Mokuton Authority

Chapter 216 - A strange thing to see.

After the strangest awards ceremony that Tang San has ever heard about the last thing he expects was to be kidnaped. No, perhaps kidnaped is the wrong word for it, it was more... subjected, yeah that is the correct word. Subjected to what? Subjected to the whims of the strangest being he had the pleasure/displeasure of meeting.

If saying it lightly Aizen Senju could be said to be a strange person, in a moment He could be the most compassionate and biggest friendly and ally you could ask for, almost a Buddha if you will. The irony is not lost on him, as Aizen has said multiple times that he is in the way of the Buddha towards godhood.

But then sometimes you could clearly see something bleeding through, and if his wife is to be believed that is his Shinobi side, merciless and pragmatic capable of doing everything for the objective with little to no lines he wouldn't cross.

This big contradiction is what form Aizen Senju, and while it is mostly certain wrong to simply resume a person to few words, Tang San doesn't know the corrected method of putting it into words, so this will have to do.

What Tang San couldn't help but think is that the way Aizen is only making him more human-like even when his strength and feats indicate otherwise. No one can be said to be pure and unaltered good, that is hubris. The same can be said about "Evil". Don't get him wrong Tang San knows very well that sc.u.m exists in spades in this world, but could he judge the father who steals bread to fed his starving daughter if he would do the same.

Tang San was able to notice that for some reason he did get more inquisitive since entering this room, there is some strange kind of peace in the atmosphere that made his mind spiral all around thinking about everything and some more.

Which room? the Waterfall fo truth room, of course, liking the methods of Aizen or not Tang San couldn't help but say that they are very effective, extremely cruel sometimes yes, but this does not reduce their effectiveness. Even in the Past in the Tang Sect that had the most creatively and cruel punishments, he could say they were quite mild compared to Aizen sometimes.

Walking inside the room Tang San couldn't help but praise such a natural beauty, his martial soul simply delighted itself in such a compatible and welcoming environment. Luch and big green trees of multiple and different species, a plethora of color that could make the most expensive painting envious and water so clear that he would feel guilt by just drinking from it.

Then he reached the waterfall, no one in sight as he expected, if there is something you can count on Aizen is some of his attention to details. Even if he didn't answer any of his millions of questions he can still respect his teacher in this one. And even if he likes his friend very much, he couldn't help but agree that if everyone were here together a lot of this environmental effect and beauty would be lost on him as he became more preoccupied with entertaining himself with the others.

Sitting close to the waterfall where his teacher's instructions specified, Tang San started circulating the all and too familiar cultivation technique of the Tang Sect. Soon with practiced ease, he entered the expected cultivation trance as he likes to call it, there he became oblivious to the time outside and only concentrated in himself, inwards.




In the hall close to the waterfall of the truth room we can see a couple, this couple is of course Aizen and Allessa. At this moment Aizen could clearly see that most of the people have already sat inf front fo the waterfall nd were entering meditation, he looked at Allessa and said: Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51214751627275052 for visiting.

"They are already in place. It's gonna start."(Aizen).

"May the Force Help them."(Allessa).

"The Force really?"(Aizen).

"Do you think it doesn't exist?"(Allessa).

"We both know it exists... I just found that too-"(Aizen).

"Sudden? Unexpected?"(Allessa).

"Surprising. But I guess there is always some space to a Star Wars reference. I am just kind of sad it isn't one from the prequels..."(Aizen).

"Do no fret padawan, all in its due time."(Allessa).

"I understand Master.... But I must say something, I have a confession to make..."(Aizen).

"Speak padawan."(Allessa).

"When I look at you, my heart beats faster, my blood runs hotter, and my cheeks burn brighter. Do you know what that means?"(Aizen).

"That you are doing too much physical exercise?"(Allessa).

The was an eerie silence between the couple, Aizen stood there frozen not expecting this kind of straightforward and completely missing the point response. Then the silence was broken by an:


"I can't believe you answered like that."(Aizen).

"Me neither, I just went with the flow and it sort of popped up in my mind."(Allessa).

"Hah. I love you, you know that?"(Aizen).

"I love you too."(Allessa).




Suddenly when Tang San was in his most profound meditative state the scenery changed. He looked around and he could swear he knows this place, it gives a strange and familiar feeling to him that he couldn't place from where it came. But when he looked at himself he finally understood where he is.

Right now a young Tang san is wearing the Tang Sect uniform, but this isn't just any kind of Tang Sect its the Tang Sect from his past life. and when he looked at his reflection in a pond close by he almost exclaimed in surprise.

Not because his appearance did change, on the contrary. He was expecting it to change to his past life one, but it maintained the one from his current life instead.

"Tang San, what a surprise in finding you here at the Reflexive pound."(????).

Tang San knows very well that voice, he had heard it many times in his previous life. Almost reflexively Tang San bowed and greeted the elder.

"Sorry to disturb you Elder."(Tang San).

"No problem, no problem. I am not as stuck up as the other old fools so I don't see a problem with this."(Elder).

"Thanks for your kindness elder."(Tang San).

"As I said, don't worry..."(Elder).

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