Mokuton Authority

Chapter 183 - A divine project.

Grandmaster ended up sleeping for a day, and Tang San used this time to sharpen his use of the new skill he gained, he tried much more different and varied uses of it, he also tried various combinations with his tang sect skills and ended up making some pretty good combos.

But once after a training session of his, he went to me to ask for a little bit of advice.

"... So what I should do about my second martial soul the [Clear Sky Hammer]?"(Tang San)

"Haven't grandmaster already talked about it?"(Aizen).

"Yeah ... But with your method, I was thinking if we should change something?"(Tang San).

"Well... I know some places filled with 100k beats... So instead of filling it with black Soul Rings, we could fill it with red ones."(Aizen).

"But shouldn't it be bad... You talked about Martial Soul quality before after all."(Tang San).

"Yeah, but that's only a problem for your first rings. After you have reached a certain level of cultivation that won't be such a problem anymore, that is the advantage of twin martial souls after all."(Aizen).

"I understand... And what about a Golden Ring?"(Tang San).

"Well... That is a huge problem... You technically need the body of a God to be able to absorb a golden ring in normal conditions. A million years old soul beast is considered a god beast after all."(Aizen).

"So it's impossible for me to absorb golden rings?"(Tang San).

"Well... You will find out that life is full of surprises..."(Aizen).

"What do you me-"(Tang San).

He didn't finish his question as Grandmaster and Zu Ling started waking up from their slumber. I, of course, went for Zu Ling first, I already know that she is completely okay but I am still a worried parent after all.

"... I did it dad."(Zu Ling).

"Yeah... You really did it, I am extremely proud of you."(Aizen).

"Hehehe."(Zu Ling).

"Now what kind of skill you gained?"(Aizen).

"Well, it's called [Copper Dragon Tyrant Body]. It basically doubles my physical parameters, making me stronger and faster, and a bit more durable."(Zu Ling).

"Impressive... A very straightforward but strong skill. I can already see how much you will use it in the future... Guess we will have to up your martial training for a bit."(Aizen).

"The problem with this skill is that it simply consumes too much of my soul power... It's extremely difficult to maintain it for long periods of time."(Zu Ling).

"That's is normal for skill fo such a strength... Most of my skills have quite a steep price touse then as well. But I simply have too much energy, and seeing as I need to double my amount of energy every level of the titled Douluo stage my energy pool is becoming bigger and bigger."(Aizen).

"Calling that enormous quantity of energy an energy pool is like calling the sea a simple slop, and you know it."(Allessa).


Before we could talk more the Grandmaster exited his tent and greeted us.

"Man... I never thought that absorbing a soul ring could be this painful. But I guess the suffering was completely worth it."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Of course it is... But I always wondered... There is a way to age a soul ring after it was absorbed?"(Tang San).

"For all, I know there isn't... But the world is a big place and it would be the height of arrogance I say that I know everything."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Well... I know some..."(Aizen).

"You know?"(Yu Xiaogang/Tang San).

"Yeah... The first one is to transfer your rings to someone who has lost theirs and proceed to absorb higher age ones after. But that method is extremely circ.u.mstantial and incredibly inefficient."(Aizen).

"Woah I never thought it was possible... But maybe if the right conditions are met..."(Yu Xiaogang).

"The second method I know is with the powers of a god."(Aizen).

"A god?"(Tang San).

"Yep. A god could age your rings, heck they can even bestow rings upon people. But be warned that a god bestowed ring age is dependent on the user willpower."(Aizen).

"Wait... so if I want it hard enough I could have a red-colored ring?"

"Yeah, you could. After those two I don't know any other method of aging a soul ring."(Aizen).

"I have another question here. Could you possibly age a Golden ring?"(Tang San).

"Well, Yes, and no. Aging a golden ring will need a tremendous amount of divine energy so I don't think any god will do it... But maybe when I reach godhood I could aging mine. Maybe I can even discover a new ring color? But that is still some very long time far ahead."(Aizen).

"Yeah... Better concentrates on the present right now."(Tang San).

We rested a bit more on the jungle tow ait for everyone to be100%. and after we were properly rested we returned to the city. Tang San went swiftly back to the academy, presumably to fight in that dormitory war if I am not mistaken. ME Allessa and Zu Ling returned to our home/shop to sleep.

At night while Zu Ling was sleeping I decided to talk a little bit with Allessa.

"So... How was going the creation of your divine weapon?"(Allessa).

"Well... it's doing great... But I would like to ask something of you."(Aizen).

"Sure, just say it."(Allessa).

"I want you to pick up any kind of rare metal you can find in the omniverse... I know it's quite difficult to do it, but it would help immensely in making my own weapon..."(Aizen).

"Well, I certainly can do it... But why did you need that? I am curious."(Allessa).

"I want to create a type of [Superior Omni Alloy], an alloy that has all the best metal in the omniverse."(Aizen).

"Wow... what kind of divine weapon you are planning on making..."(Allessa).

"Well, I plan on making a weapon that will be truly part of me... I will even use blood sacrifice to make it truly a part of my being..."(Aizen).

"Not that I am against it or anything... But couldn't you just make it with the metal you already have and evolve it together with you?"(Allessa).

"Yeah. I definitely could. I thought about it first but after some thinking decided against it, seeing as creating the [Superior Omni Alloy] would be extremely advantageous."(Aizen).

"It indeed sounds more promising."(Allessa).

"Yeah... I was even planning on making a halberd staff divine weapon for you, so when you ascend to divinity you could fuse your own martial soul with a divine weapon... thus making the weapon part of you. That's one of the big advantages of a tool type martial soul after all."(Aizen).

"Aren't you also tool-type too? so you're gonna make a buddha statue divine weapon?"(Allessa).

"Sadly for me, it's a bit different... After my martial soul had a second awakening it changed from a tool-body type hybrid to a beast-body type hybrid becoming more alive and all. So I had to think about another kind of divine weapon... something better and more suited to me."(Aizen).

"I understand.. so what kind of weapon you decided to make?"(Allessa).

"This one."(Aizen).

With that I show Allessa the plan of my weapon and how I am planning on making it, in the end, it will become literally part of my body.{AN: I will post the Weapon idea int he comments}

"... It's different... I was expecting something more..."(Allessa)

"Weapon like? We both know I am not a weapon kind of guy so I had to get creative. So is started thinking about what kind of weapon could properly make me channel 100% or more of my power? So I went for my roots..."(Aizen).

"do you know how chakra works?"(Aizen).

"Yeah I know it's the physical part fused with the spiritual one."(Allessa).

"You got it right, but I will give some more details for you to know where I am coming from. The physical and spiritual part is also called Yang and Yin part, Yang being the Physical and Yin being spiritual. So you could say that chakra is composed of both Yin and Yang. And as the foundation of my being and strength is chakra..."(Aizen).

"Means that Yin and Yang are extremely important to who you are."(Allessa).

"Yes. And there is also this other technique... Literally, the topmost Release someone can have from chakra, its essence, and primordial form. [Yin-Yang Release], it literally represents the reality and creation itself. An example would be the [Yin-Yang Release: Creation of All Things] it literally allows me to create anything. If I had to compare with magic it would be comparable with the [First True Magic: Denial of Nothingness], it is literally related to the creation of the omniverse and the reality as we know it."(Aizen).

"So that means-"(AllessA).

"-That the foundation of chakra reality and creation can be toned to Yin-Yang. And I am creating a divine weapon as a medium for it."(Aizen).

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