Mokuton Authority

Chapter 212 - Finals and the award.

The fight against the blazing team can't even be called a fight, the Blazing team seeing the power of Shrek and how different and more efficiently they were fighting simply gave up the moment they stepped on the arena, so thus Shrek was decided as the winners of this round.

The Shrek students still carrying a little bit of exhaustion on their step went back to eat sleep and most importantly meditate. Meditating isn't just good to strengthen yourself and improving your soul rank, it also extremely good for self-reflection, to search within yourself.

So even after the trauma, the kids were still meditating, sadly they are way too far from a solution but it helped their condition nonetheless.

The next match was of course again the Spirit Hall elite team. This time I allowed them to use their full strength without any kind of restraints, I know how much spirit hall f.u.c.k.i.e.d over with Tang San's family so I guess I could at least allow them this opportunity of dismantling spirit hall's prided team.

The battle was a massacre in Shrek's favor, principally now that they could use their full strength they weren't just evenly matched, they destroyed their enemy even with hen having cultivation superiority, Zu Ling shone truthfully in this fight showing the true powers of her [Adamantine Metal Dragon] which has both an absurd defense and offensive power lacking only when it comes to speed. Min Ren also showed why a Maga Rayquaza is so scary spamming [Draco Meteors] and [Dragon Ascencion] showing his incredible speed and attack power.

Tang San showed his powers as a control specialist making the very act of moving to his enemies be something extremely difficult, and just to spite than and spill salt to their wound he wouldn't hesitate on using his [Clear Sky Hammer].

I remember when he asked me if he should continue showing and using his hammer right now, I just looked at him and said "Now that you've already shown it, why hide it?" He looked at me in a little bit fo surprise but after thinking about it for some moments he decided to integrate the hammer in his fighting style, so it would be fairly common to see the obstructing his opponent with his grass and striking then down with his [Clear Sky Hammer]. He showed amazing skill in switching between his martial souls, it was quite impressive for the audience and the spectators to see how smoothly he traded between them.

Bibi Dong couldn't hold nor hide her expression of surprise anymore, anyone could clearly see how impressed she was with the Shrek team, I guess their strength hasn't sunk in until now that she saw them by herself.

Even her fancy presentation when opening the match was I no way close to how impressive the fight was, Shrek maintained themselves the superior without a problem the whole fight.

Then the Spirit hall elite team pulled off a three people fusion technique, and let me tell you even I think that is slightly impressive for a bunch of brats, slightly already stretching things as it is. Thankfully that didn't phase the Shrek team much as Mubai and Zuqing used their own fusion technique the [The Thermal Beast Emperor of Duality].

Both fusion techniques weren't exactly equal ins strength but the [The Thermal Beast Emperor of Duality] could easily fight again the spirit hall elite team for some time. In canon, Shrek used a special technique from the [Clear Sky Clan] to untie their soul power and summon the true body of the [Clear Sky Hammer] something similar to a 7th skill, that, of course, was an instant win in that case.

But this time as they are dominating the fight it never even passed through their mind the prospect of using that technique, besides the risks of course, and the fact that I don't like that Deus ex Machina solution.

With such good synchrony that could cause envy to any lesser soul master [The Thermal Beast Emperor of Duality] Zu Ling, and Min Ren started bombarding the fusion technique of the spirit hall elite team, while they maintained the fusion occupied the others started preparing a definitive attack using Hongjun as the initial focus.

The spirit hall elite team fusion technique soon grew tired, liking it or not fusion techniques are quite a bit exhausting so they are stressing and stretching themselves to maintain it. And when the combined attack of Hongjun, Tang san's [Clear Sky Hammer], Min Ren, and Zu Ling the impact was strong enough to dispel the spirit hall elite team fusion technique and render them unconscious.

The crowd howled and commemorated the Shrek academy victory over the spirit hall elite team. the kids couldn't stop smiling and jumping in excitement showing that the good old victory really means a lot to them.

Of course, now they were still pretty tired, so even with the celebratory mood they ate at the victory party and went to sleep, the awards ceremony will be tomorrow so it's good that they are at least rested for it.

The next day the Shrek academy team was ready for the awards ceremony, they went close to the podium where Bibi Dong was and waited for her speech. And as expect Xiao Wu was the only one with a somber and gloomy mood. If I am not mistaken in canon Bibi Dong kills her mother which started Xiao Wu's resentment feeling towards her.

But on this timeline it's different, I've been investigating such important events of this world and Bibi Dong did technically kill Xiao Wu mother's, but it was under different circ.u.mstances. If the canon is to believed Qian Daoliu ordered Bibi Dong to lay with his son, Qian Renxue's father's, yes Bibi Dong was r.a.p.ed in the past... That's is disturbing on so many levels and I will be sure to kill the bastard, the rapist was already killed by Tang Hao after Tang San's mother sacrificed herself.

Going back on the fact that Bibi Dong killed Xiao Wu mother's, she was the one who did the last hit her 9th ring is proof of that, but the ones who really killed Xiao Wu's mother were the others Douluo of the Spirit hall Bibi Dogn just dealt the final blow and absorbed the ring. All of this, of course, doesn't excuse her shitty actions heck I've killed people for way less, I just wanted to say that she isn't the same person. Her daughter is somehow innocent, she is now posing as a prince and poisoning the king, but that is easily curable, maybe her destiny can be different this time as I quite liked her character in the original. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/mokuton-authority_17402525605705405/finals-and-the-award._51120596817344693 for visiting.

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