden color. And when everything was almost absorbed an explosion happens.


The shell of my martial soul exploded revealing its new improved form, [Million Armed Golden Buddha] the now previously wooden figure is now made of pure gold shining with holy and bright light.

A new body part appeared in my back, it seamlessly fused with my body and is now literally part of my being, six pairs of wings now are growing out of my back. The previous three pairs had an evolution to six pairs.

Yes, I had a 2nd awakening, I didn't think it was possible, to be honest. But just the upgrade of my Martial Soul was worth it.

As my 7th Soul ring skill is pretty normal [True Avatar] like all martial Souls I gained my avatar skill on the 7th ring, there may be additional effects but I would have to test it before concluding anything, principally now with my second awakening.

Now the Soul Bones. The Torso Soul Bone granted me only one skill [Absolute Balance], and it's the most useful skill I have until today. This skill basically grants me absolute balance on anything, from balancing energy to balancing the weight of my body. Now the most obscure Kekkei Genkai I couldn't use previously are easily accessible by me, heck I can literally mix an element I want with my new absolute balance skill. Heck, even the Yin-Yang Release that I've been trying to do for a long time was finally achieved, with the absolute balance skill it becomes extremely easy to use it.

Next, there are my new wings, they look exactly like angel wings should, white goldish colored feathers and a holy aura coming from them, they seem to be extremely durable, more durable than the rest of my body anyway, maybe I can test more things with Allessa when I am home-

Suddenly when I thought about home my wings flapped, and in less than a blink of an eye, I was in my living room.

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