Mokuton Authority

Chapter 211 - Tired but still fighting.

The kids slept through three days because even if their body was 100% healed right now their mental strength was almost completely drained. They had some pretty strong nightmares if everyone moving about and screaming some time or the other was anything to go about.

I could resolve everything instantaneously with my [Telepathy], enter their minds, and help every one of them overcome this hurdle. But I am not going to do that. When I was thinking about it I suddenly had an idea. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/mokuton-authority_17402525605705405/tired-but-still-fighting._51092870639177544 for visiting.

Remembering how naruto got to learn how to control Kurama I decided to do something similar for the Kids. A similar Waterfall test where they would be confronted by their opposite side, their fear, anger, and unfulfilled expectations. {AN: A thanks to the reader 'omegamon' for giving me this suggestion.}

To build that waterfall I would need to use a lot of [Yin-Yang Release] together with fuinjutsu and magical wards. Then suddenly my mind connected some dots and I found the perfect place to build the Waterfall. Shrek Castle.

The castle is already immense by itself with innumerable rooms of different purposes and ways, so adding a waterfall room isn't over the norm. Heck, there are currently 6635 waterfalls inside of the castle, one more is just a matter of when not how. But this Waterfall of Truth needs to be built seriously and with as I don't want any permanent damage to anyone who uses it.

But I guess by the end of the tournament I would have it done, The kids in the meantime would need to fight in the tournament while tormented...

After the three days of rest, they all woke up and grouped up in the dining room of the hotel to eat something. They spent three days sleeping after all so they must be starving right, so it's no surprise that they first thought was about eating. Seeing this as an opportunity to mess with them I suddenly appeared in the dining hall.

"Sup students, how is it going? Slept well?"(Aizen).

They all looked at me with soulless dead like stares, the eyes were sunken and they appear to even look thinner than they should comfortable be, the was an unease and gloomy aura around them like they regret living or something. Tang San was the worst of all, undoubtedly feeling incredibly guilty for putting them in that kind of situation. Some time passed and none had the will or the strength to answer me, deciding right nows isn't exactly a good time to pressure them as they just woke up. So I will just say my piece and teleport back to Allessa.

"Now I won't waste your time so I will be just as direct as possible. What happened was the consequence of arrogance. Remember that there is always a sky beyond the sky so don't let your pride and ego get to your head. Thankfully the tournament gave a week of rest period from your previous fight and seeing as three days have already passed you have four more to rest and recover from this endeavor. Bye and have a nice rest."(Aizen)

And they rested alright, they basically just slept or meditated stopping only to eat and talk a bit with each other, I guess it would still take a little bit more time for them to completely recover, but I will also use this to teach them a second lesson: The world won't wait for anyone, they being in good condition or not doesn't matter for the tournament organizers, so that is another good lesson that will be literally beat into them. I also already started the building prosses of the Waterfall of Truth, Allessa was also interested in it so she is also been helping me a lot.

Soon the day of fighting against Mubai's brother came, the kids, of course, haven't recovered completely and are still far from it, but as I said: "The World waits for no one.". The world, in this case, can also be changed to "Life", but I guess the time for someone ageless doesn't have the same meaning so I guess "The world" fits in this better.

The fight again Mubai's brother team was strange, everyone could see that the Shrek Seven Devil was a little bit out of it, the bags under their eyes and the gloomy aura a clear indication of it. And when they fought it was strange... They fought with clear despair on their moves, it was their life depended on it.

They fought using dirty tricks and never underestimate the strength of their enemies, they didn't talk while in combat they just fought. Which is a great improvement in my opinion, you don't need to talk or explain shit to your enemies that are extremely idiotic and off-putting. This led to them fighting in an extremely efficient form that was baffling to the spectators because even if before their fighting style already carried this efficiency they didn't shy away from the theatrics.

Now they are working as an efficient well-oiled machine and it made me proud, it appears the values of a shinobi finally go through their thick skulls. That is none at all.

The fight was honestly more of a beatdown that Mubai's brother was willing to handle. They fought and ended it as fast as possible scoring a pretty good amount of surprise, principally from Mubai's brother's faction.

After the fight, they simply ate and lay down in bed as if they are too tired to even move, which might actually true. If I am not mistaken they have another fight against the Blazing team and if this goes the way canon was they will just give up the fight, which is actually good news for the tired kids.

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