Mokuton Authority

Chapter 206 - Xianxia Line.

What happened after I slapped out the Young Master of 47 years old out of existence is something I like to call the Xianxia line. One day later You master's father came to school. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/mokuton-authority_17402525605705405/xianxia-line._50970659509041967 for visiting.

"You killed my son. I demand a compensation for this vile act, if you bring me the head of the Golden God Douluo I promise I will be merciful."(Young Master's Father).

The response for that is of course the same his son received. He was slapped out of existence. This of course wasn't the end of the Xianxia line. A day later his ancestor was knocking on my door.

This time I didn't let him spew garbage from, his mouth again. I just slapped him out of existence and proceed with my day. Sadly this wasn't the end of the bullshit as the ancient ancestor was here the next day.

"YOU. You devasted all-"(Ancient Ancestor).

Didn't let him finish either, this bunch of garbage has been ruining my morning for some days and I am already ay out of patience to deal with them. Similar to his predecessors I slapped the Ancient Ancestor out of existence.

"Finally, it is finally ended."(Aizen).

"Why such a drama? It just some flyes buzzing around."(Allessa).

"I know, but it's the first time I experienced these Xianxia Line things. Didn't know it was so bothersome."(Aizen).

"Next time just be more efficient then. How they say "Not even the chickens remain" or something like that."(Allessa).

"Yeah, that is definitely a better idea. Definitely better than passing through this bullshit again."(Aizen).

"Heh, just forget about it. Today the kids are going to go hunting new soul rings, so forget about the flyes and let's laugh at their antics a bit."(Aizen).

"Hah, you are right. That is more entertaining anyway."(Aizen)

"Talking about entertainment, how is your training going?"(Allessa).

"Pretty great actually, the closer I got to reaching rank 99 the faster I progress."(Aizen).

"That's good. Love."(Allessa).

We talked some more until we reached the meeting place. The kids were fully equipped and ready to explore the jungle, sensing the contents of their belongings I could smile proudly at how they didn't bring any useless things and most of the contents were useful for surviving in the jungle.

Yu Xiagang and Liu Erlong and some teacher are also accompanying us, Both are also going to get their own rings to. We entered the Star Dou forest and chose a good place to make camp, putting up the enchanted and fuinjutsu tents most prepared to rest for the night.

Sadly a 11987 years old horned frost scorpion disagreed with such a prospect. Surging from underground he attacked the Kids, sadly for him they changed a lot since it was the last time they fought against a soul beast of such caliber.

Sadly for the scorpion, the Kids were kind of Overpowered right now, one of the first to acts to my surprise was Ronrong she immediately summoned her martial soul and buffed Zu Ling, Mubai, and Tang San.

The three buffed kids immediately went to action, Tang San using his martial soul and soul skills, started containing the scorpion in place. Zu Ling used all her buff skill that superimposed with Rongrong's and proceed to punch and kick the weak spots of the scorpion carapace.

Mubai For the finishing blow used his strongest damaging skill, and by luck or skill, he ended up hitting a fatal spot that immediately killed the scorpion. It was probably wounded or weakened in some form but that is still an impressive feat for the kids. Even the kids were kind of impressed with their own power.

"Don't forget to absorb this Rin Mubai, it's quite compatible with you."(Aizen).

"But it's a black soul ring..."(Mubai).

"You've been training hard Mubai, don't underestimate yourself. You can absorb this black soul ring, with some difficult yes, But you still can do it."(Aizen).

"Okay teacher."(Mubai).

The absorption was rather turbulent, but still a success. Mubai was rather surprised with his own capacity and his brand new black soul ring. This also rose the hopes of others in acquiring brand new black soul rings.

But even with the excitement, we all rested for the night in preparation for tomorrow and future hunts.

There wasn't any noteworthy hunt in the future as the Kids most just ganged up on the beasts and absorbed their rings. Even Zu Ling and Tang San who had to hunt for higher leveled ones didn't have that much problem as the kids just ganged up on the beasts in such a manner that it was almost sad to watch.

Didn't take much time and everyone has gotten their rings, even Yu Xiaogang acquired his sixth ring and is already ready for his seventh. But we decided to at least wait for the kids to get back for his and Erlong soul rings.

Returning the Kids to the school we prepared to hunt Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang 100k years old beast.

"So for this hunt, I will bring both of you to one of my dimensions. When I hunted for my rings most beasts had subordinates and I didn't kill them, so right now is a good time to hunt for them."(Aizen).

Teleporting both of them close to an armored light drake of 100k years old I deal a nearly fatal blow to it.

"Deal with it now, I already did more than enough. this one is a good match for grandmaster martial soul so go ahead."(Aizen).

The battle if I could call it that was swift and the grandmaster quickly finished the Drake and proceed to absorb its ring. The absorption process took some time as the grandmaster is really dealing with his limits in this situation.

Having a 100k ring as your seventh ring is quite good principally for his future prospects, as the ring that is literally called the gateway ring going to great lengths to absorb a higher quality is very beneficial to your future.

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