Mokuton Authority

Chapter 222 - Time Skip of the Outside Team.

If I had to evaluate the power system of this universe my first response would be: Awsome, But if you asked me today my answer would definitely be: Strange. This happened simply because of the confusion the same of said system causes in almost everyone that read the novel, myself included.

Soul Power and Martial Soul have absolutely nothing to do with the soul, to begin with. You could call it Dorothy and it wouldn't change anything, so why did the original author in his infinity wisdom named it such? I have absolutely no clue besides inconsistency, in DD1 he called it Spirit Power and Martial Spirit, in DD2 he Called it Soul Power and Martial soul said nomenclature this world appears to be using, in DD3 and DD4 he went back to using the Spirit nomenclature. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51357953336334213 for visiting.

So what did this tell us? that the author is inconsistent? Perhaps. But I like to think about it in a different manner, in a more "Open Minded" way for a lack of better wording in my repertoire. Over the years I studied Martial Soul and Soul Power intensely, even if I use chakra instead of said world power system I still gave a Martial Soul, chakra based, Yes. But a martial soul nonetheless.

So studying a literal part of myself was paramount, if there is something Shinobi training taught me very well is that you NEED to know yourself well, your limitations, weakness, and strengths. Because a battle is not always decided by brute force alone, some times a battle is closer to a chess match than the usual power play, so Shinobi are trained to know their resources very well in a way they can use them with extreme efficiency in battle. I know I should be the last person in the universe to say this seeing my track record, but I still took those lessons extremely seriously. Thus my slight obsession with knowing my strength in a more precise form. That mistake with my Divine seed of multiplication was no joke, I may have enough excuses to bullshit and weasel answer in that case but I still felt incredibly bad I didn't notice something as blatant multiplication of my powers, I truly felt incredible lacking in that situation. So after said even I took even more care on examining and understanding my powers better, something like that shouldn't be allowed to happen a second time.

Now going back on the Martial Soul topic. At first, I thought Martial Soul was similar to a Zanpakutou my soul giving form, or something on those lines. But as you already expected I was proven wrong, my Martial Soul is simply a part of my being. As an example, you could say that my whole being is a coin, in one face of this coin you have me, and on the other, you have my [100,000,000Armed Radiant Golden Buddha].

So this also brought me to research about my soul, which is kind of weird since my spirit or my Yin should at least have some kind of relationship with the soul. This keeps rising more and more questions and I was growing increasingly confused. Thus I decided to ask my wife Allessa. Don't look at me like that, she is a genius and I bet she is as curious as me about a subject like this.

She definitely was. We researched and searched for some months and then we finally found an answer. We discovered that we have technically two souls, but at the same time we don't. The "core" soul is literally the core of your being, the most central of your self, your core, the cure is pure and around this core, we have its generated aura, its spirit, its Yin. There reside the memories and any other spiritual shenanigans you might think of.

My theory is that a shinigami when is simply composed of his Core generated aura the Reiatsu. They eventually learned how to wield and use said Reiatsu. But what about Zanpaktous? they are simply a crystallization and projection of a shinigami "core" in different forms of strength, the transitioning phase called "Asauchi" where the shinigami puts his essence in a complex creation made to transform and become said shinigami crystalized essence. Why do you think even after said sword break they can still call it back normally? because the sword is simply there to assist the shinigami crystalized essence at manifesting itself, the closes word to say at an Asauchi is would be "training wheels".

The next phase would be the Shikai or very accurately said Partial Release, which is when you have in your hands just a little part of your soul that bled through, and then we have the Bankai that is the total release, some times called the true release. With Bankai is when you literally pick up the whole of your soul and weaponizes it even more than before, you are literally wielding your soul as a weapon.

Wielding your soul as a weapon surely may be extremely dangerous right? No, on the contrary, when you wield your soul like that it gets immensely stronger, safer, and more resident than its normal state. You literally made your soul into a weapon instead of a formless thing like it was before, it's more protected and stronger than ever. Besides, you could literally actively strengthen your soul away and I mean way easier this way.

Sadly I and Allessa were only able to research this much info, which I had to say is pretty impressive considering we didn't exit the DD universe. We both have a ton of more questions that are left unanswered, this led of course to both of us unanimously agreeing to visit Bleach world after this one. The prospect of strengthening our souls something incredibly difficult to pass, if I had known about it earlier maybe I would- No, this world was an excellent choice, even if involuntary, but it was still excellent, my family got bigger, I made a lot of friends, and got stronger all the same, heck I am just a step before reaching godhood. The experiences I had here are irreplaceable.

I guess I better talk about Tang San and the others now, but I couldn't help but let my mind drift away for a bit. Hah, it almost happened again, maybe is age get getting to me? Anyway, Tang San could be said to be one of the people to have the biggest progress among everyone, his dedication to learn the [Clear Sky Clan] techniques something truly admirable.

The funny thing was of course the stupid surprised faces of his father when he "masters" a skill in record time even from the perspective of someone as talented as Tang Hao. I don't doubt if we did give this kid a year or maybe a bit more time he would undoubtedly develop a Hammer intent.

Hammer talent aside, his progress on cultivation is very astounding, Tang San has comfortably reached Rank 69. Just let that sink in, a boy that completely focused on Hammer training using his spare time to still train his others skills was able to attain such progress. I call it bullshit, but I guess if you combine my [Purify] to his soul beast heritage it is indeed possible for such a thing to happen.

Seeing his progress and the number of black soul rings Tang San possessed Tang Hao had the idea to start filling his [Clear Sky Hammer] with some older black colored soul rings. But Tang San immediately shot him down saying he pretended to fill his hammer with only red-colored soul rings. Tang Hao was impressed with his son ambitions and accepted it with a smile on his face, it would be quite the sight to see a [clear Sky Hammer] with only Red soul rings, quite the sight.

Then there was the City of Massacre episode. More or less what canonically happened, just that Tang San performance was way more impressive this time making that spirit hall girl quite wary of him, thus not inviting him to hunt with her group.

The hunt was of course to hunt Xiao Wu, which Tang San wouldn't even be aware of if I didn't send quite the convenient and shot [Telepathic] message. And if you have been thinking Xiao Wu would die like in canon you are sorely mistaken.

What happened in canon was that both Titled Douluos held back the beast while the rest of their team hunted it, so tang San fought them desperately pushing himself overall limits to save Xiao Wu sadly ultimately failing in the end when she sacrificed herself giving him a new soul ring thus making him strong enough to escape.

Like in canon Xiao Wu called the [Titan Giant Great Ape], but this time the Creepy Douluo was dead, so he couldn't use his soul fusion skill with the Flower Trap Douluo to trap the [Titan Giant Great Ape] that Xiao Wu called.

And Tang San being literally leagues above his canon counterpart utterly decimated the team that was fighting him, Xiao Wu also helped him kick ass and show those spirit hall grunts who is boss. the end result was a very beaten and broken Flower Trap Douluo that run away with his tail between his leg, a very dead and afraid spirit hall team that didn't hesitate in running away too. On the other side, we have an extremely happy Tang San that received a deep kiss from Xiao Wu as a reward, and a smiling giant gorilla that is by all intents and purposes Xiao Wu parent.

After that Tang San decided to show Xiao Wu to his parents, It was a pretty sweet family reunion not gonna lie. Now that I think about it, I could probably advance ah Yin period of recovery with my Mokuton and Yang Release, worth a shot. But before doing something like that I should at least talk with the family first, definitely the first thing I am gonna do when they come back.

After that they had a rollercoaster of emotions mixed with family time, Xiao wu and tang San decide to not separate until they could come back, and so they trained the last day till departure together.

Xiao Wu's training was strange as she is literally the oldest among us she doesn't have that many skills to train, but somehow she developed a completely wacky intent called Soft Beast intent, but even with a name like that it was incredibly powerful. And that was just in her first year, of course, she didn't let this opportunity slip and claimed the [Haki] training manual as rewards, thus she spent the next two years training [Haki] and cultivating until Tang San appeared.

Her training may look simple, and it really is, but that is exactly what makes it so efficient. she didn't spread herself thing trying to master a million different skill but focused on just those three things, so we could say she had progress almost equal to Tang San stopping at rank 67.

Mubai and Zuqing had what I could call a typical noble life these three years. They attended events socializing and making contacts with the people of the kingdom while also training to the bone. their progress was pretty great as they gained a lot more knowledge about their martial souls while also improving their cultivation towards rank 65. They were also the second and third best respectively at doing missions when they were away, everyone did one or other, but they were especially efficient in doing almost one mission every week.

fi you are wondering who was the best mission doer while away that achievement went to Oscar. He took the wandering hero persona to heart and traveled great length in the continent, he saw deserts of sand and snow, forest of pines and grasslands, different villages and cultures. always on the move, always training, always doing missions, he didn't stop even to take a breath in one of the more touristic towns, he just continued training and improving. Thus he was able to reach the rank of 66.

Unsurprisilign he was able to get a spear intent one and half years in his training journey. Immediately claiming the [Haki] manuals as his rightful prize, thus he started learning them, sadly even with all the time he dedicated to it he still is way too green on it when compared to Xiao Wu. The Will of 100k years old beast is no joke after all.

Rongrong was the one with the least progress reaching only the rank of 63, but while her cultivation progress was slower when compared to her friends her progress with the bow and her support abilities were nothing short of astounding. Sadly for her, she is still a step away from reaching the Bow/arrow intent, but her progress is still admirable.

One thing that helped her a lot was that her Sword Granpa keeps giving tips on how he developed on the way for the sword so it's not surprising that her progress was pretty neat.

Talking about the Sword Douluo. He kind of wiped the floor with the spirit hall Titled Douluo they sent to attack the clan. He utterly decimated them showing the world the might of someone of rank 97 the was a real beast by this world standards.

This also made me remember that the attack on the [Blue Lighting Tyrant Dragon] clan failed miserably. Seeing thee attack coming Old dragon the patriarch of the clan called for help from Shrek. Only Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong went. They wiped out the spirit hall troops and Douluos.

That day they both got Know as Blazing Dragon Douluo and Radiant Dragon Douluo even grandmaster not officially being the rank. But rumors don't care about details. Grandmaster was also received back at the clan with open arms and his marriage with Liu Erlong received the Blessing from the Old Dragon. They came back way happier than when they went out.

Min Ren's progress was also quite impressive, he returned back to his birth village and started a rigorous training regimen. He explored the mountains around while also training himself among the multitude of beasts in them, he did indeed went to the Sky Temple and discovered some more things about eh Sky God, dare is ay some pretty wacky things that are definitely gonna change the future.

He also reached rank 69 like Tang San showing that his [Mega Rayquaza] is really a top-notch martial soul, he also did recreate most of Rayquaza the Pokemon moves, Draco Meteor, and Dragon Ascension are a sight to behold. His training was very fruitful, but sadly he didn't focus much on any type of weapon so he is pretty far from developing and intent, in another not he is pretty efficient when the fights so I don't have much to complain about when I see him again.

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