Mokuton Authority

Chapter 181 - Snake.

During the month were I trained Tang San the other people continued normally with their lives. Yu Xiaogang with his new spirit the [Radiant Light Dragon] changed a lot this month.

He became a more lively person, you could feel the genuine happiness at being alive right now, getting used to his martial soul was a pain for him, he spends his whole life with [Luo San Pao] so its no surprise that he would find a little difficult to control his newer strength and Soul Power.

He kept breaking things and destroying furniture, it took a week for him to acquire a semblance of normalcy back in his life. But even in his state he still went and gave classes, and a bunch of other things, he just refrained himself from touching things in general until he acquired his control back.

He took to the method I spoke about of doing exercises and trying to strengthen his body because even with his new [Radiant Light Dragon] martial soul his body is still somewhat underdeveloped compared to someone who had a beast type martial soul for their whole lives.

And after one month he is roughly already used to his powers and probably already thinking of his third soul ring.

During this month I of course trained my daughter in martial arts, not a concrete style yet but I taught her to the best of my abilities, it would be good for Zu Ling to have a real foundation in close quarter combats, and in the future, she could create her own styles.

A good thing I discovered is that Zu Ling is exceptionally charismatic and was liked by everyone overall, even the arrogant nobles. It was a surprise to be sure but a welcome one. She even became friends with the little rabbit Xiao Wu, as a parent, I am incredibly proud that my little girl is making friends and having a great time.

Tang San after my monster training simply got to his dormitory and died.

Joking, he just slept for a whole 24 hours but when Xiao Wu was getting a little bit worried he woke up, it was strange seeing a 100,000 old loli and a 30 years old shot. But I guess both of them are a.d.u.l.ts? {AN: Dunno what Tang San real age is, I am just guessing an estimative here, to be honest. I know he is Six on DD world, but I am counting his previous life here too.}

On these three days, everyone rested and basically made the final preparations for the first hunt of soul rings.

After the three days, there was me, Allessa, Tang San, Zu Ling, Yu Xiaogang all ready to hunt some new rings. I could simply use my Haki and multitude of detecting skills and swiftly locate the perfect beast for them, but I had a better idea. Why not transform this Hunt into a learning experience?

So I describe their target and some basic info, And now they have to search, find clues, observe and learn about their target, and kill it. I am getting some serious Monster Hunter vibes from this.

We entered the Star Dou forest and the kids started their search for their beasts. Tang San found some clues first, I guess his previous experience coming to play here. It's was quite impressive as a snake doesn't let a lot of clues all arround, but if we combine Tang San [Purple Demon Eyes] with his experiences I guess he can be said to have a huge advantage. I guess I should also teach Zu Ling those skills, they are very useful after all. Maybe I can just make a memory packet with my telepathy and send it to her.

Going back to Tang San he is now concentrated on following the minimal tracks of the [Emerald Earth Snake] I have chosen as his target. It took some hours to even find more concrete tracks of its existence. But Tang San finally found it.

And if my guess were right we were just roughly 20minutes from finding the snake. The buy quickly to catch on continued to follow the track and soon he was close to the clearing of the snake, there he found the beast resting coiled on the ground. He was going to advance when I stopped him.

"What are you doing?"(Aizen).

"Kill the snake?"(Tang San).

"I don't doubt that you can... But what the f.u.c.k is this thought process."(Aizen).

"What do you mean?"(Tang San).

"What is the specialty of the Tang Sect?"(Aizen).

"Assassination."(Tang San).

"So why the f.u.c.k are you going to fight it head-on."(Aizen).

"Well, I wasn't going to..."(Tang San).

"Cut it out. Think a bit before going in. Plan your actions, but remember that your plan needs to be flexible, it could always go wrong."(Aizen).

"Ok"(Tang San).

"And act like an assassin for f.u.c.k's sake. Try to make traps, get one or two sneak attacks. You can probably till kill it if you went head-on, but that is no reason to get slippery and injured."(Aizen).

"I understand... I didn't think like that at first, to be honest. I even made some hidden weapons yet I..."(Tang San).

"Don't worry, this way of thinking would be advantageous to you hammer martial soul. But now your focus will be you [Blue Silver Grass], so try to think more openly and flexibly. Now go boy, and wreck that snake."(Aizen).

Tang San then started preparing the field, using his [Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track Steps], he was able to swiftly and stealthy move and make a favorable field for him.

When the field was finished he picked up a dagger he made during our training, that thing was just simple Steel, but it was made extremely well by his clan forging technique. He took some distance, and making as little sound as possible he went running towards the snake and plunged the dagger on its right eye.

Using the opportunity he tried to plunge another dagger on the snake side, but unfortunately, the beast was already wide awake and furious. With a burst of speed, the snake tried to bite into hi but he evaded the attack easily using the [Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track Steps], but the momentum of the beast was difficult to stop as it went and fell on a trap Tang San mad previously, sending multiple knives to the monster. Sadly it did little more than scratching its skin and making it angrier.

The battle that followed was impressive in a way, Tang San kited the beast to high heaves, he used every trap he was able to make beforehand, but the snake was relentless and pissed. But this was not a battle to win, just a battle of endurance, and the snake was bleeding profusely of the wound on its eye.

Like the humans of old Tang San tired his prey the best he could, the time he spent training with me making his stamina something monstrous already. The best wounded and angry burned through its stamina quickly and its movements started to become sluggish, its breathing laborious and then after a long time it fell exhausted on the ground.

Tang San came closer, but this time he was very cautious and slow. which proved to be wise as the snake tried one last-ditch effort, a bite attack that Tang San was able to mostly evade. Mostly because he was scr.a.p.ed by the fang of the snake that probably contains deadly venom. Both me and Allessa weren't even a little bit alarmed, but grandmaster was different.

"Hurry we must get rid of the poison. It's extremely dangerous."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Don't worry..."(Aizen).

"What do you mean don't worry? he will die if he is left like this."(Yu Xiaogang).

"No I really mean it. On our training I built his poison resistance to astronomical levels, few poisons can injure him now."(Aizen).

"Oh, thank god..."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Now Tang San hurry up and absorb this purple Soul ring. it is 1217 years old and a pretty good one to your [Blue Silver grass] martial soul."(Aizen).

Tang San nodded and went to absorb the ring. Immediately his face contorted in pain, but this is nothing compared to the training I made him pass through to raise both his physique and psyche.

It took a long and painfully 20 hours, Tang San coughed blood at least three times during this period. But in the end, he prevailed, I could feel his change almost immediately. He is rank 13 now, and his body and a bunch of techniques di a leap in strength too. When he opened his eyes I could see that he reached the second stage of the [Purple Demon Eyes].

"So how was it?"(Aizen).

"Incredible..."(Tang San).

With that, he blacks out due to exhaustion. I guess we could make a camp in the forest today, tomorrow is gonna be grandmaster and Zu Ling time to hunt.

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