Mokuton Authority

Chapter 174 - A new perspective.

Waking up on the next day I am fairly anxious to test all my skills with Allessa, this time we even will let Zu Ling with us, it ended up becoming a family activity.

"So family, today I am going to show some of my skills and I wanted your opinions on this matter. But first let me start by showing my Martial Soul."(Aizen).

Then I summon my [100,000,000 Armed Golden Buddha], it shone in a blinding golden light that could be seen for kilometers. Then nine golden rings started rising from my feet. The pressure was immense that even some monster kilometer away bowed at the presence of such a powerful being.

"Woah, it looks shiny now."(Zu Ling).

"It changed a lot from last time."(Allessa).

"Hehe, I quite like its new appearance. But there is too much gold on this thing, couldn't I don't know a little more black, or maybe a royal blue to give a little bit of variation."(Aizen).

"Stop complaining about your overpowered martial soul, a lot of people got way worse."(Allessa).

"Yeah you right, so let go for the first skill. [Detachment of the Primitive World], but this time I will use with a concealment jutsu."(Aizen).

With this from the nine rings floating behind me the first shone brighter for a brief moment and then I totally disappeared.

"Daddy disappeared? what happened?"(Zu Ling).

"Wait for it..."(Allessa).

Deactivating my skills I appeared again.

"Daddy's back."(Zu Ling).

"This adorable little thing."(Allessa).

With his, Allessa hugs Zu Ling while pinching her cheeks a little. The little girl just tried to exit the grip and looked anxious and curious to see some new skills.

"Now the Second skill. [Universe in my Palm]"(Aizen).

With this, my second golden ring shines brighter, and then a huge ethereal palm with an entire universe spiraling on its palm appeared.

"A shining big hand... You can't use that to play ball daddy, it's cheating."(Zu Ling).

"It's only cheating if they find it."(Aizen).

"What are you teaching our daughter?"(Allessa).

"We both know you completely agree with me."(Aizen).

"Doesn't mean you need to instigate your 4 years old daughter to cheat."(Allessa).

"...Ops, you are right."(Aizen).

"Just don't do it again..."(Allessa).

"Now that I already showed my first two skills, now is the third one. [Legendary Actions]"(Aizen).

I activated the skill, suddenly my third golden ring shone brighter for a moment, and then a soft orange glow developed my body. To show how it worked I used my second skill again, but this time it was bigger more powerful and now the palm contained three universes.

"Wow. You could catch so many butterflies with such big shining spinning things."(Zu Ling).

"That is pretty powerful if it's used correctly."(Allessa).

"Indeed, very versatile too, I can use it even for my most mundane of moves to make then legendary."(Aizen).

"Wait... You could use it even for like... Walking?"(Allessa).

"Yep, anything."(Aizen).

"But now is my fourth skill, it pretty scary so be sure to move away a bit. It's called [Samsara Touch]."(Aizen).

My fourth rings shine brighter and my skill is brought forth. An aura of sillies and death started gathering in my hand, I did nothing with it as this skill is literally instakill with a touch.

"... Scary."(Zu Ling).

"I completely agree with you, better go for the next one. [Purify], this one I can use on both of you, but be prepared to take a long bath, good thinking I made more room on the hot springs."(Aizen).

My fifth golden ring shone brighter and a ray of purifying energy hit both Zu Ling and Allessa. From Allessa barely any black smoke exited her body, and Zu Ling was suddenly covered in a lot of black sludge.

"Ewww, Nasty."(Zu Ling).

"At least I feel a little bit lighter."(Allessa).

Seeing as we were pretty dirty right now we took a bath and relaxed a bit on the hot springs, the break was nice, and we even took the opportunity to eat something.

"Now my Sixt skill. [Cause and Effect]."(Aizen).

Then I activated my skill and my sixth soul ring lit up, my first action was to start petting the air at my side, the skill took immediate effect and suddenly I was petting Zu Ling's heads instead.

"Nice, it sure feels very nice."(Zu Ling).

"Did you just get Gáe Bolg on steroids?"(Allessa).

"Yeah, that was it basically, whatever choose this skill sure has a very poor creativity right?"(Aizen).

"He sure does no?"(allessa).

"Now my most visually impressive skill, my [True Avatar]."(Aizen).

Then my 7th ring lit up and I started growing and growing and getting golden and more golden until I was 108 meters tall. I smile and waved at my family, the detail si that I waved with all my hands so it kinda generated a huge shockwave just by the simple movement.

"' Now I will use another skill I gained with my true avatar, something that I like to call the [Peaceful Domain].'"(Aizen).

My voice was different in this form, it echoed and sounded alien and somewhat godly at the same time. But now I spread my peaceful domain. It wrapped the whole valley we are in inside of it, the beast that was fighting or in conflict suddenly lost all interest in fighting, heck even the poisonous plants stopped spreading their poison, both Allessa and Zu Ling felt some kind of weightless by being in my peaceful domain, like all their worries were melting, why worry if everything is so peaceful? Maybe heaven is like this? I deactivated my domain, whoa things almost got very dangerous there for some moments.

"Whoa... That was... Peacefull."(Allessa).

"Your eloquence was noted."(Aizen).

"No, what I mean is that even the karmic lines of my enemies became peaceful, heck my mana was extremely peaceful and calm... Dear, your domain has the ability to pacify concepts and even more..."(Allessa).

"Whoa, so it means the most aggressive of the elements will probably be nothing in this domain?"(Aizen).

"Yeah, something like that. Lighting for example would be just a light show."(Allessa).

"I was flying and flying... Can I fly again?"(Zu Ling).

"Of course you can, you just need to become stronger and then you can easily fly."(Aizen).

"Cool."(Zu Ling).

"Now my 8th ability, its called [Myriad Elements Punch]."(Aizen).

Activating the skill my hand started flashing a multitude of different colors, auras, feeling, formats, and a bunch of random things. This punch has literally all the effects of one existence, so ic can literally erase someone from existence while also completely healing them. It's a contradiction and a paradox, ideal to kill gods.

"It looks like a disco ball."(Zu Ling)

From where the heck did you know what a disco ball is girl? forget about it.

"Now my final move my 9th skill, [Sever]."(Aizen).

Activating the skill my 9th golden ring lit up and aiming the attack at us three I sever our connection with the current space-time continuum. Officially stopping time for us three, if I just severed our connection with time we would all become ageless, but the continuum played a role here so that is why time stopped. allessa will have to restore it later but I think this is a very cool first demonstration, it's already a miracle i didn't scream The World when I did it.

"Wow everything stopped."(Zu Ling)

"Another terrifying ability I see."(Allessa).

After that allessa restored things to what it was before and we returned to our normal routine, Zu Ling wanted for me to show off my wings but I said I will only do it if she is well behaved in her studies sessions.

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