Mokuton Authority

Chapter 221 - The Time Skip of Academy Team.

Three years passed, Fast. Faster than I thought they would. And while normally we would have a pretty big story arc slowly revealing the new changes the characters have undergone, while also making for quite a big mystery of it while dragging and stretching the arc, while most of its viewers/reader just get way more stressed and conspiratory trying to decipher the character real strength. I will do none of that.

The Big thing about being having overpowered senses as I have is that the planet is literally my bitch. With my senses I could easily cover this entire planet and a bit more, so to spy on the kid's progress was as easy as breathing. A little bit more difficult, I don't like to lie after all, but it was still very easy.

So instead of doing the mysterious slow reveal of everyone and their cool new powers, I will simply spoil everything. But just to continue with the tradition of slowly torturing the readers I will first start with everyone that stayed in the Shrek Academy.

First of all, the academy didn't change much appearance-wise, it is still the same wacky and strange castle I made with Allessa. What change was, of course, the number of students and teachers. Seeing the incredible performance of the Shrek academy at the tournament the academy's popularity grew immensely, and so did its inhabitants. Even with the explicit rules of only accepting monsters people of all kinds of different parts of the continent decided to converge on the academy.

Soon the before unknown and small academy became the top academy of the continent. The number of bratty and arrogant nobles I had to send flying is no joke, but thankfully I and Allessa were able to design a somewhat automatic system that took care of it.

The system immediately recognizes some words like "Do you know who I am?", "My family/father/ancestor will hear of this.", "I demand to be treated/attended/served". There are some more complex and intent-based wards and fuinjutsu but overall we designed quite a good system, and we can safely say that our school is Chinese Young Master free. We made quite the celebration when such a significant event happened.

Other than the system I can finally say I finally hit rank 98, bordering on rank 99. I can guess that some months from now on I will reach Rank 99 and then finally start my final step towards Godhood/Buddhahood/Omnigodhood/- It's complicated I know.

As I said before Allessa decided to reach godhood after me. Heck, I even offered to help her reach it, but she discarded my idea saying it was kinda stupid. If you are curious my offer for her was that we go to the Forgotten Realms D&D when the Mystra the Goddes of magic was fragmented, we pick up her fragments to study and they can help her in reaching something even better.

But two words from Allessa immediately shot down this possibility: "Prismatic Dragons". That is indeed a very persuasive argument, and I couldn't even get close to arguing against it. after that she explained that she already can reach Godhood whatever she wants, principally being on the rank 99 for quite a long time, she is literally just waiting for me.

My power, my reserves, my chakra, they keep doubling every rank I pass it is the double of the double of the double of the double. I grew in such an exponential and gargantuan form that I was honestly extremely worried I would explode from too much energy. Thankfully chakra is both physical and spiritual, so my body is never in an unbalanced state, and steadily growing stronger together with my spirit, doubling the chakra does indeed rise both Yang and Yin after all. Also should thank the effects of my torso bone [Absolute Balance] is absolute after all, my torso bone does indeed probably plays a bigger role in this aspect.

The funny thing is that if someone, somehow is able to get genetic samples from me, and eventually make a biological clone, they wouldn't be able to succeed. Simply because I have so much f.u.c.k.i.n.g energy, so much f.u.c.k.i.n.g chakra in my body that when the clone is born he would explode in such a violent manner that he would be able to wipe out the solar system with him. Yeah, my chakra is so gargantuan that it even affects my DNA to such an extent, I don't doubt when I have kids with Allessa that I will need to seal their power until they have the will to control it.

Yep, right now the thing that can control and reign such an amount of energy together is my extremely strong will and soul. So even if a biological clone is a perfect copy of me he doesn't have my soul and neither my will, thus the unavoidable self explosion for him.

Going back to the others, another thing that was quite the event was that when Yu Xiaogang had to explain to Liu Erlong how their relationship was in the past. So Grandmaster explained they had been together when he was younger, but they eventually had a falling out and separated. Liu Erlogn understood, but the fact that Bibi Dong was now living in the castle made the next few months after the grandmaster told it very awkward. And I and Allessa absolutely love it, you don't how fun it is to see people trying to circ.u.mvent the way they talk to no leave clue for each other, but their reactions were so painfully obvious that even a mentally retarded person could easily spot it.

On the other hand Bibi Dong now si a changed woman. So it was quite difficult to dislike her, she literally changed a lot and the more time passes the more changes we can see. she became a genuinely good person.

And then one thing led to another, coincidences started pilling up and one and a half year after the kids went to their time skip training Bibi Dong and Flander started a relationship. When I brought this news to Allessa I couldn't help but say "I called it", and I promptly decided that next time I am gonna bet something on it.

The way the relationship started strange like it is for everyone else. Basically, for a long time, the only person that most communicated with Bibi Dong was Flander, it all started strictly professional. but soon feelings bloomed for both of them, they are both souls that had been hurt by different circ.u.mstances. So they kind of found comfort in each other, that realization was at the end of the first year after the kids' departure.

It took six more months for them to get enough courage to start something. At the start, they tried to hide it, and they succeeded for Six more months, but at the end of the second year Grandmaster ended up discovering it. That generally wouldn't be a problem, two single a.d.u.l.ts in a relationship, nothing wrong with that. ButBibi Dong is Yu Xiaogang's ex.

That was very and I mean very awkward, I could basically touche and taste the awkwardness in the air. Grandmaster was of course over her at this point, heck he is practically married to Liu Erlong. But that means nothing to the awkwardness that surface, which took six more months to go back to normal. I and Allessa, of course, took every waking moment to tease Flander and Bibi Dong's relationship, but when reached 2 years and 8 months since the kid's departure their skin was thick enough to get everything at face value and kiss in front of the whole school.

Bibi Renxue's reaction was of course the funniest. First, when she discovered it she was quite agitated, but Hongjun showing how good of a friend he is helped her dealing with it. Bai Chengxian now is an official Shrek academy student and official Hongjun's girlfriend, also helped a lot.

Yeah, that happened, with Bibi Renxue help Hongjun was finally able to conquer Bai Chengxian's heart, much to his helper charge. But instead of getting happy for her friend's new fiancee happiness, Bibi Renxue was pretty down. It was only when she talked about it with her mother that she finally understood why.

Bibi Renxue had fallen for Hongjun. I couldn't help but said to Allessa again "I Called It", but her response was: "This one was pretty obvious". Yeah, I guess anyone that observed then knew something like this was coming. Now how much time until Bai Chengxian notices this, and what will she do?

If you are curious both Hongjun, Renxue and Chengxian progressed immensely. Even Hongjun having to take care of the tang sect he didn't stop practicing and I didn't mind accompanying the kids when they hunted new soul rings. Heck, even Chengxian that suffered a lot in canon because of her "Low Talent" according to the other gods showed a lot of promise.

When I said that to the three of them, there was undoubtedly quite a surprise. But Hongjun just smiled at the surprised face of his girlfriend/fiancee and told her that I told him the same thing. She was relieved, but at the same time she started training way more intensity, and soon her real talent blossomed. Speed.

Yeah, the girl is an absolute beast in the speed department. and she proved her worth by how much effort she was putting on getting stronger, all for the sake of her future hubby I didn't say no when they asked for my [Purify] skill.

Bai Chengxian was able to go through her second awakening, which only accentuated her beauty, strength, and hidden talent. She also resolved to go through the waterfall of truth no wanting to be left behind by the others.

I also did the same for Bibi Renxue. And oh boy, wasn't that transformation quite the surprise. She could already said to be very beautiful before, but after I used [Purify] on her and she underwent a second awakened, she could be said to be a better and more beautiful version of Gabriel from DxD.

Her martial soul now also granted her a pair of wings for each soul ring she absorbs. Meaning when she reaches rank 91 she will have the purest and most immaculate 18 wings. A real sight to behold, sadly for her, they aren't even as beautiful as my own wings, and this affirmation is completely true, trust me.

Hongjun also trained extremely diligently, and after both Bibi Renxue and Bai Chengxian had undergone their second awakening they spared frequently helping each other hone their skills and grew closer to each other. I don't doubt the time when Chengxian becomes more aware of Renxue is coming closer and closer. I wouldn't be surprised if Hongjun is borderline rank 70 when he reaches the sea god island, that is almost expected of him.

Zu Ling also participated in some of those spars, but it was extremely unfair the 1v3 configuration. Extremely unfair to them at it, under I and Allessa training regimen she did indeed become an absolute beast on the battlefield proving the Adamantine on her martial soul name isn't just for show, her new nickname in the academy is "Adamantine Valkyre" just for you to get the picture of this. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51313863366334478 for visiting.

Her body was also great exceptionally stronger so even if her 5th ring was still black-colored her 6th one was already red-colored meaning it is 100k years old. So in terms of Soul Bones, she has right now both right and left arm soul bones that I and Allessa gifted her in the previous chapter- I mean the previous years and the new torso bone from the beast that gave her her 6th ring.

Right now I don't doubt she can wipe the floor with some half-assed rank 80 or maybe even some weak ass Titled Douluo, mine and Allessa training regimen really did wonders for our daughter. Now she is both more feminine and more muscular. If that was even possible in the first place.

There are also the teachers, but none of them had this great leap in strength like the kids. Only Yu Xiaogang thought, the guy is already rank 80 and still going. But being the only guy that received my skill [Purify] two times, I can guess where this speed of his is coming from.

Liu Erlong also earned her first [Purify] due to her incredible contributions and effort in teaching. That also made her martial soul evolve into a Dragon King variant, and she became one of the strongest people in the castle, heck she could almost fight Bibi Dong of that time to a standstill.

Flander also earned his [Purify] making his previous martial soul also become a King variant, this caused some problems with Hongjun's seeing as he also has a King variant, but after getting used to the changes Flander was able to reign his martial soul in.

Bibi Dong that can also be considered a member of the staff, also earned her [Purify] just two months before the kids got back. Her martial soul, to the absolute surprise of everyone, didn't become a King variant, but an Arachne variant. Quite powerful indeed, now her poisons can also cause illusion, and she can literally weave her webs with both to a frightening degree.

Zhao Wuji also eventually earned his [Purify]. He helped a lot of kids in the combat and physical conditioning classes using his gravity skill to help the kids become even physically stronger. His bear martial soul became a [Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear], he almost cried in happiness at such an event.

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