Mokuton Authority

Chapter 207 - Tournament Arc.

For Liu Erlong ring we hunted a Scorching Fire Dire Tiger of 111k years old a fitting ring for Liu Erlong 9th rank. Thankfully she was also prepared to absorb the soul ring so there wasn't much ceremony or any mishappening. But what was truly moving was that she gifted her 100k soul bone to the grandmaster as a sign of their love.

It was a touching moment for then so Allessa and I decided to just let the lovebirds be alone for some time, they earned their moment after all, and I could easily guess this is something extremely important for then, Liking it or not time doesn't heal all wounds, it only makes it possible for you get "used" to then. I am the living example of it, even to this day I could still feel my past life, my past self, how dumb I was, how useless I was... *sigh* I know I changed, and I am not that man anymore, I literally held destiny on my own hands and, now I have someone I truly love, I have a daughter, unbelievable strength, and I am literally in the road to becoming a god, who would've thought? But some things...

After the lovebird's moment finished grandmaster proceed to absorb the two 100k soul bones, both being respectively for his right arm and left arm. It was painful and even a normal person could hear from here his bones breaking and being remade, it was even worse for Liu Erlong, but she is also a cultivator, so she understands it. Finishing absorbing the soul bones grandmaster strength has surely skyrocketed, if he goes all out I would not be surprised if he is able to fight against a normal titled Douluo, he has a Dagon King martial soul after all.

Returning back to school the kids greeted their teacher, most were quite curious to see the new fancy Red Rings on then, Xiao Wu held a strange face probably slightly mortified by it, I don't blame her. But I am sure as hell still gonna eat the meat of those soul beasts, as I said I don't waste food. Going to her side she says:

"*Sigh* as much as I understand the law of the jungle... It still bothers me a little, you know?"(Xiao Wu).

"I guess it's understandable, but for you, they were strangers beasts you didn't know. So the same way I couldn't less care about Xing Sha who is dying right now to a bandit attack 47 Kilometers from here, you can't "care" about them either. You still feel sad, maybe pity? But that don't change things, the most you will be affected is maybe a for few days at most, and that is still stretching a bit."(Aizen).

"I guess that is something true for both humans and beasts, our sheer capacity to move on and don't care about the ïmportant" things, we somehow are more worried about the most trivial things sometimes..."(Xiao Wu).

"Heh, I agree. But I already know my shortcomings, a good aspect of having reached the four States of being in the Buddhism is that I have good self-awareness."(Aizen).

"I understand... I think its better if I got back..."(Xiao Wu).

"Sometimes I feel like the old man here you know?"(Aizen).

"Well... For human standards you are pretty old after all."(Allessa).

"I guess you are right. How old are you by the way?"(Aizen).

"Well I am 22235, but a lot of this time doesn't count as life experience per see as most of it I spent on my magic. You certainly remember how awkward I was with you when we first met, right? I was not much for social interactions, and you being my first was also something that made me very nervous, and then there are all the mistakes I made on our first interaction-"(Allessa). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/mokuton-authority_17402525605705405/tournament-arc._51003485658866789 for visiting.

"I already said, don't worry. I made some mistakes in our first interactions too. But we are happy together now and that is all that matters."(Aizen).

"I love you Aizen Senju."(Allessa).

"I love you too Allessa Zoey Windrunner."(Aizen).




Well romantic and philosophical moments aside, an important event in the history of the words is coming up. The Continental Advanced Soul Master Elite Tournament. A mouthful I know, but still, this is an important event that will solidify the position of the Shrek Academy towards the world.

The kids don't know the future importance this tournament will have, all they know is that they want to have some fun using their cool new powers. And as you could've already guessed this tournament will barely be a challenge, if in the original timeline were being weaker they still won, here is basically a no brainer that their victory is all but granted.

And even if the Spirit Hall is one of the organizations they probably want to gauge the strength of our younger generation, in their eyes I may be an expert but I am still mortal and so subjected to the passage of time. Sadly for then, I've long since been ageless, so the only thing they could accomplish with this tournament is giving more publicity to Shrek.

I could easily see through Spirit Hall's measly plots, it would also be extremely easy to just exterminate all of it. But I don't want to hold the kid's hands much longer, I already helped then all a lot if I do too much for then it will become counterproductive, as the saying goes "Give a man a cup of rice and he will be grateful, give a man a sack of rice and he will be dependent on you."

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