Mokuton Authority

Chapter 175 - Zu Ling

Some time has passed and now is pretty close to the Zu Ling awakening ceremony. During these two years, I've got used to my new changes and strength.

Most of my Tang Sect skills are "mastered", but I don't like this world very much for me, mastery like perfection I believe does not exist, you can always improve and be satisfied with what someone calls "perfection" is stupid, if you think yourself "perfect" why would you improve? I am a firm believer that there is no perfection and someone can always improve in some form or other.

So even if in the memory of Tang San I reached a master's level in those skills I firmly believe that I can improve greatly. And I need to say that [Purple Demon Eyes] at the boundless level f.u.c.k.i.n.g rocks, my field of view is enormous and my perception skyrocketed to a new level, but the most it improved in myself was the ability to see even more details and new layers of the light spectrum.

I also discovered that I can shot laser beams from the feathers of my wings, don't ask me why I don't know, I was surprised by it too.

Yeah, my Animagus form Also kinda evolved. Remember that Allessa had seen some golden patches of fur around my animagus(Jaguar) form? so, after I obtained my 9th ring and my enlightenment and reached the four states of being I was able to access a new form of animagus, I called it my Divine Animagus form, because even if I was able to transform in it, it looks just like a younger form of the creature, and it looks like it lacks something, so maybe I will only have my true Divine Animagus form when I become a buddha.

I guess you are curious as to what my bootleg Divine Animagus form is right? Well, it is a Golden Dragon, but one D&D style, yeah I have whiskers in my animagus form now, and I look like a wise ass. I don't know what kind of final form is my Divine Animagus, but I am pretty pumped up.

But today is the day Zu Ling will awaken her martial soul. I and Allessa have already prepared the correct formation and now the little girl just needs to enter the circle. She looks pretty anxious and giddy to discover her martial soul, understandable to be honest this is a very important time of her life, this will literally decide how she will develop in the future.

"Dad... I..."(Zu Ling).

"Don't worry little Ling, your martial soul doest matter. What matters the most is your ingenuity and ability to make something disadvantageous onto something better."(Aizen).

"Yeah, I didn't even know how to wield a Haberd at the start, but your father helped me and now I can be said to be an expert with it. so even if your martial soul is something strange and unexpected it will always depend on what you make of it."(Allessa).

"Ok, mom..."(Zu Ling).

"So let's go daughter, show the world a new rising star."(Aizen)

Zu Ling takes a deep breath and walked in the normal awakening formation. When she entered the formation, she started shining in a copperish light she shone brighter and brighter. And then it ceased. Zu Ling was there little to no difference on her, the only big difference I could feel is that her Soul Power is "closer to the surface" per see.

"How are you feeling daughter?"(Aizen).

"Normal... But I feel some kind of energy that I can call upon."(Zu Ling).

"That my daughter is your soul power. You just awakened it with your Martial Soul."(Aizen).

"Ohhh."(Zu Ling).

"Yeah. So what kind of martial soul do you have?"(Aizen).

"Well, is called [Copper Dragon]."(Zu Ling).

"A Dragon martial soul how excellent. But a martial soul from a metallic dragon... hmm the only metallic Dragon that I know here in the Douluo Dalu Verse is the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King, both are equal halves of the Dragon god... And every other chromatic Dragon is a descendant of the Dragon god... So where does your [Copper Dragon] came from... A mutation maybe?"(Aizen).

"I don't know dad... But I think this is pretty cool."(Zu Ling)

With that, she activates her martial soul. A copper draconic claw covers her right hand and you can see some copper scales on her skin... But instead, of looking more fearsome with the said transformation it only made her look cuter.

"Awwwwwnnnn. You look so cuuuuuute."(Aizen).

"I am not cute. I am fierce. Raar."(Zu Ling).

There was a little bit of pause in the air, you could even hear some crickets in the background, me and Allessa just started petting and pinching Zu Ling The Fierce. Ad after looking at the little dragon now I decided to break the good news.

"so, Zu Ling. I and your Mother were thinking of putting you in a School in the city. It doesn't mean that we will be away, heck I even brought a shop close to the school. It just means that you now will have to go to a Soul Master Academy/ What did you think?"(Aizen).

"I guess it's good. I never went to an academy before, maybe I can make some friends?"(Zu Ling).

"It will be good for you, humans are social creatures and we can't have you be isolated forever with us here. I and your father already grow up enough to handle it, but you are young and need some friends to make your life more fun."(Allessa).

"I understand.. I am quite anxious for it now."(Zu Ling).

"Don't worry, you gonna be okay. anything me and your mother will be close by so you can ask for help. You don't even need to sleep on the school dormitory seeing as we will have a place to stay very close."(Aizen).

"So what's the name of the academy I am going to?"(Zu Ling).

"Nuoding Academy, they have some pretty strict requirements for entrance. Thankfully you easily fit the bill."(Aizen).

Yeah, on these years we gave Zu Ling the Tang Sect skills, thankfully most of them are lowkey and difficult to be spotted, maybe Tang San can... it will surely lead to an interesting line of dialog. I want to see his face when he sees me performing his skills better than the current him, it would be funny as hell.

"So now we need to get you used to your new [Copper Dragon] Martial Soul, first try to use the most you can, you will be using it until you can't anymore, and while you are at that you will try to do your mundane things without breaking the delicate cups or tools."(Allessa).

"Good idea, after that we can introduce you to some control training. sometimes control can be even better than just pure power, a knife can kill as good as a bomb, but just one of them consume too many resources while the other is simply a sharp piece of metal."(Aizen).

"Yep, control will be important to you, it may save your life in the future. We also will start a physical regimen with you. Now that your Soul Power is awakened we can push your body a lot more."(Allessa).

"Yep, but for today we will just celebrate your awakening with a feast and your favorite things to do."(Aizen).

We then just celebrated the moment, a good family bonding time. tomorrow we go to the city and Zu Ling's adventure starts.

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