Mokuton Authority

Chapter 217 - Other perspectives.

Ma Hongjun could be said to have lived a very difficult but at the same time happy life, fo a long time his martial soul was both his curse and his blessing. On one side he was cursed to never have a fixed relationship due to its aftereffects while at the same time making him fat due to it requiring a lot of eating to appease his martial soul.

On the other side, it made him extremely talented as a cultivator. He trained with the same intensity as the other, with the same dedication, he thought it was enough. Or so he thought until Aizen came into the fold. He literally tore him piece by piece with that info, Talentless, Holding others back? he couldn't help but enter into some sort of depressed mood.

But thankfully when he saw his friends smiling and having fun while also training he could the strange and downward gaze of his teacher, he finally understood what Aizen was trying to convey, he finally understood why he practically targeted him more than others, why he was way more rash with him than with the others. In the end, how could a man dit by and do nothing when he sees a younger mirror of himself?

So Hongjun wasn't even a little bit surprised that when he sat meditating in front of the waterfall, and the first thing he saw was his teacher Aizen.

"I see so you have already figured it out didn't you?"(Aizen).

"Yes, I have."(Hongjun).

"How did you figure it out?"(Aizen).

"It was your gaze, I am not that observant or anything but I can recognize someone who has passed through the same things."(Hongjun).

"I did that not just for you, but to your future self too. He was quite the sad existence that even the god of destruction pitied him."(Aizen).

"I see... so it gets worse doesn't."(Hongjun).

"In some way... Life is never so black and white as we would like."(Aizen).


"Don't. There is some difference but overall I was like you. My parents and people closer to me were too much of good people to say my faults to my face... And when I was mature enough to start seeing then I was already alone, my parents were already distant from me. The friends that I made with their own successful lives and new objectives. Suddenly one day I woke up and I was alone, suddenly that memory of playing with my friends for the last time was truly the last time. I entered in depression, and suddenly the things that I used to do in the past felt impossible and incredibly hard to accomplish, the sandcastle of life that I built crumbled easily... I was truly alone, my levels of self-loathing reached new heights. But then something happened, a blessing in disguise. I died."(Aizen).


"Yes, it took me to die to realise a lot of important things. And then years later I find someone that is almost a clone of myself, a happy go lucky guy that likes to eat and play with his friend. And I know the future of that guy, the kind of regrets and mistakes he would do in his life, I simply couldn't help and break a mirror like that. Thankfully the mirror was broken soon, so we can easily repair it with time and more effort."(Aizen).

"I-I... Thanks Teacher. I don't know the future but-"(Hongjun).

"Don't worry, if there is a thing that my wife taught me about the future is that it is always in motion, always changing. And with how much effort you are putting into changing it for the better, I don't doubt for a second that you would have a way nicer future."(Aizen).

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Xiao Wu didn't like Aizen very much, But when he brought her mother's killer and her daughter Xiao Wu almost beast formed and attacked them. Almost. She decided to ask questions first, her love for Tang San quickly overshadowing any rage spree she might have started. But apparently, Aizen was having None of it, he continued talking and explaining about the waterfall room much to her charging, and when she thought he would let them ask questions he simply teleported everyone inside.

When she entered the room she was first stunned with how much like the clearing she and her mother lived it looked like. Sitting in front of the waterfall she took some time but then suddenly she was transported to a familiar place.

If the prior place looked like the familiar clearing, this new place is the clearing no question asked. But then she saw someone, someone extremely dear to her. Her mother.

"Mother!!!"(Xiao Wu).

"Little Wu".




Mubai and Zhuqing didn't really have many emotions towards Aizen, he is a pretty harsh teacher but most things he said ended up being true, he is a prick sometimes but Mubai can understand it. Living in an empire all his life he could appreciate that Aizen isn't even half the ass as his father used to be. Zhuqing is much of the same in this regard, they had experienced the life of a noble, and Aizen is practically a saint compared to one of those bastards, the pun was not intended but still welcomed.

When he sat in front of the waterfall and started meditating he suddenly was transported to his empire, but when he looked at himself, he was a kid again. Knowing this place and what happened here he searched for her, searched and searched some more.

At the same time, Zuqing was having a much too similar situation, searching for the Kid Mubai incessantly. And when they found each other they couldn't help exclaiming.



But sadly they didn't have much more time to talk when both disappeared and appeared in a new place. Mubai appeared in the throne room of the palace, sat at the throne: his father gazing at the horizon. Instead of hugging his father as Xiao Wu did to her mother, instead of showing respect as Tang San did for his elder, instead of showing acceptance as Hongjun did with Aizen. Mubai could only muster displeasure when he looks at his father. With a lot of effort he could only say one thing:


His father did not answer.

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