Mokuton Authority

Chapter 182 - Zu Ling First Ring.

After waking up Tang San sure felt different, his physique had improved and his tang Sect techniques had upgraded as well, feeling the elation of a new soul ring and the skill that comes with it, he immediately used it.

Different sizes and types of [Blue Silver Grass] came from his body and started binding everything around him, this skill sie extremely similar to its cannon version, but my trained eyes and sensing abilities could see that someone was amiss.

"Woah... It's incredible..."(Tang San).

"So what skill you did receive?"(Aizen).

"Well, it's called [Bind Lines], I can sprout grass from me o different sizes and with different durabilities, I can make then as thins as piano wire, or as thick as a small branch. And the more Soul Energy I pump into then the stronger they get."(Tang San).

"A very flexible and overall useful skill. It surely compliments your other skills well and it also has a good potential to integrate you on the path of a control focused soul master."(Aizen)

"Indeed, it can surely boost my maneuverability and the use of my hidden weapons. A nice and fitting skill."(Tang San).

"Sure it is. Now let's eat and go on our journey. It's Zu Ling time to hunt now after all."(Aizen).

"Hey, dad! what soul beast I will be hunting?"(Zu Ling).

"Well, as I said before you will be hunting the [Earth Heavy Rhino]. It is a powerful 2455 years old beast, and a very suitable Soul ring for you."(Aizen).

"Yes, I will make you proud dad."(Zu Ling).

"Don't worry you have me proud already, concentrate on tracking and defeating your prey. It will be way more difficult than Tang San snake, so be prepared."(Aizen)

"Yes."(Zu Ling).

We ate rested for a bit and proceed on our expedition searching for more clues on the forest. It took some hours but finally, my daughter was able to spot some tracks of the rhino, I let her work as the experience would be extremely beneficial to her.

With a bit more difficulty Zu Ling proceeds to track the rhino, at least the tracks were somewhat easier than the snake. It's a rhino after all, but it is a smart beast nonetheless.

It took Zu Ling some time but she found some blood of the beast, it appears to have been wounded. Good, her chances were fairly minimal against a beast of such strength, I was planning on weakening it before her fight, but now I won't need to do it.

Soon we reached a clearing with the [Earth Heavy Rhino] fighting another beast, a [Swift Winged Lion]. I think the fight is for territory or something of the sort.

"So daughter. What would you do in a situation like this?"(Aizen).

"hmmm... I would let them fight it out, and when my prey is severely weakened I would attack and score it."(Zu Ling)

"Good. Make the preparations that you need and remember that I won't stop you from asking for help."(Aizen).

"We can ask for help?"(Tang San).

"Well of course you can. Grandmaster is just there doing a lot of nothing, so you could've always asked for help."(Aizen).

"Btu you said that this was a sort of test to gain experience."(Tang San).

"I know, but I haven't said anything about not asking for help. I just said that I and Allessa won't help, grandmaster isn't on that list."(Aizen).

"So grandmaster, will you help me?"(Zu Ling).

"Sure. That winged lion will be a pretty good third soul ring for me... And Tang San, I know that mentality of doing everything alone can be a boon sometimes, but fighting together is also a strength of sorts, sometimes our strength alone isn't enough and working as a team can cover your negative points."(Yu Xiaogang).

"I... Understand master."(Tang San).

With this, the trio started making traps for the two beasts in preparation for ambushing them. The beats rather oblivious to the human's schemes continued their dispute and fight for dominance.

Soon the trio had made several traps around the clearing and was thus prepared for the start of the fight, but they decided to wait for both beasts to wound and tire themselves more.

The beats fought savagely showing their might and splendor, the roars of the lion could shatter normal human eardrums, and every time the rhino stomped on the ground you could feel everything tremble for a bit, me and Allessa weren't even affected by anything of it, we stood there like some supernatural untouchable beings.

Soon both beats were already relatively wounded, so the trio sprung to action. Tang san activated his first skill creating a field of piano ires all around the beats, making any movement made by them something both difficult and painful.

The beats just thinking it was some kind of fancy grass didn't think much and continued to rage all around, this time grandmaster sprung to action already fused with his [Radiant Light Dragon] he delivered a strong claw attack against the head of the lion.

Sadly the lion was able to move a bit and the attack just hit its ear mangling it in the process. Zu ling chooses this moment to also attack the rhino. Using her martial soul [Copper Dragon], she sent a powerful punch towards one of the rhino eyes, sadly the beast didn't have the same agility as the lion so it got wounded and lost said eye.

The rhino roared in pain and rage after losing its eyes and immediately shifted its focus to the human that attacked it, with a swing of its head it was able to hit Zu Ling in her stomach drawing a bit of blood, but the girl speed was pretty good and she was sable to half evade it.

Tang san started throwing some more hidden weapons in the hope to chip down a bit more both beasts, and he aimed specifically at their wounds as their hide is probably tough to penetrate.

Both the lion and the rhino roared in pain as the bunch of knives and other throwing weapons entered their wounds. Both Zu Ling and Grandmaster continued their attack on their respective targets. The beasts tried to move and struggle but this only made Tang San's first skill deal more damage to them.

The fight continued with the trapped beats and the human going on hard, the lion had even enough mobility to try to escape but it ended up activating a trap and worsening its situation. And after some more struggle grandmaster had killed the lion.

The rhino resisted some more of Zu Ling's attacks but she eventually was able to kill it, making its purple ring rise. The trio sat on the ground relatively exhausted and screamed.

"Finally!!"(Zu Ling/Grandmaster/Tang San).

"Excellent people, now don't delay it anymore. go absorb the rings."(Aizen).

Grandmaster was the first to move and start to absorb his ring, it is a little above the recommended age, but he had trained his body during the month so I think there won't be too much of a problem.

Zu Ling is another story, she is going to make a very huge leap in her ring age. But I literally trained her whole life for this so I doubt she won't succeed on it.

The process of absorption was slow, and the grandmaster was the first that's started screaming. It had been literally 10 hours since he had started absorbing his ring which is proving too much for him. Thankfully his will and mental strength are nothing to scoff at, so he was able to overcome it and after 27 hours he safely absorbed it.

Zu Ling took way more time, almost two days 40 hours to be exact. It was difficult and painful to watch my daughter suffering too much, but I know the little one years old girl that survived her body being bisected in two would be able to go through this.

And I was proven right when she finished absorbing her ring and fainted from the effort. I couldn't be more proud as a father at this moment, My little girl made her first step into the world of cultivation.

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