Mokuton Authority

Chapter 213 - Stopping time.

Now that I think about it, being a Shinobi really kinda skewered my perception of some things, heck in the Renxue situation I've done way worse things than her as an ANBU, poisoning the ruler of a country is quite mild and tame compared to something the ANBU does regularly. Enough of thinking about the past, things are starting to get interesting.

Seeing as Bibi Dong practically ignored the nervous Xiao Wu probably interpreting it as she is simply nervous about receiving the awards she continued talking. At this time I had an idea, I always dislike the fate of Bibi Dong and Renxue, so I started making a plan. Connecting my mind with Allessa with my [Telephathy] as I've done plenty of times I relayed my plans to her, she nodded finding it pretty funny and agreed it was a good course of action.

Suddenly Allessa invoke her martial soul, the halberd/staff appeared on her hands and with a smooth motion she says:

"[True Magic Art: The World!]"(Allessa).

Then time stopped. What Allessa just used is one of her self created spells she labeled "True Magic Art". And before you ask the name of the spell didn't come from some misguided arrogance or anything of the sorts, its name came from the fact that it is based on her true magics.

Yep, allessa isn't a genius on magic for nothing, studying her two true magics she was able to pick up some of their parts or what I called concepts and create the "True Magic Art", the spell "[True Magic Art: The World!]", picks the concept of time from the second true magic, and using another spell from her home universe that also deals with time stuff she was able to somehow create some time-related spells, and much more.

The catch is that even if most "True Magic Art" are incredibly overpowered the mana cost of them is simply too steep which should render most of the "True Magic Art" unusable or simply too nerfed to be of use. That is of course the problem for anyone but Allessa as she literally has infinity mana, so even if a time stop spell like the "[True Magic Art: The World!]" she can maintain it indefinitely.

Some could also use the excuse of their body be took weak to channel that amount of mana at the same time and yadda, yadda, yadda. But Allessa si apparently immune to useless nerfs, that besides being a Warcraftian Elf that is literally the best race possible when it comes to channeling mana, she also has trained her body exceptionally, principally after we got together. And yes we indeed did that dirty exercise you are thinking in your mind, she also accompanies me on most of my absurd daily workouts thus in all these years on Douluo world she has also strengthened her body tremendously. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/mokuton-authority_17402525605705405/stopping-time._51146170646460986 for visiting.

The Fun thing is that even if she didn't do any of my crazy workout routines her body would still be leagues beyond even straining itself to channel her infinity mana, she had infinity mana for a long time after all.

"I love the same you give that spell. It fits so well with its effect."(Aizen).

"Well, we watched Jojo together, and I can't find a more iconic name for a time-stopping spell than that. The others were all generic names anyway like [True Magic Art: Mass Teleport] or [True Magic Art: Mass Repair]."(Allessa).

"Don't worry we can change their names for cooler ones in the future. But now little Bibi is panicking a little bit, let's go give her a scare."(Aizen).




Bibi Dong couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the spirit hall elite team lost, they were supposed to be the elite of the elite, the strongest of their generation. And they even lost to a member of the [Clear Sky Clan], which by all intents and purposes should've made her way more furious.

But on the contrary to the popular belief, the supreme pontiff Bibi Dong actually quite likes the [Clear Sky Clan], Tang Hao in specific. The fact that he killed that f.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard was what changed her view of the clan, liking it or not Bibi Dong owe Tan Hao one for killing that rapist sc.u.m, and she will be eternally grateful towards him, sadly she needs to maintain her image in the spirit hall unless that bastard Qian Daoliu starts messing with her life again.

But her prison will soon end, she grows stronger by the day, and very few people know about her deepest secret her twin martial souls status. She has over the years been slowly feeding her secondary martial soul with prime soul rings making her strength exponentially grow, soon she will reach rank 99 and she could make that bastard Qian Daoliu to eat shit.

But right now she needs to give a speech to the tournament winners, the elders will be extremely furious that their so precious elite team lost, which is a total win in her opinion. The more she can make their lives difficult the better she feels, they could all continue sucking Qian Daoliu's d.i.c.k for all she cares, it only makes things easier for her to know who are her allies and who are her enemies.

But even then she has to act as if she is very displeased when giving her speech in a subtle way that it doesn't offend the winner and the spectators while at the same time showing her displeasure clearly enough for the old bastards to not bother her later.

Then suddenly in the middle of her speech something happened, she took more time than she is comfortably on admitting to notice the changes in her surroundings, the eerie silence that permeated everything, after noticing the sudden silence she finally does a look over everything and almost have a heart attack.

Everything stopped, or more precisely time stoped. It was strange, extremely so. But Bibi Dong could easily deal with no one moving or anything, the only problem for her was the silence, a silence that made everything much, worse. Some bad memories of that day started surfacing, but with practiced ease, she was able to suppress them. she started to slowly descend from her podium towards-


She could help but jump in fright after being spooked, she almost feel the starts by Titled Douluo can fly so she easily was able to correct her balance, she looked at the source of her momentaneous rage for spooking her.

"Bastard! what you think you are doing?"(Bibi Dong)

She must admit that she slipped and let her fear talk louder this time, just after the world got out of her mouth she notices how stupid she sounded if this person is responsible for stopping time could only mean that he is absurdly strong so provoking him like that is certainly an error.

"Sorry, sorry. I simply couldn't help but scare you. I know about your tragic backstory... But you are way to serious woman, I simply couldn't resist."(Aizen)

"But you have to admit that it was at least funny, so I guess it's completely valid?"(Allessa).

Then Bibi Dong looked at the other person that arrived, she is certainly a tall woman with nog ear and strange shining eyes, but what got her attention was of course the huge halberd/staff fluctuating around her shining bright like the sun.

Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel the extremely strong presence radiating from the strange tall woman, the man that scared her earlier is imply looking at everything with a slight smile as if nothing bothered him, he radiated an extremely holy and forest aura, but Bibi Dong can take a guess he releases it either subconsciously or on purpose, each option is way scarier than the other.

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