Mokuton Authority

Chapter 215 - Waterfall of truth.

After such a big tournament arc there is bound to be a time skip or something of the sorts. It's sort of tradition on any history for it to happen at this point.

Normally the time skips could be either big or small, something like just weeks passed off-screen, or it could be something big like in one-piece or naruto having 2 years pass.

But sadly I had to interrupt the time skip that happened in canon Douluo Dalu to do something important, something that would undoubtedly be crucial to everyone. The waterfall test.

The problem with the waterfall test is that it can take from simply hours to complete to days or maybe even months depending on the person doing it.

Sadly for me or Allessa, the waterfall is unable to affect us, we are simply too f.u.c.k.i.n.g strong for it to have any effects.

I blame this on my 1 million years old bones, that thing most certain upgraded some of my resistances to outside effects.

With Allessa, my guess is a bit different. Due to the nature of the 2nd and 4th true magic, The waterfall can't even get close to affecting her, which as is aid can be both a good or a bad thing depending on your point of view. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51191341908026579 for visiting.

On one hand, we can't be easily affected by such subtle reality-warping mental effects, meaning if they are used offensively we are pretty safe.

On the other hand, the beneficial side of such reality-warping mental effects is also lost on us. Definitely something o asks God later.

The old man ought to know something more about it. I really don't want to lose my ability of undergoing trippy mental travels that could easily lead to self-realization or enlightenment.

Talking about this trippy self-realization mental travel I gathered everyone in front of the waterfall of truth room ready for their test.

"So people, before you ask anything. This is Bibi Dong the ex-supreme pontiff and her daughter Bibi Renxue, I made some arrangements and they are now part of our teacher's body so be respectful to them."(Aizen).

"But she-"(Xiao Wu).

"Moving on. Now your next question must be why I gathered everyone, even the teacher in front of this specific room."(Aizen).

"No, we want to know-"(Yu Xiaogang).

"You see... when you all were fighting in the tournament and having your adventures I decided to prepare a nice gift before the inevitable time skip."

"What time ski-"(Tang San).

"The gift is of course this room. And like any kind of room inside this castle, this room is special. But as different from his fellows this room is special in more than one sense."(Aizen).

"Can i ask a-"(Ma Hongjun).

"What makes this room special is, of course, its contents. More specifically the [Waterfall Of Truth]"(Aizen).

"Waterfall fall of what-"(Liu Erlong).

"This waterfall is special in the sense that when you meditate close to it you will be transported to your mindscape and be confronted by your true self."(Aizen)


"This means that this waterfall is an excellent place for self-discovered, and principally to confront your deepest and most guarded fears."(Aizen).

"Wait so this means-"(Tang San)

"That it can also cure a bunch of traumas, or self-imposed subconscious restrictions. A literal, visible, and concrete place for you to fight your heart demons."(Aizen).

"Incredible."(Zhao Wuji/Flanders).

"I brought you all here for this exact purpose, your cultivation is bound to become smoother after you solved your most personal problems and heart demons."(Aizen).

"Can everyone enter at the-"(Tang San).

"Yes everyone can enter at the same time. Don't worry you won't be able to perceive or disturb each other, I and Allessa made sure of it. Any more questions?"(Aizen).

"Yes, I have several-"(Xiao Wu).

"Nice, no questions. I must be improving in my didactic abilities for me to have explained everything so well that there are no questions remaining in your minds. Is everyone ready to enter the waterfall of truth?"(Aizen).

"No, I and Zuqing would like-"(Mubai).

"NICE, everyone is ready. Bye and take care kids.*Clap*"(Aizen).

With the clap of my hands, everyone including the teacher and the new Bibi family was transported to the room. I couldn't help but praise myself for dealing with the situation so beautifully.

"That was..."(Allessa).

"Wild? Interesting? Funny?"(Aizen).

"Yes. But the way you've dealt with the situation... You know the way they are right now they were bound to ask an infinite number of questions that would waste a lot of time, I am right?"(Allessa).

"Yeah, that is exactly right. I knew they were going to bombard me with questions non-stop so I just went on with it. After they pass through the waterfall of truth test their mentality is bound to change drastically."(Aizen).

"Yeah I know, it is almost the equivalent of experiencing some form of enlightenment. They will literally be way more at peace within themselves."(Allessa).

"Which means that their questions were bound to change no matter what I said. So it better to just send them there and answer everything after they pass the test."(Aizen).

"And knowing that most of them have some kind of personal problem, or aren't at a relative peace within themselves. It could take a lot of time for them to exit the room."(Allessa).

"Exactly, and on all this time we will arrange things with their teachers during this 2 years time skip. Tang San will of course learn under his father, that is sort of necessary for the development of his [Clear Sky Hammer] techniques and there is no one better than the [clear Sky Doluo] to teach him."(Aizen).

"Rongrong I can guess is something similar. There is no one better than Ning Fengzhi to teach her about the intricacies of using a [9 Colored Treasured Rainbow Pagoda] for support. He is literally the one with the most expertise on this subject."(Allessa).

"Indeed, Mubai and Zhuqing will return to their empire and learn more about their tiger and cat martial soul respectively; currently their empire is the lead on knowing about it, so I don't think that is many problems."(Aizen).

"The rest could easily gain the most by just staying here. Sadly Shrek doesn't have the same staff it will have in the future, I can easily remedy a problem like that, but I sincerely don't want to. These kids also need some quality time with their respective families so I won't deprive them of that."(Aizen).

"And if I think their training is simply too easy, I can always interfere and pump up the difficulties up a notch."(Aizen).

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